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Enhancing Typography: Exploring CSS Text Effects

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) play a crucial role in shaping the visual appeal of web content. Among the myriad of CSS properties, text-related effects hold a special place in refining the overall design and readability of a webpage. In this article, we will delve into four essential CSS text effects: text-overflow, word-wrap, word-break, and writing-mode. Each of these properties serves a distinct purpose in enhancing the presentation of text on the web.
read more: CSS Text Effects

  1. text-overflow:

The text-overflow property addresses the challenge of dealing with overflowing text within a constrained space. It provides a solution for situations where text content exceeds the width of its container, causing part of the text to be hidden. By applying text-overflow, you can define how the overflowed text should be handled.


.overflow-example {
  white-space: nowrap;
  overflow: hidden;
  text-overflow: ellipsis;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

In this example, the text within the .overflow-example container will not wrap onto the next line, and any overflowing content will be hidden with an ellipsis (...), indicating there's more text to be revealed on interaction.

  1. word-wrap:

The word-wrap property enables control over how words should be broken and wrapped within a container when they extend beyond the container's width.


.word-wrap-example {
  word-wrap: break-word;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Here, the .word-wrap-example container ensures that long words are broken and wrapped onto the next line, preventing horizontal overflow. This is particularly useful when dealing with URLs or lengthy content.

  1. word-break:

While word-wrap handles the wrapping of words, the word-break property focuses on controlling the breaking behavior of words and characters within a line.


.word-break-example {
  word-break: break-all;
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In this example, the .word-break-example container allows words to break at any character, ensuring that long words or URLs do not disrupt the layout by breaking at appropriate points.

  1. writing-mode:

The writing-mode property is particularly beneficial for handling languages that are written vertically or require a different text flow orientation.


.vertical-text-example {
  writing-mode: vertical-lr;
  text-orientation: upright;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Here, the .vertical-text-example container rotates the text 90 degrees, making it flow vertically from left to right. This is commonly used for East Asian languages like Japanese or Chinese.


CSS text effects such as text-overflow, word-wrap, word-break, and writing-mode offer powerful tools to fine-tune the presentation and layout of text on a webpage. By leveraging these properties, web developers can create visually appealing and user-friendly designs, ensuring that text content is not only readable but also aesthetically pleasing. Experimenting with these properties will allow developers to tailor their web typography to suit specific design requirements and improve overall user experience.

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