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5 Reasons for Choosing an Agile Approach for Software Development Project

An agile approach is the most used development trend in software companies. For a software development project, the agile scrum method is used to help build a successful and relevant end product. The team effort in agile development methodology is the most critical aspect. Agile methodology is applicable in any department of the business or a company. The completion and scope of a project are easily achievable with a proper project roadmap. This roadmap is given by the agile methodology and this is the reason that a large number of software companies are using it to deliver their project. Such projects include a complete scheme at a specified deadline and are itself the proof of significant effort.

All the project requirements are fulfilled with a proper follow of agile methodology. From functional and non-functional requirements to API integration to information security. All the software development project needs are delivered with responsibility. On the other hand, if compare it with waterfall methodology, the market is changing continuously, the competitors and requirements are varying constantly with time. One cannot follow the specified roadmap and foresee what the client actually wants. The traditional waterfall methodology does not overlap with the way how real-life actually works. This is the biggest disadvantage and the reason why companies prefer agile development methodology on the waterfall.

The agile development approach assists companies to move with the trend, move according to what actually is in demand of the market today. The user’s and market needs are only entertained with this proposition. The requirements are easy to cater to it throughout the development cycle.
Below are some major reasons which make agile development method a demand for software companies:

Reason#1 Quick Feedback Incorporation

The changes in the development project are easily victualed if the software development methodology is ‘agile’. The changes are most often the result of receiving and giving feedback to the development team. It does not matter how fast a product is delivered if it is not fulfilling the demanding specifications, the hard work is of no use. All the features in the software project must be catered in the agile sprints. As the feedback has grand importance, without this one cannot put effort into something. Feedback helps you to use the software assets in an efficient manner and incorporate them before the next sprint meeting. This cycle helps in healthy meetings and better incorporation of the requirements been requested from the client-side. Quick feedback incorporation is the reason for the adoption of an agile practice while developing a full-fledge software project.

Reason#2 Better Software Project Organization

Agile development means automation and efficiency. The sprints help in better organization of a project. Sprint plannings, sprint meetings, sprint review, etc. have a purpose behind them. Each member of the team is focused on the goal, the idea of the project is thin, each member knows the amount of effort it needs to put into the project and meet the demands.
This is the key to impress the stakeholders with an exceptional working strategy and end product. Following are the basic key points which are required to organize the project better:
The very first step that should be considered is that, enlist the functionalities of the project
Use organization tools that could help in better management of time and tasks
Prioritize the duties
Assign tasks to the appropriate person in the team
Evaluate them, provide feedback
Restructure tasks to get an idea about what is done and needs more attention

Reason#3 Team Building

Building an agile team is very important for the development of a successful software project. It takes time to create a healthy and engaging environment among the team. The members need to focus on the purpose of the project by putting extra effort into it. The vision should be clear enough to achieve the goals. The working strategy should be designed such that it consolidates the team effort with the right processes. For this there are several stages;

  1. Forming stage: In this stage, team members need to know each other, share useful information, and note down the rules which need to be followed throughout the project timeline.
  2. Storming stage: In this stage, team members need to follow certain guidelines and goals to keep themselves on the same page.
  3. Norming stage: this stage the most important stage in the agile development, it demands a remarkable strategy to work on, the roadmap according to which the whole tenure would work. This will help in determining the shared value of the project and keep it onto the track of success.
  4. Performing stage: In this stage, team members collaborate with each other and work on a shared product to create value in the market.

All these stages include the sharing of different ideas, methods and working strategies. Such a healthy environment contributes to the ideal development project.

Reason#4 Efficient Use of Tools

In teamwork, there is a need to have a look at the tasks each member performs, how tasks are categorized and what should be working strategy to be followed by each member. Software development requires tools to manage the project efficiently. This would help in:

  • Understanding the project
  • Categorizing the requirements of the project
  • Prioritizing the tasks
  • Assigning the tasks to the appropriate person in the team
  • Following the project timeline efficiently
  • To markdown the tasks which are done so that each member knows the productivity level of the project and maintain the working pace accordingly

Software companies adopt such management ways that are part of the agile methodology. To stay focused and determined, this is a crucial step for the development team that helps them follow a track.

Reason#5 High Productivity Level

The major benefit of choosing an agile development is to boost up the productivity level of the company. The team has clear goals, the timeline is decided and each member of the team knows his particular tasks. In case any programmer needs time to learn some new programming language or method, the project agenda would clear the timeline in which the developer needs to complete the learning process quickly. This clear vision is definitely contributing to the increase in the productivity of the team.

Top comments (8)

yaser profile image
Yaser Al-Najjar • Edited

Nice article, Emily!

I really love agile and its frameworks.

Just one thing about "how agile can go wrong":

It's when people interpret agile as just building software continuously (Scrum aka: sprints) without focusing on business goals!

I saw tons of features in many apps and websites that are totally useless and it's because of the "agile mindset".

emily3103 profile image

Yes, Yaser, you are right. My opinion is, that it depends on the requirements of the project.
Maybe the project developer is trying to fit in his project with agile methodology, where there is not actually need for it. The requirements are simpler and might not be compatible with the scrum development method.

pavlosisaris profile image
Paul Isaris

A counter-reason could easily be a "lazy" client. Agile requires all stakeholders to be professional about the project. Usually what happens is that traditional clients turn the process into a "Waterscrumfall" :/

emily3103 profile image

Exactly, that's true. There is always some flexibility depending upon the demands and circumstances of a project.

simbo1905 profile image
Simon Massey

I recommend that folks consider that ”faux agile”, ”wagile” and ”water-scrum-fall” are a common problem. Here is a video by Martin Fowler doing the keynote speech at an agile conference

The agile manifesto and values are what everyone needs to study unfortunately the Agile with a capital A industry wants to sell you process and tools and how to predict based on a plan. As business communication and customer communication is contextual and hard they often avoid it and it is overlooked.

The situation is so bad one of the people who drafted and signed the manifesto did a video ”agile is dead”

So all in all tread carefully folks - don't do water-scrum-fall or Wagile. Read the agile values and recognize that calling a process agile and doing ceremonies isn't the same as living the values and achieving what the manifesto promises.

rubenfppinto profile image
Ruben Pinto

Nice article. Thank you!! What agile books would you recommend getting?

emily3103 profile image

Thanks, Ruben.

The agile book I like the most is 'The epic Guide to Agile'. There are many other books related to software development but not specifically Agile related. They have some portions dedicated to Agile methodology.

rubenfppinto profile image
Ruben Pinto • Edited

Thank you. Yeah that’s what I am looking for! More agile focused