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Ricky White
Ricky White

Posted on

From Python to C#

It looks like I'll be helping a friend with a contract he has, and I'd be the main developer, which is great. But it's a .NET / Winforms gig, and I'm a Python developer.

So I need to get up to speed quickly. Can anyone name any good resources, aside from msdn/channel 9/MVA? Not looking for hand holding type stuff, a quick pace is fine.

Cheers in advance.

Top comments (9)

tux0r profile image

You'll have to jump quite widely from Python to C#. But chances are you'll stay. LINQ is a wonderful thing and I find it sad that no non-Lisp language has something that comes close.

endlesstrax profile image
Ricky White

Thanks. I did dabble in .net core 1.1 when it came out, so it's not entirely new to me. But I probably remember less than I think. πŸ˜‚

Any resources you'd recommend?

tux0r profile image

MSDN, actually.

alanmbarr profile image
Alan Barr

The official docs are pretty good especially anything at the old docs at msdn are hit and miss.

saint4eva profile image
saint4eva or Those are good resources to start with .NET/ C#

sam_ferree profile image
Sam Ferree

Pluralsight has a lot of C# (and a ten day free trial)... They have a couple courses on winforms but one of them is in VB.NET

endlesstrax profile image
Ricky White

Thanks. I have access to pluralsight, so I'll definitely check them out further.

desizoy profile image

for x in range(len(ans)):
if x!=len(ans)-1:
print (ans[x],end=" ")
else :
print (ans[x])

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