KubeCon Europe 2020 has been a massive virtual event this year. The price was incredibly low (no travel, no accomodation, lower ticket cost) so it was very accessible.
18k+ attendees gathered online to follow the massive schedule available!
I attended all 4 days of the conference, here is my retrospective.
The quality of content and the number of talks was impressive. My schedule had around 60 different talks I were interested in đľ I couldn't attend all, but I'll do my best to watch the recording.
A word of mention to the staff, the platform was good, the Slack workspace was massive and very active and the overall experience has been very nice for such a massive event. All talks were registered with a final QA live session, then the discussion continue in the thematic Slack channels, one for each content track.
This year I dedicated my time on hands-on tracks (like AppDev, Security, Observability, Networking, ...) but there was a huge spot for meeting maintainers and sponsors where you could actively engage with the community. I guess I'll dedicate more time on that the next year!
I've added Youtube embed for videos of talks I watched but you can find all videos in KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2020 - Virtual YouTube playlist. Videos don't have the questions and answers section included, but if you navigate to the talk page and look for Closed Caption Transcript you should be able to read them.
Let's dive in!
Day 1
The first day has been introductory. I skimmed around lighting talks and some tutorials.
The talk that hit home was "KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 101: A Beginnerâs Guide to The Conference" by Karen Chu & Michelle Noorali. Is your first KubeCon? Fear no more, as this talk can guide you around giving you a warm welcome in the KubeCon community.
The journey will continue in the next post from this series!
Did you attend KubeCon EU 2020? If yes share your thoughts in the comments! I'd love to know.
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