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Ben Read
Ben Read

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Learning serverless with Webiny

Webiny ( is a new CMS in the market, one that seeks to compete with other well-established headless CMS platforms and existing apps. But I've also come to enjoy using it for another reason: it's helping me learn how to apply principles of Serverless application architecture.

I've spent a great deal of time over the past 2 years around the CMS space. I am particularly focused in self-hosted, javascript-based CMSes. I had already created sites with both Ghost and Strapi, two very competent systems with content APIs.

Very recently, I came across Webiny, a hosted platform which recently pivoted to become a self-hosted product, and which has the interesting selling proposition of being a "serverless" CMS.

Why I think serverless matters

There's a lot of buzz around the word "serverless" in my world recently, and for good reasons. Although some are keen to point out that the term doesn't technically mean you're not using servers, it does have the strong advantage that you only pay for what you use, and if you don't exceed often generous free initial offerings, you don't pay for the product ... at all.

This is how Heroku got so popular. It can afford to give you the space to create an app, knowing that past a certain point it can be destroyed, saving on computing expenses. Your app can then be spun up at some point in the future when called upon at the cost of a minute of two of time.

Companies today spend a huge amount of money running servers constantly, even when there's nobody using their services. Imagine if you didn't have to pay for that downtime?

That's why I think serverless is going to become an increasingly large player in the devops space in the next few years.

Webiny: truly "serverless"?

Unless your CMS is git-based tool, such as NetlifyCMS, Tina or Forestry, your content needs to be stored on a database somewhere. And therein lies a weakness of any CMS: it depends on writes to one single database, which you could argue doesn't scale hugely well.

Webiny is no exception: it has connectors for different databases, and I've used Mongo's hosted service "Atlas" for mine. However does that mean it doesn't truly fit into the "serverless" paradigm?

I would argue that it does. And this reveals some of the underlying arguments around the semantics of what "serverless" means. To some people, the term only refers to lambda functions, and not to other things like the authentication service, or the file storage system.

However, for me, "serverless" means a disparate collection of interrelated services, tied together by common use. By this definition, the file storage system, the authentication service, the database, and everything else, constitutes a serverless application ... i mean, tool ... I mean, whatever.

How Webiny helped me learn about serverless

Although you can create serverless applications using the online interfaces given to you by different providers, it's real strength is in allowing you to programmatically create your services as you go.

This is incredibly powerful. Here's my Webiny application code:

name: webiny-apps-xxxxxxx

  region: ${env.AWS_REGION}

  component: "@webiny/serverless-app"
    description: Webiny Site
    region: ${vars.region}
    memory: 128
    timeout: 30
    code: ./site/build
      SSR_FUNCTION: ${}

  component: "@webiny/serverless-function"
    description: Site SSR
    region: ${vars.region}
    hook: yarn build:${cli.env}
    root: ./site
    code: ./site/build-ssr
    handler: handler.handler
    memory: 2048
    timeout: 30

  component: "@webiny/serverless-app"
    region: ${vars.region}
    description: Webiny Admin
    hook: yarn build:${cli.env}
    root: ./admin

  component: "@webiny/serverless-api-gateway"
    name: Apps Gateway
    binaryMediaTypes: ["*/*"]
    description: Serverless React Apps
      - path: /admin/{key+}
        method: GET
        function: ${admin}
      - path: /admin
        method: GET
        function: ${admin}
      - path: /{key+}
        method: GET
        function: ${site}
      - path: /
        method: GET
        function: ${site}

  component: "@webiny/serverless-aws-cloudfront"
      - url: ${api.url}

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

I'm not going to break down everything, but you might be able to recognise different services for "site", "ssr", "admin", "api" and "cdn", etc, which are variously the API gateway, the admin interface, the frontend static site, and some lambda functions.

They all tie together to make the backend interface work, and to compile a static site hosted on S3.

And if I log into my AWS dashboard, I can see these services there too ... I mention that just because I have a visual kind of brain.

This idea, of "infrastructure as code" means your applications are truly portable: you can destroy it and re-create it from its blueprint using the code you've written.

And with the amount I use my Webiny CMS, I'm probably not going to need to pay anything for it.

Try it out!

I highly recommend giving Webiny a spin. The product is in early stages but is already quite promising. It's nice that as JavaScript developers, we have a good range of choice between this, the rising star Strapi, and the very mature Ghost.

What do you think of it? Let me know!

this post was originally published on my website at

Top comments (7)

allanleonardjr profile image
JR Leonard

Thanks Ben, this project caught my eye a few days ago.
What does your monthly AWS costs (to run Webiny) look like?

endymion1818 profile image
Ben Read

Hi JR, I haven't got any info since I don't have a major application in production, just working on a simple blogging site ... I see you've joined the Slack channel, I'm sure if you ask there someone will likely have some figures they could share.

allanleonardjr profile image
JR Leonard

Thanks Ben, I'll ask around in the Slack channel. Curious though, what kind of cost is your simple blogging site incurring?

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endymion1818 profile image
Ben Read

Zero currently.

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allanleonardjr profile image
JR Leonard

Awesome, thanks!

brorio profile image
Göran B Svensson • Edited

I don't think it's useful for just a simple blog, then it's a bit overkill, especially after the first year...

I did a cost estimate for v5 and Elastic search and Cloud Watch stand out:

But they are working to make it pluggable. They also use Pulumi so it's very interesting.

endymion1818 profile image
Ben Read

Hi Goran! You might be interested to know they now have a DynamoDB-only version which means no elasticSearch. I have finally received charges from AWS for the past 3 months, each time the bill was below $1.00 US.