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ebube samuel nworie
ebube samuel nworie

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Best practices to become a job-ready developer in 2023

Picking a skill to learn is quite easy but becoming job ready with that skill is quite hard because it requires dedication and diligence to perfect the skill, it also requires knowing how to look for job opportunities to land yourself a job. In this article, you'll learn how to become a job ready developer, no matter your tech career field.

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Table of contents

  • Pick the right career path
  • Use online resources to get a learning roadmap
  • Get online or offline learning resources
  • Build projects
  • Build problem solving skills
  • Join tech communities
  • Apply for jobs and internships
  • Conclusion

Pick the right career path
This is the first step to become a professional in any field, pick a career path that suits what you want to achieve. There are numerous career paths in tech ranging from coding careers to no code careers. Search online to see what the job requirements for your chosen career is.

Use online resources to get learning roadmap
Use online resources like, blog articles, YouTube videos, or ask professionals in the field to get a definite learning track for your chosen field.

Get online or offline learning resources
After getting a roadmap for your learning, next is to get the learning resources to teach you. There are online platforms both free and paid to access these materials like YouTube, Udemy, edx, Coursera, codecacemy, freecodecamp etc. Ensure you check the reviews of the course before learning from the material.

Build projects
The best way to get a hold of the knowledge you've learnt is by building projects. Build as many projects as possible and add them to an online portfolio such as GitHub, behance, netlify to enable potential employers see what you've done.

Build problem solving skills
Develop your problem solving skills by using online resources like leetcode and hackerrank. Employers look out for candidates with good problem solving skills.

Join tech communities
Joining and volunteering for tech communities is a good way to meet other professionals in your field and get help to land yourself a job.

Apply for jobs and internships
Apply to as many internship and job openings as possible, use platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter and job boards to know when there is a new job opportunity.

In conclusion, become familiar with the required skills needed to become a professional in your field and apply for as many job opportunities as possible.

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