DEV Community

Evangelos Meklis
Evangelos Meklis

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My first open-source project built with Python to inspect databases through CLI fast

What my problem was:

While working on other projects, I found myself always having to connect and use SELECT * to see dummy entries or new users. I favored the CLI for monitoring my database entries, especially because I was testing and just adding dummy users + our first normal users in projects. So it became a bit tiring always having to connect to postgres, mysql and give select * queries from the CLI. That's why I decided to build an open-source project that would solve this issue for me.

What My Project Does:

peepDB is a CLI tool designed for rapid database table inspection without writing SQL. It supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MariaDB, allowing users to view all tables or a specific table with simple commands. The tool securely stores connection details, provides output in formatted table or JSON format.

Target Audience:

peepDB is aimed at developers debugging database-driven applications, DBAs performing quick checks or audits, data analysts exploring table structures, and those learning about databases who want an easy way to explore data. It's suitable for use in both development and production environments, providing a versatile tool for various database inspection needs.


peepDB distinguishes itself from alternatives by focusing solely on quick table viewing, supporting multiple databases out-of-the-box, and securely storing connection details. It requires no SQL knowledge to use, has a minimal footprint compared to larger database management tools, and offers both CLI and Python library interfaces for flexibility.

Please feel free to send me recommendations and/or contribute:

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