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What is Kubernetes (K8s)

I know you must have heard about the almighty Kubernetes right? and you have been wondering what it is, the problem it's solving right? Don't worry, I will explain everything for you here.

What is Kubernetes
Kubernetes is an orchestration system that automatically enables deployment,scaling (both up and down)and management of containerized applications. Kubernetes was first announced by Google in mid 2014, this system was created by Google engineers like Joe Beda, Brendan Burns and the rest. But currently, Kubernetes is being managed by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).

Kubernetes helps you to manage your containerized applications automatically. What are containerized applications? Containerized applications are software applications that has been packaged in a container. This involves putting your code, runtime, system tools, libraries, settings etc in a containerization technologies like Docker.

Now image you have lots of files on your desk, and each of this files contains different important informations but you can't easily identify each of the files. What Kubernetes helps you to do is that it will serve like a file organizer for you, it helps to keep each files in the right place and make it easier for you to easily identify each file.

In a professional settings, Kubernetes will put all of the containerized applications into what we call cluster.
If one of the node in the cluster fails, Kubernetes will automatically carryout what we call "self-healing", where it will reschedule the containers running on that node to other healthy nodes in the cluster.

Now you have seen why Kubernetes is becoming so popular these days. Now let me comprehensively list the importance of using Kubernetes.

  1. Automatic deployment.

  2. Self-healing.

  3. Resource management.

  4. Scalability.

  5. Batch execution.

  6. Service discovery and load

Hope I have explained what Kubernetes is, it's functions and why you should use it. Hope you really understand everything I wrote in this article, drop your questions below if you have any. Happy coding 😊!

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