This Study Course is designed to help you pass the Solutions Architect Associate. It was recorded at the end of 2019 so if you're in 2020 you can absolutely use this course for study.
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P.S.S.S. I strongly recommend you also use my Free CCP Study Course which compliment this course and has such content I do not cover here such as:
- How to Setup an AWS Account
- How to not get Overbilled
- How to Book The Exam
⭐Course Content ⭐
☁️ Introduction
🎤 Meet your Instructor
🎤 Exam Guide Overview
🎤 Why Get the Solutions Architect Associate
☁️ S3
🎤 Introduction
🎤 Storage Classes
🎤 Storage Class Comparsion
🎤 Security
🎤 Encryption
🎤 Data Consistency
🎤 Cross-Region Replication
🎤 Versioning
🎤 Lifecycle Management
🎤 Transfer Acceleration
🎤 Presigned URLs
🎤 MFA Delete
⌨️ Follow Along - Create & Delete a Bucket
⌨️ Follow Along - Upload Files & Make Public
⌨️ Follow Along - Versioning
⌨️ Follow Along - Encryption
⌨️ Follow Along - CLI
⌨️ Follow Along - Lifecycle Policies
⌨️ Follow Along - Cross Region Replication
⌨️ Follow Along - Bucket Policies
☁️ Snowball
🎤 Snowballl
🎤 Snowball Edge
🎤 Snowmobile
☁️ VPC
🎤 Introduction
🎤 Core Components
🎤 Key Features
🎤 Default VPC
🎤 Default Everywhere IP
🎤 VPC Peering
🎤 Route Tables
🎤 Internet Gateway
🎤 Bastions / Jumpbox
🎤 Direct Connect
☁️ VPC Endpoints
🎤 Introduction
🎤 Interface Endpoints
🎤 Gateway Endpoints
📓 Cheatsheet
☁️ VPC Flow Logs
🎤 Introduction
🎤 Log Breakdown
📓 Cheatsheet
🎤 Introduction
🎤 Use Case
📓 Cheat Sheet
☁️ Security Groups
🎤 Introduction
🎤 Use Cases
🎤 Limits
📓 Cheat Sheet
☁️ NAT
🎤 Introduction
🎤 NAT Instances vs NAT Gateways
📓 Cheatsheet
☁️ VPC Follow Along
⌨️ Create VPC, IGW, Route Tables and Subnets
⌨️ Launch an EC2 Instance
⌨️ Groups, NACL and Bastion
⌨️ NAT
⌨️ VPC Endpoints
⌨️ Flow Logs
⌨️ Cleanup
☁️ IAM
🎤 Introduction
🎤 Core Components
🎤 Types of Policies
🎤 Policy Structure
🎤 Password Policy
🎤 Access Keys
🎤 Mulit Factor Authenication
⌨️ Follow Along - IAM
📓 Cheat Sheet
☁️ Cognito
🎤 Introduction
🎤 Web Identity Federation
🎤 User Pools
🎤 Identity Pools
🎤 Sync
📓 Cheat Sheet
🎤 Command Line Interface (CLI)
🎤 Software Development Kit (SDK)
🎤 Programmatic Access
⌨️ Follow Along - Cloud 9 and CLI Setup
⌨️ Follow Along - CLI
⌨️ Follow Along - SDK
📓 CLI & SDK Cheat Sheet
☁️ DNS
🎤 Introduction
🎤 Internet Protocol (IP)
🎤 Domain Registrars
🎤 Top-Level Domains
🎤 Start of Authority (SOA)
🎤 A Records
🎤 CNAME Records
🎤 NS Records
🎤 Time To Live (TTL)
📓 Cheat Sheet
☁️ Route 53
🎤 Introduction
🎤 Use Case
🎤 Record Sets
🎤 Routing Policies
🎤 Simple Routing Policies
🎤 Weighted Routing Policies
🎤 Latency Based Routing
🎤 Failover Routing Policies
🎤 Geolocation Routing Policies
🎤 Geoproximity Routing Policies
🎤 Multi-Value Answer Policies
🎤 Health Checks
🎤 Resolver
📓 Cheat Sheet
☁️ EC2
🎤 Introduction
🎤 Instance Types
🎤 Instance Sizes
🎤 Instance Profiles
🎤 Placement Groups
🎤 Userdata
🎤 Metadata
📓 EC2 Cheat Sheet
☁️ EC2 - Pricing
🎤 Introduction
🎤 On-Demand Instances
🎤 Reserved Instances
🎤 Spot Instances
🎤 Dedicated Host Instances
📓 EC2 Pricing Cheat Sheet
☁️ AMI
🎤 Introduction
🎤 Use Cases
🎤 Marketplace
🎤 Choosing an AMI
🎤 Create an AMI
🎤 Coping an AMI
📓 AMI Cheat Sheet
☁️ Auto Scaling Groups
🎤 Introduction
🎤 Capacity Settings
🎤 Health Check Replacements
🎤 Scaling Policies
🎤 ELB Integration
🎤 Use Case
🎤 Launch Configuration
📓 Autoscaling Groups Cheat Sheet
☁️ ELB
🎤 Introduction
🎤 Rules of Traffic
🎤 Application Load Balancer (ALB)
🎤 Network Load Balancer (NLB)
🎤 Classic Load Balancer (CLB)
🎤 Sticky Sessions
🎤 X-Forwarded-For Header
🎤 Health Checks
🎤 Cross-Zone Load Balancing
🎤 Request Routing
📓 ELB Cheat Sheet
☁️ EC2 Follow Along
⌨️ Launching an Instance
⌨️ Encrypted Snapshots
⌨️ Creating an AMI
⌨️ Working with ASGs
⌨️ Register a Domain
☁️ Elastic File System (EFS)
🎤 Introduction
⌨️ Follow Along - Mounting EFS
📓 EFS Cheat Sheet
☁️ Elastic Block Store (EBS)
🎤 Introduction
🎤 Volume Types
🎤 Medium HDD
🎤 Medium SSD
🎤 Magnetic Tapes
🎤 Moving Volumes
🎤 Encrypted Root Volumes
🎤 EBS vs Instance Store Volumes
📓 EBS Cheat Sheet
☁️ CloudFront
🎤 Introduction
🎤 Core Components
🎤 Distributions
🎤 Lambda@Edge
🎤 Protection
⌨️ Follow Along - Create a Distribution
⌨️ Follow Along - Serve S3 Files From Distribution
⌨️ Follow Along - Create an Invalidation
📓 CloudFront Cheat Sheet
☁️ RDS
🎤 Introduction
🎤 Encryption
🎤 Backups
🎤 Restoring Backups
🎤 Multi-AZ
🎤 Read Replicas
⌨️ Follow Along - Create an Instance
⌨️ Follow Along - Performance Insights
⌨️ Follow Along - Reserved Instances
⌨️ Follow Along - Working with Snapshots
⌨️ Follow Along - Aurora Serverless
📓 RDS Cheat Sheet
☁️ Aurora
🎤 Introduction
🎤 Scaling
🎤 Availability
🎤 Fault Tolerance & Durability
🎤 Replicas
🎤 Serverless
📓 Aurora Cheat Sheet
☁️ Redshift
🎤 Redshift
☁️ DynamoDB
🎤Table Structure
🎤Consistent Reads
📓 DynamoDB Cheat Sheet
☁️ CloudFormation
🎤 Introduction
🎤 Template Formats
🎤 Template Anatomy
🎤 QuickStarts
📓 CloudFormation Cheat Sheet
☁️ CloudWatch
🎤 Introduction
🎤 CloudWatch Logs
🎤 CloudWatch Metrics
🎤 Custom Metrics
🎤 CloudWatch Events
🎤 CloudWatch Alarms
🎤 CloudWatch Dashboards
🎤 Availability
🎤 Agent & Host Level Metrics
⌨️ CloudWatch Follow Along
📓 CloudWatch Cheat Sheet
☁️ CloudTrail
🎤 Introduction
🎤 Event History
🎤 Trail Options
🎤 CloudTrail to CloudWatch
🎤 Management vs Data Events
⌨️ Follow Along - CloudTrail Overview
⌨️ Follow Along - Create a Trail
⌨️ Follow Along - CloudTrail to CloudWatch
⌨️ Follow Along - Athena
📓 CloudTrail Cheat Sheet
☁️ Lambda
🎤 Introduction
🎤 Use Cases
🎤 Pricing
🎤 Triggers
🎤 Interface
🎤 Defaults and Limits
🎤 Cold Starts
📓 Lambda Cheat Sheet
☁️ SQS
🎤 Introduction
🎤 Use Case
🎤 Limits & Retention
🎤 Queue Types
🎤 Visibility Timeout
🎤 Short vs Long Polling
📓 SQS Cheat Sheet
☁️ SNS
🎤 Introduction
🎤 Topics
🎤 Subscriptions
🎤 Application As Subscriber
📓 Cheat Sheet
☁️ ElastiCache
🎤 Introduction
🎤 Caching Comparison
📓 ElastiCache Cheat Sheet
☁️ High Availability (HA)
🎤 High Availability (HA)
🎤 Scale Up and Scale Out
☁️ Elastic Beanstalk
🎤 Introduction
⌨️ Follow Along - Overview
⌨️ Follow Along - Prepare Archive
⌨️ Follow Along - Upload Archive
⌨️ Follow Along - Create a Web App
⌨️ Follow Along - Cleanup
📓 Cheat Sheet
__☁️ API Gateway_
🎤 Introduction
🎤 Key Features
🎤 Configuration Part 1
🎤 Configuration Part 2
🎤 Configuration Part 3
🎤 Caching
🎤 Same Origin Policy
📓 Cheat Sheet
☁️ Kinesis
🎤 Introduction
🎤 Data Streams
🎤 Data Analytics
🎤 Video Streams
🎤 Firehose
📓 Cheat Sheet
☁️ Serverless Follow Along
⌨️ Follow Along - Overview
⌨️ Follow Along - Setup Bucket
⌨️ Follow Along - SNS
⌨️ Follow Along - DynamoDB
⌨️ Follow Along - ACM, CloudFront, Route53
⌨️ Follow Along - Cloud 9 and Review Lambda
⌨️ Follow Along - Create and Test Lambda
⌨️ Follow Along - API Gateway
⌨️ Follow Along - Testing Production
⌨️ Follow Along - Cleanup
Top comments (20)
This project is amazing, nice job!!!!
This is really awesome. I don't know how to thank you.
Pass your exam 😎
Long live the king !
Very early on looking at the videos but great so far!
Just to let you know. I watched your full CCP videos and I passed the exam last week. Now ill get ready for the solution architect.thx to your videos.
Nice 😄, Do you have any resources for
AWS Certified Developer - Associate Exam
?Got it:
Thank you :)
Do you know what is the main difference between the 2 certificates?
Thanks !
Such great content, thank you for making this available for everyone, it was part of my prep for the CCP and locked in all the knowledge of the technologies I needed to pass.
Thank you so much🙏
Amazing, thank you so much.