✦ You’re working on a feature but need to switch branches without losing your work.
✦ You want to save your unfinished work temporarily to a separate place without committing it to your feature branch.
That’s where git stash helps! It lets you store your current changes and gives you a clean working directory, so you can switch tasks without losing any progress.
1. Stash changes:
Command: git stash
Description: Saves your local changes to a separate place and reverts your working directory to the last commit, allowing you to switch branches or work on something else.
Command: git stash push -m "stash message"
Store changes with message. Add a descriptive message so you can identify the work stored in the stash easily.
2. List saved stashes:
Command: git stash list
Description: Shows you a list of saved stashes which you can utilize again.
3. View Stashed Changes:
Command: git stash show stash@{n}
Description: View the changes stored in a specific stash. Stash are referenced by numbers. e.g. stash@{1}
4. Apply a specific stash:
To restore stashed changes you have two options:
Command: git stash apply stash@{n}
Description: Apply the changes and leave a copy in the stash.
Command: git stash pop stash@{n}
Description: Apply the changes and delete these changes from the stash.
If you don't use stash reference, you are working with the latest stash:
git stash apply
git stash pop
With git stash
, you can save, view, and restore changes whenever needed. Perfect for switching tasks!
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