What I built
An E-commerce web app build with Mongo-atlas. Inspiration gotten from Jumia
Category Submission:
Search No More: Build an application with full-text search capabilities using MongoDB Atlas and Atlas Search
App Link
An E-commerce app that allows full text search and search auto complete for thousands of products in MongoDB.
Products can be searched by product name. Products can be filtered by category. Search result can be selected, to view more about the product.
Link to Source Code
Permissive License
MIT License
(What made you decide to build this particular app? What inspired you?)
Jumia is one of the biggest E-commerce websites in Africa. Has millions of users and sellers uploading thousands of products daily. We decided to choose E-commerce so we can test how fast and easy it could be searching through huge database with MongoDB Full text search.
How I built it
(How did you utilize MongoDB Atlas? Did you learn something new along the way? Pick up a new skill?)
We built the app with React and Nodejs express, and then we created a database on Mongo-atlas platform.
After completing the coding part on the back end of the app, we then indexed the *"products collection" * we then used the "index name" to configure the search function on the backend.
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