DEV Community

Felipe Bock Magagnin
Felipe Bock Magagnin

Posted on

DevToolkitapp - What tools can I add to my website?

Hello, I'm Felpi, and I'm creating a small website to learn how Google SEO works. The website is a combination of all the tools that a developer needs in their day-to-day activities, such as:

  • Minifiers
  • Placeholder image generators
  • Data converters (e.g., XML -> JSON, Image -> Base64)

I don't intend to monetize the site or anything like that; I just find it fun to create it, and in the end, I'll have a site with a collection of cool tools and no ads.

I'm here to ask you what new tools I can add to the site, tools that you need in your daily activities and may not have access to or are only available on those ad-filled websites.

So, what tools do you think the site should have?

Website link:

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