DEV Community

[Comment from a deleted post]
ferkungamaboobo profile image
Doug R. Thomas, Esq.

I wouldn't be too worried if that's the case, to be honest. There's a lot of challenges to "team" authorship, and having fewer writers makes it easier to control voice and content planning.

One strategy to raise the profile of the team members without "team" authorship (if the team members want to have high profiles) might be to publish just in the company voice, using quotes/cameos of your team members individual contributions?

One critical thing to add is that blog-writing and editing should be a high-level on-the-clock task. I've made that mistake a lot of times personally, which meant stuff doesn't get published either by myself or by other teammates, because you just don't find the time to write, and the post quality is lower because you aren't taking your time.