So it was the second time when we had to turn markdown content to pdf in a project... so I simply extracted the relevant code, then I only had to put it into a shape so that it can be used in many ways.
Currently you can:
- add markdown content/files (even as a link)
- add style (css as link or text)
- generate pdf
- generate html
Please check it here:
turn markdown files to a PDF or HTML document
Upcoming stuff:
- use as a command line tool
- publish in maven central
All contributions are welcome :)
Top comments (15)
Hi, it's alway cool to see new open source projects on java. Thanks)
How does this compare to Pandoc?
Great. A handy tool to convert markdown to PDF and HTML as Java open source project. I also wrote to get started guide for markdown.
Nice tutorial! You could extend it with the topic of different markdown flavors :)
Great project ,
I also created a markdown converted 😻🥳
check md2urdu converter :
looking great! :) although I do not speak Urdu, it seems an interesting idea to translate files to another language :)
Yeah! i would like to extend this idea. maybe i will add support for different languages also , and it is vscode extension you can simplay install it by searching md2urdu .
I have two questions:
I have just edited readme. :) New location of the files:
Anyway, what are your plans on contribution? Feel free to open an issue :)
People of Java communitiy have been waiting so long for this!
This is a great idea. I've had to use a combo of Apache Velocity and iPDF in the past to accomplish this. Looking forward to checking this out
Hi, which Java version should I use to contribute? :)
Hi, it's built on top of Java 8 :)
I have a feeling that this is going to be real neat project. I've seen software like this, and it usually ends up looking really good