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João Victor
João Victor

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💡📖 Essential Git Commands: Your Go-To Cheat Sheet for Efficient Version Control

Git is essential for software development, allowing version control, effective collaboration among developers, and secure management of code changes. It facilitates tracking changes, reverting to previous versions, and integrating work from different team members, making the development process more organized and efficient. For more insights and to explore my other repositories or access this post in Portuguese, be sure to visit my GitHub profile at my GitHub.

🛠️ Commands

⚙️ Configuration and Setup

🔹 git config

Configures the user name, email, editor, and more.

Exemplo: `git config --global "Your Name"` sets the user name for all repositories.
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🔹 git init

Initializes a new local Git repository.

Exemplo: `git init` creates a new Git repository in the current directory.
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🗃️ Stage & Snapshot

🔹 git status

Shows the status of files (modified, untracked, etc.).

Exemplo: `git status` to see the current state of files.
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🔹 git add

Adds files to the stage for committing.

Exemplo: `git add .` adds all modified files to the stage.
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🔹 git commit

Commits the files from the stage and saves a snapshot of the project.

Exemplo: `git commit -m "message"` commits with a message.
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🌳 Branch & Merge

🔹 git branch

Lists, creates, or deletes branches.

Exemplo: `git branch new-branch` creates a new branch.
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🔹 git checkout

Switches to another branch or restores files.

Exemplo: `git checkout another-branch` switches to the specified branch.
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🔹 git merge

Merges histories of two branches.

Exemplo: `git merge another-branch` merges another-branch into the current branch.
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🔍 Inspection & Comparison

🔹 git log

Shows the commit history.

Exemplo: `git log` to see the commit history.
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🔹 git diff

Shows differences between commits, branches, etc.

Exemplo: `git diff` shows unstaged differences.
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📤 Share & Update

🔹 git remote

Manages a set of tracked repositories.

Exemplo: `git remote add origin URL` adds a new remote.
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🔹 git fetch

Downloads objects and refs from another repository.

Exemplo: `git fetch origin` updates the remote origin information.
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🔹 git push

Updates the remote repository with local commits.

Exemplo: `git push origin main` sends local commits to the main branch in the remote origin.
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🔹 git pull

Updates the local repository with the latest version from the remote.

Exemplo: `git pull origin main` updates the local with the remote.
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🚫 Undo

🔹 git revert

Reverts changes from a specific commit.

Exemplo: `git revert <commit-hash>` reverts the changes from the specified commit.
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🔹 git reset

Resets the HEAD to a previous state.

Exemplo: `git reset --hard HEAD~1` undoes the last commit and changes.
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🔹 git rm

Removes files from the index (stage) and working directory.

Exemplo: `git rm file.txt` removes the file from the working directory and the stage.
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🔹 git restore

Restores files from the stage or commit history.

Exemplo: `git restore file.txt` undoes changes in the file.
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🔹 git clean

Removes untracked files by Git.

Exemplo: `git clean -fd` removes untracked directories and files.
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🌐 Working with Remotes

🔹 git clone

Copies an existing Git repository.

Exemplo: `git clone <url>` clones the repository locally.
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🔹 git push (review)

Sends changes to the remote repository.

Exemplo: `git push origin main` sends local changes to the main branch in the remote.
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🔹 git pull (review)

Updates your local repository with the remote repository version.

Exemplo: `git pull origin main` pulls updates from main in the origin to the local.
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🚀 Advanced Management

🔹 git rebase

Reapplies commits on top of another base.

Exemplo: `git rebase main` reapplies the commits from the current branch on top of main.
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🔹 git blame

Shows who modified each line of a file.

Exemplo: `git blame file.txt` shows the line-by-line authorship.
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🔹 git show

Shows information about objects in Git.

Exemplo: `git show <commit-hash>` shows information about the commit.
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🔹 git log --graph

Displays the commit history as an ASCII graph.

Exemplo: `git log --graph` shows the structure of branches and merges.
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🔹 git stash

Temporarily saves local changes in a clean area.

Exemplo: `git stash push -m "message"` saves the current work with a message.
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🔹 git stash pop

Applies changes saved with git stash.

Exemplo: `git stash pop` applies the last stashed change.
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🔹 git cherry-pick

Applies a commit from another branch to the current branch.

Exemplo: `git cherry-pick <commit-hash>` applies the specified commit.
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🏷️ Tags

🔹 git tag

Lists, creates, or deletes tags.

Exemplo: `git tag v1.0.0` creates a tag to mark a version.
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🧩 Git Hooks

🔹 git hook

Scripts hooks triggered by important events.

Exemplo: Customize `.git/hooks/pre-commit` to run tests before each commit.
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📝 Reflog

🔹 git reflog

Shows a log of changes in the HEAD reference.

Exemplo: `git reflog` helps to find lost commits.
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🔗 Submodules

🔹 git submodule

Manages another repository within a repository as a submodule.

Exemplo: `git submodule add URL` adds a new submodule.
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🛠️ Debugging Tools

🔹 git bisect

Uses binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug.

Exemplo: `git bisect start` to start the bisect.
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🔧 Merge Tools

🔹 git mergetool

Opens a graphical tool to resolve merge conflicts.

Exemplo: `git mergetool` after a merge conflict.
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🌐 Working with Remotes

🔹 git remote show

Shows information about the remote repository.

Exemplo: `git remote show origin` shows details of the remote origin.
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🔹 git remote prune

Removes local references to deleted remote branches.

Exemplo: `git remote prune origin` cleans old references.
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🗂️ Git Archive

🔹 git archive

Creates an archive (like .tar or .zip) of commit trees.

Exemplo: `git archive --format zip --output /tmp/ HEAD` creates a zip file of the current state.
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🌳 Git Worktree

🔹 git worktree

Manages multiple worktrees linked to a repository.

Exemplo: `git worktree add ../new-directory branch` creates a new worktree.
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🛠️ Other Useful Commands

🔹 git ls-tree

Lists the contents of a commit tree.

Exemplo: `git ls-tree HEAD` shows the tree of the HEAD.
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🔹 git mv

Moves or renames a file, directory, or symlink.

Exemplo: `git mv old_file.txt new_file.txt`.
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🔹 git gc

Cleans unnecessary files and optimizes the local repository.

Exemplo: `git gc` to optimize the repository.
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🔹 git fsck

Checks the integrity of the Git filesystem.

Exemplo: `git fsck` to check for errors.
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🔹 git filter-branch

Rewrites branches.

Exemplo: `git filter-branch --tree-filter 'rm -f password.txt' HEAD` removes a file from the entire history.
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ℹ️ Information and Help

🔹 git help

Shows help for Git commands.

Exemplo: `git help commit` shows the help for the commit command.
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🔹 git version

Shows the installed Git version.

Exemplo: `git version` to see the current version.
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❌ Git Ignore

🔹 .gitignore

Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore.

Exemplo: Add `*.log` to .gitignore to ignore log files.
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📝 Git Attributes

🔹 .gitattributes

Allows defining attributes for specific paths.

Exemplo: Add `*.txt linguist-detectable=true` to .gitattributes.
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🗃️ LFS (Large File Storage) Management

🔹 git lfs track

Tracks large files with Git LFS.

Exemplo: `git lfs track "*.psd"` to track Photoshop files.
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🔹 git lfs ls-files

Lists all files tracked by Git LFS.

Exemplo: `git lfs ls-files` to see LFS files.
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🚀 Performance

🔹 git count-objects

Shows information about objects in the Git database.

Exemplo: `git count-objects` to see repository statistics.
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🌐 Networking

🔹 git daemon

Allows Git to be served as a daemon for stateless protocols.

Exemplo: `git daemon --reuseaddr --base-path=/path/to/repo --export-all --verbose` to serve a repository.
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🌳 Subtree

🔹 git subtree

Tool for subprojects, allows repositories within another.

Exemplo: `git subtree add --prefix=subproject subproject_repo master --squash` adds a subproject.
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