Case Study: Beauty And The Beast.
PlayNoise.js is a lightweight JavaScript library that enables music creation directly in the browser using Recorded Speech and YAML-based scores. It allows users to generate stereo audio and export it as WAV files, making it an excellent tool for web-based music and audio projects. Try it at
Generate Beauty and The Beast from YAML Scores
- Importing the necessary Javascript libries
<script src=""></script>
<script src="pn-library.js"></script>
The first library helps serialize the YAML data and the second library is our playnoise.
- Load the YAML Musical Sores to playnoise.
const yamlContent = `
name: Beauty and the Beast
key: F
length: 0.4
instrument: banjo
harmonic: first
volume: 5000
C1: [a4, c5, e5, 2:f5, 3:b4, a5, b5, g5, a5],
C2: [4:a3, b3, d4, f4, b4, 2:c5, 2:e4],
{ C1: [4:a4-f5, 2:a4, 0.66:c5, 0.66:e5, 0.66:f5], C2: [f3, c3, g3, 5:a3] },
{ C1: [4:b4-g5, a5, b5, g5, a5], C2: [f2, d3, f3, 3:b3, 2:e3] },
{ C1: [4:a4-f5, f4, g4, a4, b4], C2: [f3, c3, g3, 5:a3] },
{ C1: [4:e4-c5, 1.5:c5, 0.5:b4, 1.5:a4, 0.5:g4], C2: [a3, g3, f3, 5:g3] },
C1: [4:f4, 2:b4, 0.66:a4, 0.66:g4, 1.66:f4-d4, 5:c4, 2:c4-e4],
C2: [b2b, d3, f3, b3, 4:d3-b3, 2:c3, b2b, c3, 2:f3, 2:e3],
const songData = jsyaml.load(yamlContent);
We now convert the YAML
object and save it in songdata
if (typeof PN === "undefined") {
throw new Error("PN library is not loaded");
We must ensure that the PN library (a JavaScript library for creating and playing music) is available and loaded in the environment.
The PN.instrument() function accepts a string (e.g., "banjo") to specify the instrument sound. In this case, it selects a "banjo" sound
PN.setVolume(0.5); // Set volume level
The PN.setVolume() function takes a number between 0 (muted) and 1 (maximum volume). Here, the volume is set to 0.5, which is half the maximum.
const song = PN.createSong(songData); // Create a song from the input data
Play with the code on codepen . you can switch to instruments like guitar
, trumpet
and cello
- Complete source code on github PlayNoise Beauty and the beast YAML example.
- Github repository to build from source
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