This is the high level plan for my upcoming udemy free youtube course.
YouTube playlist
Google slide
Postman link
Learn MERN GitHub
Individual lectures
Lecture 1 : Introduction of this course
JavaScript refresher
Lecture 2 : Programming language
Lecture 3 : History of JavaScript and why should we care
Lecture 4 : Working with JavaScript
Lecture 5 : What are Data Types and How can we use JavaScript types
Lecture 6 : JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
Lecture 7 : JavaScript Loops
Lecture 8 : Functions (Declaration and execution)
Lecture 9 : Functions (Scopes and Parameters)
Lecture 10 : Array and Array functions
Lecture 11 : JavaScript this
Lecture 12 : Thread, process and operating system
Lecture 13 : Callback, sync, async and Promise
Lecture 14 : asynchronous execution walkthrough with settimeout()
Lecture 15 : sync execution in online editor stackblitz
Lecture 16 : sync execution in visual studio code and browser
Lecture 17: async code execution walkthrough in visual studio code
Lecture 18 : async promise code walkthrough in visual studio code
Lecture 19 : Promise resolve reject then states hands on practices
Lecture 20 : async await promise and executing from top level code
Lecture 21 : async for await promise all and return from then
Lecture 22 : Practice 01 - input via prompt and sum using reduce()
Lecture 23 : Practice 02 - working with JSON array and assignment
Lecture 24 Node-01: Why we needed nodejs and how it solved problems
Lecture 25 Node 02 : Basic components of nodejs runtime
Lecture 26 Node 03 : Diving into rabbit hole for setTimeOut code
Lecture 27 Node 04 : How node.js server event loop works internally
Lecture 28 Node 05 : How to install and verify nodejs installation
Lecture 29 Node 06 : Hello world app
Lecture 30 Node 07 : What is Node package manager (NPM) and NPM CLI
Lecture 31 Node 08: Working with builtin console and crypto modules
Lecture 32 Node 09: Working with external npm package - lodash
Lecture 33 Node 10: Working with builtin modules - OS and Events
Lecture 34 Node 11: Working with builtin File Systems and Promises
Lecture 35 Node 12: Working with Streams 01 - Writable stream
Lecture 36 Node 13: Working with Streams 02 - Readable streams
Lecture 37 Node 14: Working with Streams 03 - process.std streams
Web concepts
Lecture 38 Web concepts 01: Introduction to data communication
Lecture 39 Web concepts 02: Open Systems Interconnection model
Lecture 40 Web concepts 03: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
Lecture 41 Web concepts 04: How HTTP messages sent and received
Lecture 42 Web concepts 05: Inspect HTTP request in browser devtool
Lecture 43 Web concepts 06: HTTP get and post request using CURL
Lecture 44 Web concepts 07: HTTP get and post requests in browser
Lecture 45 Web concepts 08: HTTP requests via postman and vscode
Lecture 46 Web concepts 09: HTTP request via javascript node-fetch
Lecture 47 Web concepts 10: Web server using built in HTTP module
Lecture 48 Web concepts 11: Expressjs + nodemon setup and running
[More will be added here]
- History about why we needed node
- What is node (architecture)
- Installation and verify
- Manage versions
- Hello world
- What’s happening
Node package manager
- What and why
- Dissecting package.json
- Going into node_modules
- Working with npm packages
Node built-in modules
- os
- events
- fs
- stream
- http
Server frameworks
- Comparison between server frameworks
- Hello world - Express
- Hello world - Koa
- Hello world - Fastify
- OSI Model
- How Internet works
- HTTP messages
- HTTP Request Types / VERBS
- HTTP Clients (Postman, Insomnia, VSCode, Terminal)
- HTTP Get
- HTTP Post
- HTTP Put
- HTTP Delete
- Why MongoDB
- How it works
- Install
- Working with Database
- Working with Collection
- Working with Schema
- Working with Index
- CRUD from mongo shell
- MongoDB Atlas
Express API CRUD
- Setup Express application
- Setup routes
- Perform CRUD using POSTMAN
- Create model
- Create service
- Use validation
- Unit test
- Integration test
Client side JavaScript
- How browsers work
- DOM rendering
- Console, Network, Application tabs
- Libraries and Frameworks
- Why we needed react
- What is React
- How react works
- Thinking in react
Create react app
- Hello world
- What’s happening in here
- Create a calculator
Working with data
- Local state
- Passing data via props
React concepts
- hooks
- context
- refs
- custom hooks
React router dom
- Create routes and pages
- Create menu and page containers
- Hooks
- Router
- Link
Form and List
- Create a form from scratch
- Create form using react-hook-form
- Create a list page from scratch
- Save data to server
- Search data ono list page
- Edit data
- Snapshot testing
- Storybook testing
- Unit testing (Jest)
- Material UI
- Create pages
- Use templates
Real project: Inventory system
Project management
- Requirement analysis
- Architecture analysis
- Project breakdown
- Release plan
Phase 1: Architecture and User management
- Create base architecture
- Create auth codes properly
- Add seed data
- Modular architecture
- JWT token
- Authentication in server
- Authenticationin client
- Add signin signout feature
- add middleware in server
- add authorization mechanism in client
Phase 2: Feature implementation
- Product
- Customer
- Order
- add recharts
- add cron
- design dashboard
- aspects of deployment
- deploy to virtual machine
- deploy to digital ocean apps
- Cloud deployment (theory only)
- What you should do next
- Connect with me
Whole playlist
Top comments (44)
Thank you @Foyzul Karim bhai.
Waiting for this course..already did a lot practice on js and trying to learn the core concept of node environment..Hope we will get your udemy course soon..Best of luck vayya.🖤
Thanks you so much 🥰💖
Deep topic.
Great Guide line, thanks
Thank you, this is very helpful.
Why do we need to learn Koa or Fastify if this stack involves Express?
That lesson is meant to teach how simple is to work with other frameworks if you know express.
And lesson is a hello world lesson.
I hope you get your answer