
Franco Scarpa
Franco Scarpa

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Are you proud of your personal website? How would you like to improve it?

Top comments (10)

jeffjadulco profile image
Jeff Jadulco

Yes! I'm proud of what I did with From designing in Figma to developing with Gatsby + Tailwind CSS. The learning experience was all worth it.

There are still improvements to make both technical and design-wise. I still have to make a social preview generator for my blog posts during build time to avoid creating them manually. Design-wise, animations are non-existent. I'm still figuring out what micro interactions to add that doesn't make it feel intrusive or over the top.

crimsonmed profile image
Médéric Burlet

Did a lot of optimization on my photography website.
But I still need to re-upload the portrait pages pictures in compressed format and proper size as they are way to big as of now.

szaboka profile image
Roland Szabó • Edited

I am definitely proud of my new portfolio site that took me 2 months of planning and copywriting to put together. In the process of making it, I also got to know Eleventy and Netlify, and I'm now exploring ways to improve my knowledge of these tools.

francoscarpa profile image
Franco Scarpa

I like it! 😁

hxii profile image
Paul (hxii) Glushak

Took a couple of iterations, but I like mine. Planning on moving it to my own engine once I have some spare time.

francoscarpa profile image
Franco Scarpa

What do you mean by “engine”?

hxii profile image
Paul (hxii) Glushak

I currently use Bludit for my website, but planning to use Saisho (my own creation).

thomasledoux1 profile image
Thomas Ledoux

I'm proud of mine.
Put quite some work in the design + animations for the website.
It was a nice way to learn how to work with NextJS + Vercel.
I love the speed I was able to get it up and running on their platform.

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Funnily enough, yes. It's only one public-facing page, but I get warm fuzzies every time I remember it exists.

urielbitton profile image
Uriel Bitton

I am very proud of mine and I can only improve it by not being lazy and finishing the boring text content lol
Have a look!