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What to do before diving into tech

This is my first post, so I thought to share with everyone some things I wish I did at the beginning of my tech journey, so beginners can avoid the mistakes I made.

Mistake #1: I didn't have a focus

One mistake I made was not to choose a career in tech to focus on. Honestly at the time, I'm not sure I knew what I was getting into. The right thing for me to have done was to look for a career in tech that suited me and that I would be able to thrive in. I ended up jumping from one thing to the other. If I had focus right from the start, I would have been better off. Before jumping into tech, choose a focus, a career that suits you and that you would thrive in.

Mistake #2: I didn't look for guidance

Guidance is one very important thing. I should have sought guidance. By guidance I mean, where to start, and how to start. A roadmap to follow. Since I didn't have a roadmap, I jumped from one thing to the other under web development. I still didn't have a focus. Following a roadmap is a lot better. Recently I started learning backend development with python. I have a roadmap, I know where I'm going. I've learned the language, now I'm learning flask, next I'll learn Django, and then databases and so on. Don't get me wrong though, I still struggle with the problem of jumping around, plus I'm a bit lazy. That aside, you need to follow a roadmap; you'll achieve more. You can go online and look for a roadmap on how to develop yourself in the area you have chosen.

Mistake #3: I didn't connect with the tech community

If I had joined the tech community earlier, I would progressed a lot more. So join the community, you'll develop better that way. If you're already here, your off to a great start continue.

You might have made mistakes during your tech journey. Share some! We can all learn

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