DEV Community

Freddy Adiv
Freddy Adiv

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Useful commands in git and dockers

Hi All,
In the past last weeks of our OSDC training we've learned to setup local repositories from github uding dockers.
These lessons required the use of plenty new commands (mostly linux) that I"ve documented in this post. Hope it will be helpful to you.

Basic linux commands:

ls -l (alias ll)
ls -al /root/ (show hidden files in the root dir. ll does the same)
cd /home/ (user directory)
alias (which asliases are configured in ~/.bash_aliases)

Change working user to root


Launch a specific one time process as root without changing the active user (super user do)


print current working directory


Handling directories

cd ../../home/
cd ~/


cat filename (View file content as text)
more filename (with paging. Up/ Down/ Q to scroll and quit)
echo some text > filename.txt (Create/ override to new file)
echo more text >> filename.txt (Append to existing file)

list all commands history for current session/ container



Dockers hub is your first place to visit

Run a container with specific OS

  • docker run -it -w /opt --name ubu ubuntu:22.10
  • docke r run -it --name flask-dev -w /opt -v c:\users\freddyad\flask:/opt python:3.11 bash

Exit the container but keep the same state


List all running docker containers

docker ps

List all available docker containers

docker ps -a

Open exitsting docker

docker container start -i ubu

Delete container

docker container rm ubu

Get list of all updates and apps for the current container's OS

apt-get update
apt-get install package1 package 2

Resource meter for the docker (requires installation)


Simple file editor (requires installation)

nano filename (text editor)

Git bash

Clone a repository from github

git clone

Creating a new git project (from MS terminal or bash outside the docker)

(# Add some test to the file, such as a title of the project)
git init
(adds the folder /.get/ with configuration for the new project)

Show any changes in the local repository

git status

git add
(use tab to auto complete file name)

(try git status to see the new file in staging)

git commit -m "Description of the commit"

git config --global ""
git config --global "my name"

Show configuration file

cat ~/.gitconfig
Note that there is a config file in the user directory and in a project directory

History of commits

git log

notepad ~/.gitconfig

return to last directory (only on bash)

cd -

Uploading a new project to GitHub

To upload a new project to GitHub, use the web site to create a new repository, no need to keep the folder's name

Attach the project to the github repository. Use the SSH as the key
git remote add origin

Show the project's corresponding repository on github

git remote -v

Change the remote repository

git remote set-url origin
(Can be done directly in the project's config file)

Use the main branch

git branch -M main

Adding a public key to the current user on the local machine

Check if there is a public key in the local computer

ls -l ~/.ssh/

Generate a key

(You don't have to add passphrase)

Show the public key to the config file

cat ~/ssh/id_rsa.public

Copy the generated key to the github user ->settings -> ssh and GPG keys -> new SSH key. Add a meaningful name to the key, such as "current computer name"

Push the changes in the local project to the github repository, and set the origin and the main in the config file

git push -u origin main
(All new files and commits are now visible on github)

Regular changes in the project after the first configuration

git add
or git add . (all files)
git commit -m "explanation of the commit"
(Using this command without a -m will open the default editor for the commit details)
git status
(ahead/ staging)
git push

Creating new branch

git checkout -b
git status (show the active branch)

Creating forks

Creating forks is done only on github's web site.
This enables users without permissions to update the fork copy.

Push changes to the new fork:

git remote add fork git@... (ssh code of the fork because we are using public key)
git remote -v (view the association of both main and forks)

push changes to the fork

git push --set --upstream fork .

Sync local copy with the github repository

git checkout main
git pull origin main (as configured in the config file)

Show all changes in the repository on all branchs

gitk --all & (will open in different thread)

rebase the changes in the repository

(This will PR the changes as if they were created after the last change in the base fork)
git checkout
git rebase main

Delete last commit

git reset head~1 --hard

Override remote with our changes

git push --force

Merge fork with the main version

git checkout main
git checkout fork
git merge main

Hope this will be helpful for anyone...

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