1. Sliding Window Concept
Application in MongoDB
// Sliding Window for Time-Series Data
// Sliding window for last 30 days of user engagement
$match: {
timestamp: {
$gte: new Date(Date.now() - 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
$group: {
_id: {
// Group by day
day: { $dateToString: {
format: "%Y-%m-%d",
date: "$timestamp"
dailyActiveUsers: { $addToSet: "$userId" },
totalEvents: { $sum: 1 }
// Sliding window aggregation to track trends
$setWindowFields: {
sortBy: { "_id.day": 1 },
output: {
movingAverageUsers: {
$avg: "$dailyActiveUsers.length",
window: {
range: [-7, 0],
unit: "day"
Key Benefits
- Track rolling metrics
- Analyze time-based trends
- Efficient memory usage
2. Two-Pointer Technique
Schema Design Example
// Optimized Social Graph Schema
_id: ObjectId("user1"),
followers: [
userId: ObjectId("user2"),
followedAt: ISODate(),
interaction: {
// Two-pointer like tracking
mutualFollows: Boolean,
lastInteractionScore: Number
following: [
userId: ObjectId("user3"),
followedAt: ISODate()
// Efficient Friend Recommendation
function findPotentialConnections(userId) {
return db.users.aggregate([
{ $match: { _id: userId } },
// Expand followers and following
{ $project: {
potentialConnections: {
$setIntersection: [
Optimization Techniques
- Reduce computational complexity
- Efficient relationship tracking
- Minimize full collection scans
3. Dynamic Programming (DP) Approach
Caching and Memoization
// DP-Inspired Caching Strategy
_id: "user_analytics_cache",
userId: ObjectId("user1"),
// Memoized computation results
cachedMetrics: {
last30DaysEngagement: {
computedAt: ISODate(),
totalViews: 1000,
avgSessionDuration: 5.5
yearlyTrends: {
// Cached computation results
computedAt: ISODate(),
metrics: { /* pre-computed data */ }
// Invalidation timestamp
lastUpdated: ISODate()
// DP-like Incremental Computation
function updateUserAnalytics(userId) {
// Check if cached result is valid
const cachedResult = db.analyticsCache.findOne({ userId });
if (shouldRecompute(cachedResult)) {
const newMetrics = computeComplexMetrics(userId);
// Atomic update with incremental computation
{ userId },
$set: {
cachedMetrics: newMetrics,
lastUpdated: new Date()
{ upsert: true }
4. Greedy Approach in Indexing
Indexing Strategy
// Greedy Index Selection
category: 1,
price: -1,
soldCount: -1
// Greedy optimization
partialFilterExpression: {
inStock: true,
price: { $gt: 100 }
// Query Optimization Example
function greedyQueryOptimization(filters) {
// Dynamically select best index
const indexes = db.products.getIndexes();
const bestIndex = indexes.reduce((best, current) => {
// Greedy selection of most selective index
const selectivityScore = computeIndexSelectivity(current, filters);
return selectivityScore > best.selectivityScore
? { index: current, selectivityScore }
: best;
}, { selectivityScore: -1 });
return bestIndex.index;
5. Heap/Priority Queue Concepts
Distributed Ranking System
// Priority Queue-like Document Structure
_id: "global_leaderboard",
topUsers: [
// Maintained like a min-heap
userId: ObjectId("user1"),
score: 1000,
lastUpdated: ISODate()
// Continuously maintained top K users
updateStrategy: {
maxSize: 100,
evictionPolicy: "lowest_score"
// Efficient Leaderboard Management
function updateLeaderboard(userId, newScore) {
{ _id: "global_leaderboard" },
$push: {
topUsers: {
$each: [{ userId, score: newScore }],
$sort: { score: -1 },
$slice: 100 // Maintain top 100
6. Graph Algorithms Inspiration
Social Network Schema
// Graph-like User Connections
_id: ObjectId("user1"),
connections: [
userId: ObjectId("user2"),
type: "friend",
strength: 0.85,
// Inspired by PageRank-like scoring
connectionScore: {
mutualFriends: 10,
interactions: 25
// Connection Recommendation
function recommendConnections(userId) {
return db.users.aggregate([
{ $match: { _id: userId } },
// Graph traversal-like recommendation
{ $graphLookup: {
from: "users",
startWith: "$connections.userId",
connectFromField: "connections.userId",
connectToField: "_id",
as: "potentialConnections",
maxDepth: 2,
restrictSearchWithMatch: {
// Avoid already connected users
_id: { $nin: existingConnections }
Scalability Considerations
Key Principles
Algorithmic Efficiency
- Minimize collection scans
- Use indexing strategically
- Implement efficient aggregation
Distributed Computing
- Leverage sharding
- Implement smart partitioning
- Use aggregation pipeline for distributed computing
Caching and Memoization
- Cache complex computations
- Use time-based invalidation
- Implement incremental updates
Key Skills
- Understand data access patterns
- Know indexing strategies
- Recognize query complexity
- Think about horizontal scaling
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