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Top-10 Posts for FE (Week 1, Jun 2023)

Here are the top 10 posts from the past week that will be useful to front-end developers and beyond. The selection was made on the basis of their interestingness, uniqueness, presentation, usefulness and subjective assessment of the author.

Higher Order Functions explained

This article is about the concept of higher order functions in JavaScript, explaining how they can be used to enhance code by accepting functions as arguments and returning functions as results, and exploring examples and built-in higher order functions in JavaScript.

Higher Order Functions explained

Mastering CSS Rules and Specificity: A Comprehensive Guide

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of CSS rules and specificity in web development, explaining their importance and practical applications through real-life examples.

Mastering CSS Rules and Specificity: A Comprehensive Guide

Exploring Web Rendering: Isomorphic JavaScript & Hydration

This article is a part of a series that explores web rendering techniques, focusing on isomorphic JavaScript and hydration, and discusses the benefits and challenges of using isomorphic rendering for improved performance and search engine optimization.

Exploring Web Rendering: Isomorphic JavaScript & Hydration

Programmers, beware! Designers attack!

This humorous article delves into the world of frustrating design choices that challenge front-end developers, emphasizing the need for collaboration and communication with designers.

Programmers, beware! Designers attack!

How BEM (Block-Element-Modifier) CSS actually Work!

This article explains the BEM (Block-Element-Modifier) naming convention for writing CSS code, emphasizing its benefits of scalability, maintainability, and code organization for web projects.

How BEM (Block-Element-Modifier) CSS actually Work!

All About CSS Nesting

This article introduces CSS nesting as a feature that allows for writing nested style rules, making code more organized and readable.

All About CSS Nesting

The Complete Guide to OOP In Javascript

The article provides a detailed explanation of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in JavaScript, covering concepts like classes, objects, data abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism, and inheritance, as well as demonstrating the implementation using prototypes and different approaches.

The Complete Guide to OOP In Javascript

Mastering Git: Top Commands Every Developer Should Know

This article covers important Git commands for version control, collaboration, and managing code repositories effectively.

Mastering Git: Top Commands Every Developer Should Know

Pretty for CJK languages

This article explores the challenges and solutions related to styling rubies, small pronunciation hints used in East Asian typography, using HTML and CSS.

Pretty <ruby> for CJK languages

World Wide Web Wars

The article explores the evolution of the World Wide Web, from the HTML-centric era to the JavaScript-centric era, and advocates for restoring interoperability and peace in the web platform.

World Wide Web Wars

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