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Top-10 Posts for FE (Week 1, Nov 2022)

Here are the top 10 posts from the past week that will be useful to front-end developers and beyond. The selection was made on the basis of their interestingness, uniqueness, presentation, usefulness and subjective assessment of the author.

Folder Structure for NodeJS & ExpressJS project

An approach to structuring your NodeJS application, explaining some of the reasons for the file structure and advice on how to open some configurations at the global level or how to initiate a database connection in the application.

Folder Structure for NodeJS & ExpressJS project

CSS Grid and Flexbox: A Brief Juxtaposition

This post provides a general comparison of how flexbox differs from CSS Grid and how the application changes as per the need.

CSS Grid and Flexbox: A Brief Juxtaposition

Framer motion - Layout Animations

A brief overview of the layout animation concept, which is effective in a way that you can add subtle animations to make layout changes look elegant and smooth.

Framer motion - Layout Animations

HTML & CSS Features, Tips For a 10x Faster Page Loading Speed

How to increase the Page Load Speed of your website by making changes in your HTML and CSS files without needing the best hosting services.

HTML & CSS Features, Tips For a 10x Faster Page Loading Speed

How to Assign Types To Nested Objects In TypeScript

Ways to define type definitions for object properties in TypeScript with simple examples.

How to Assign Types To Nested Objects In TypeScript

Searching for retro games with Xata & Next.js 13

A guide to building a fullstack web app that allows us to search a collection of retro games data to find the old-school console games of our dreams.

Searching for retro games with Xata & Next.js 13

What is the structure of a scss mixin and how to create it?

What is scss mixin? Mixin Structure and Creation mix with/without parameters.

What is the structure of a scss mixin and how to create it?

A Definitive guide on JavaScript every() Method

This article is about the every() method in JavaScript, how it works and what happens when we call JavaScript every() on sparse and empty arrays.

A Definitive guide on JavaScript every() Method

Querying installed packages with npm query

How npm query helps to find out if you have any package using post-install scripts and if you have a package installed twice.

Querying installed packages with npm query

Getting Started With Parcel.js: A Web Application Bundler in 2022

This post is your introduction to Parcel.js, the self-proclaimed “blazing fast, zero configuration web application bundler”.

Getting Started With Parcel.js: A Web Application Bundler in 2022

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