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Furkan Aksoy
Furkan Aksoy

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Functional Options Pattern in Go


In Go, the Functional Options pattern is a powerful technique that allows developers to provide flexible and customizable behavior to functions or methods by using functional options as arguments. This pattern is commonly used in Go libraries and frameworks to provide a clean and concise API for users.

What is the Functional Options Pattern?

The Functional Options pattern is a design pattern that leverages the power of higher-order functions and closures in Go to provide a flexible way of configuring objects or functions. Instead of using a large number of parameters or flags, the Functional Options pattern allows developers to pass in a series of functions, each of which configures a specific aspect of the object or function.

The Functional Options Pattern in Go addresses several challenges related to configuration and initialization of objects:

  1. Growing Number of Parameters: Traditional function signatures can become unwieldy as the number of parameters increases. The functional options pattern allows you to add new options without changing the function signature or breaking existing code.

  2. Readability: When a function takes multiple parameters, especially of the same type, it can be hard to remember the order and meaning of each. With functional options, each option is clearly labeled and self-explanatory, enhancing code readability.

  3. Default Values: The functional options pattern allows you to easily provide default values for your options. If an option is not provided when the function is called, the default value is used.

  4. Optional Parameters: In some cases, you might want to make some parameters optional. The functional options pattern allows you to do this easily, providing a flexible interface.

  5. Encapsulation and Validation: Each option is a function that can contain its own validation logic. This allows you to encapsulate the logic for each option and keep your main function clean and simple.

How does it work?

The Functional Options pattern works by defining a function type that represents an option. This function type takes a pointer to the object or function being configured as its argument and modifies it accordingly. The object or function being configured typically has a corresponding struct type that holds the configuration options as fields.

To use the Functional Options pattern, developers can define a variadic function that takes a series of option functions as arguments. Inside this function, the options are applied one by one to the object or function being configured.

What is variadic function?

A variadic function in Go is a function that can be called with any number of trailing arguments. This means you can pass as many arguments as you want into the variadic function.

The syntax for declaring a variadic function involves using an ellipsis ... before the type of the last parameter. The function receives this as a slice of the type.

Here's an example:

package main

import "fmt"

// This is a variadic function that accepts any number of integers
func sum(nums {
    fmt.Print(nums, " ")
    total := 0
    for _, num := range nums {
        total += num

func main() {
    sum(1, 2)
    sum(1, 2, 3)
    nums := []int{1, 2, 3, 4}
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In this example, sum is a variadic function that takes any number of int arguments. In the main function, we call sum with different numbers of arguments.


Let's illustrate the Functional Options pattern with an example. Suppose we have a Server struct that represents an HTTP server in Go. We want to provide users with the ability to configure various aspects of the server, such as the port it listens on, the timeout duration, and whether to enable logging.

First, we define the Server struct:

package main

import "fmt"

type Server struct {
    Host     string
    Port     int
    Protocol string
    Timeout  int

type ServerOption func(*Server)

func WithHost(host string) ServerOption {
    return func(s *Server) {
        s.Host = host

func WithPort(port int) ServerOption {
    return func(s *Server) {
        s.Port = port

func WithProtocol(protocol string) ServerOption {
    return func(s *Server) {
        s.Protocol = protocol

func WithTimeout(timeout int) ServerOption {
    return func(s *Server) {
        s.Timeout = timeout

func NewServer(options ...ServerOption) *Server {
    server := &Server{
        Host:     "localhost",
        Port:     8080,
        Protocol: "http",
        Timeout:  30,

    for _, option := range options {

    return server

func main() {
    server := NewServer(

    fmt.Printf("Server: %+v\n", server)
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