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1. What is frontend architecture?

Frontend architecture, what about it?

When it comes to frontend development, software and development aren't the most popular topics. However, software development is critical in the long run.

Frontend Architecture: Let’s break it down

Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

A frontend architecture maps the structural relationships between an enterprise's software applications and how they interact with each other to meet user or business requirements. A frontend architecture can assist enterprises to identify gaps in functionality as well as scale and reliability. It can help enterprises structure their applications in a scalable and reliable manner. Design patterns can help you build an application. A pattern defines a repetitive solution to a problem. You can link together several design patterns to create a larger application architecture. Instead of developing everything from scratch, you can utilize design patterns, which will also ensure that things operate as expected. With both front-end and backend services, the frontend and backend architectures will be linked. The frontend sector deals with the user experience of the application, while the backend sector concerns with providing access to the data, services, and other existing systems that make it work.

Why is it important?


Finding the right frontend architecture for an app's scalability and capacity to grow is critical. An architect may locate an efficient solution that withstands various loads and maintains high performance based on the app's purpose. When identifying the right frontend architecture, it is important to find the right architect foundation. Adding new services and features might become costly and time-consuming if the architect's foundation is incorrect.


To remain competitive and keep up with shifting market demands, an application must be ready to adopt new technologies as technologies mature. A skilled specialist, in particular, focuses on making it simple to upgrade and expand the app. If the app is difficult to expand, businesses suffer from downtime, which leads to large time and money losses.

Team Workflow

The app’s architecture must enable developers to perform parallel processes on the app. With a clear structure and simple code, this app may be used by an additional software specialist team and minimize development time, which also benefits because of the pleasure of the development team. As a result of the growing shortage of tech specialists, this benefit is becoming increasingly important.


Fast development is chosen by some companies in order to get a usable product as quickly as possible. They may end up paying for fixing their app in the future if they focus on architecture. By keeping app redesign costs down, companies minimize the risks of app architecture.

Examples of Architectures

Monolithic Architecture

Monolithic architecture is a single design that creates a software program. Monolithic architecture refers to software programs that are created as one unit. Modular software programs are not loosely coupled with different program components, but rather interdependent and interconnected. To execute and compile code in such an interconnected system, every aspect and its related elements must be present.

Microservices Architecture

The purpose of a microservices architecture is to structure an application into smaller, independent units. Each part of a microservices app functions in its own realm, so a large app can be split into several smaller, independent chunks. In order to serve a single client request, a microservices app will rely on multiple internal services to build its response.

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