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How to Python(Prints: 1)


Hey! Do you wanna learn code but every time you go on youtube and click on a tutorial you are greeted with some overly enthusiastic 40 year old that will just write code in front of you and you just copy? Well I will (attempt) to give very simple (ooga booga) explanations about many concepts about programming using Python.

(I assume you already know what programming languages are.)

I will post daily to continue this series.


Prints are commonly used to check what wrong with code by showing values or text in the console. You write a print like this:


Inside the parentheses is where you will put your text. Notice, however, that if you just write some text inside it will give you an error:

print(Ooga Booga)

This is because Python, like most programming languages, uses data types. Data types are different kinds of information you can use. The most common are:

  1. String (Basically text inside quotes: "Hello")
  2. Integer (Any whole number: 69)
  3. Float (Any decimal number: 6.9)
  4. Boolean (True or False)

To print a message of your choice, you need to use the "String" data type. Add quotes and write your message inside them.

print("Angel has the best tutorials")


This is the end of part one! I will write part 2 tmrw.

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