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Gabe Romualdo
Gabe Romualdo

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4 Great YouTubers Devs Should Check Out


I will start off by saying that I am a self-taught developer. When I started programming, the internet was the primary place I went to learn. Online tools like W3Schools and Stack Overflow were my go-to sites for quick references and syntax for the various languages and frameworks I was using.

For more in-depth tutorials, however, I went to videos on YouTube. YouTube was the place I went to when I wanted to learn how to build a website. YouTube was the place I went to when I wanted to learn Node.js and Express. YouTube is the place I go when I want to learn a new framework, library, or even programming language. In my years watching various coding videos and channels on YouTube, I've found that some of the same names keep popping up.

Below are 4 great YouTubers who I've found helpful over the years.

#4: Mike Dane / Giraffe Academy

Mike Dane / Giraffe Academy Channel Banner

Photo Credit: Mike Dane on YouTube

I started off watching Dane back when I started learning Jekyll, a static-site generator. Dane discusses numerous programming languages, such as PHP, Python, Java, and JavaScript in-depth. He also does videos on various web development languages such as HTML (not a programming language, but a language nonetheless), CSS, LESS, SASS, and more. The channel used to be called Giraffe Academy, but he just recently rebranded his channel to his name, Mike Dane. I encourage you to check it out!

#3: Computerphile

Computerphile Channel Banner

Photo Credit: Computerphile on YouTube

Computerphile is a channel about computers, and is more about various topics of computer science rather than coding. At first, I wasn't really convinced, but I can now say that Computerphile has truly opened my eyes to so many different areas of computer science. They have done videos on Deep Learning and CNNs (convolutional neural networks), cross-site scripting, and so much more.

Most of the videos are done by real computer science professors and professionals, and videos on Computerphile have sparked the ideas for several of my own projects.

I encourage you to check out Computerphile, and my personal favorite videos are those by Mike Pound of The University of Nottingham.

#2: Dylan Israel

Dylan Israel Channel Banner

Photo Credit: Dylan Israel on YouTube

I've been watching Dylan Israel for a while now, even since his channel was called Coding Tutorials 360. Israel quite literally turned his life around with code, becoming a dev after being a pizza delivery guy. Yet Israel is one of the best teachers I have found on the web. He normally does weekly livestreams, and has numerous tutorials on various languages and technologies.

My personal favorite of his is his freeCodeCamp series on "How to Code Like a Pro".

#1: Traversy Media

Traversy Media Channel Banner

Photo Credit: Traversy Media on YouTube

In my opinion, Traversy Media is the best coding channel on YouTube. I have been watching Traversy Media since it was at less than 100,000 subscribers, and I can say that Brad Traversy, who runs the channel, is one of the best and most influential teachers I have ever had, despite never having met him.

He has video crash courses and tutorials on numerous languages, frameworks, libraries, and technologies, and he is extremely knowledgeable about what he teaches. In his tutorials, he not only shows you the code, he explains the concepts behind the code and how that relates to the topic of the tutorial.

Traversy primarily teaches web development technologies, with his most recent tutorial being about the Axios JS library for HTTP requests. He's written crash courses on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, React, Git, Vue.js, Node.js, Python, and so, so much more.

He occasionally also posts videos more about life as a developer, such as his video about self-doubt in programming, and his popular video on freelancing as a web developer.

He also produces paid courses on Udemy for more in-depth tutorials on topics, which I would highly recommend as well as his YouTube channel.

Overall, Traversy Media is by far my favorite coding channel on YouTube, and his videos have truly changed my life in ways I could not have imagined.


I hope you enjoyed this post and the YouTubers listed. Of course, this is all just my opinion, and I am in no way affiliated with any of the YouTubers mentioned. I suggest checking these channels out for yourself as well as a few others, and subscribing to your favorite ones.

Thanks for scrolling.

— Gabriel Romualdo, October 27, 2019

Top comments (21)

francisoliver profile image
Francis Avanceña

Dan Shiffman and his series The Coding Train is a really good pick for this! His coding challenges are real fun to watch especially good for beginners who want to code and people with experience who want to start with graphics/game dev with p5.js

phlickey profile image

This 100%. It might seem fluffy/creative, but following along with these tutorials/challenges helped me really grok things like OOP for example in a very intuitive way. Dan's the man.

maartz profile image

I agree with all of theses channels.
This is my 2 cents...

GOTO conferences

Just because they talk about programming and everythings which got a link with this topic.

In an another style, tensor programming YT channel is just awesome, he goes live sometimes, and the amount of work he put in his content is just incredible. Go, Rust, Clojure, Elm, Flutter w/ Dart even ReasonML !

And the content of GoRails and ElixirCasts freely accessible on YT worth it too ... if you're an Elixir or Ruby dev obviously

gaberomualdo profile image
Gabe Romualdo • Edited

Wow, just checked out GOTO Conferences and they look great! Will look into them more, and thanks for reading.

— Gabriel

hudderstrom profile image

Traversy Media is most definitely number one, without him I wouldn't be coding.
Another great teacher is Mosh Hamedani @

pcrunn profile image
Alexander P.

even though they're not really into web development you should also check out engineer man and devon crawford

lcarbonaro profile image
Les Carbonaro • Edited

Not sure if people mentioned this already, but Coding Garden with CJ is a very prolific channel, very hands-on and wide-ranging topics, and a very pleasant and personable host - CJ - to boot. Check out:

brunotdantas profile image
Bruno Dantas

The coding train (L)

gac profile image
Igor Ilic

I would also recommend Codecourse previously known as PHPAcademy

I've learned a lot thanks to Alex and his tutorials back when I started to learn web development.

mdamaceno profile image
Marco Damaceno

Good list! I also suggest Fun Fun Function. A great channel for frontend and dev carrer.

scrabill profile image
Shannon Crabill

Traversy Media is a good one. I was struggling with advanced Javascript concepts last year, and running his videos in the backgrounds helped them to click for me.

ja profile image
Joe Ashwell

I definitely think Dev Ed is worth checking out too, particularly with design in mind.

omegakid66 profile image

If you enjoy Computerphile you should check out Tom Scott's own Youtube channel. Highly recommended

tomerl101 profile image


rattanakchea profile image
Rattanak Chea

If you need a break, I definitely recommend Techlead.

mdmuradhossain profile image
Md Murad Hossain

Agree with number one

shameera91 profile image
Shameera Anuranga

Great content. Thanks for sharing this friend.

For Java this is the best channel I've found so far. Koushik is the best teacher.