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James Moberg
James Moberg

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Filtering Zero-Width SPaces (ZWSPs) using ColdFusion

This is a follow-up to a January 11, 2019 article I wrote on my old Tumber blog.

The Hacker News posted an article regarding the ability to bypass Microsoft Office 365's "Safe Links" security feature by adding zero-width spaces (ZWSPs). I generated some sample URLs to test against my ColdFusion-based URL blacklist script and discovered that it was also vulnerable. Using isValid("url") returns TRUE for strings with ZWSPs. Clicked links also redirect to the correct destination as the browser (or DNS) appears to automatically ignore the ZWSP characters. This makes it possible for cybercriminals and email scammers to send malware and phishing links through our servers. It's impossible to filter using a blacklist without removing the characters.
For example, this function permanently redirects GET requests for "/shop/?" to "/shop/".
I've developed a ColdFusion CFC with various methods to trim, sanitize (replace/remove) & identify these invisible characters by both character and HTML entities. I'm still evaluating the library by testing it in a couple of smaller projects and am hoping to post more in the very near future. (I've actually been meaning to write this for a while in order to trim non-breaking spaces from data imported by user-generated Excel files.)

I just realized that I never shared the whitespace.cfc that I developed back in 2019. Public methods include:

  • dumpRegex (performs a CFDump of regex rules)
  • getConfig (Lists all rules used when a tag is specified)
  • getRegex (Generates pipe-delimited REGEX list of whitespace/ZWSP characters. Ex. 'chr(32)|A_Space')
  • hasWhiteSpace (Checks if string contains any whitespace)
  • hasUnsafeSpace (Checks if string contains unsafe-ish whitespace)
  • identifyUnsafeSpace (Provides a array of shortcodes, names, decimal or hex values of identified whitespace and their regex positions)
  • leftTrim (Performs a left trim and strips all whitespace)
  • rightTrim (Performs a right trim and strips all whitespace)
  • fullTrim (Performs a left/right trim and strips all whitespace)
  • sanitize (Performs a left/right trim and strips control characters)
  • compressText (Santizes, reduces multiple space characters to a single character)
  • compressHtml (Replaces a huge amount of unnecessary whitespace from your HTML code)
  • singleLine (Modifies content to output on a single line (for logging))

component displayname="whitespace" output="false" hint="Identifies and performs trim functions on white space-related characters" {
author: James Moberg <>
date: 2019-01-07
Description: Removes all whitespace-related characters (ie, Zero-Width SPaces (ZWSPs)) from a string... not just characters below U+0020.
.NET Trim() really trims a string - also trimming non-breaking-spaces. This is not the case in Java.
The String.trim() method talks about "whitespace", but defines this in a very precise but rather crude and idiosyncratic way - it simply regards anything up to and including U+0020 (the usual space character) as whitespace, and anything above that as non-whitespace.
charcodes (substitute 0001 w/Spacedata.u)
"NUL" = {n="Null char", d=0, h="0000", tags="join,unsafe"},
/* 20191018 */
variables.spaceData = [
"SOH": ["n":"Start of Heading", "d":1, "h":"0001", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"STX": ["n":"Start of Text", "d":2, "h":"0002", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"ETX": ["n":"End of Text", "d":3, "h":"0003", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"EOT": ["n":"End of Transmission", "d":4, "h":"0004", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"ENQ": ["n":"Enquiry", "d":5, "h":"0005", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"ACK": ["n":"Acknowledgment", "d":6, "h":"0006", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"BEL": ["n":"Bell", "d":7, "h":"0007", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"BS": ["n":"Back Space", "d":8, "h":"0008", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"HT": ["n":"Horizontal Tab", "d":9, "h":"0009", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"LF": ["n":"Line Feed", "d":10, "h":"000A", "tags":"space,safe"]
,"VT": ["n":"Vertical Tab", "d":11, "h":"000B", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"FF": ["n":"Form Feed", "d":12, "h":"000C", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"CR": ["n":"Carriage Return", "d":13, "h":"000D", "tags":"space,safe"]
,"SO": ["n":"Shift Out / X-On", "d":14, "h":"000E", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"SI": ["n":"Shift In / X-Off", "d":15, "h":"000F", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"DLE": ["n":"Data Line Escape", "d":16, "h":"0010", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"DC1": ["n":"Device Control 1 (oft. XON)", "d":17, "h":"0011", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"DC2": ["n":"Device Control 2", "d":18, "h":"0012", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"DC3": ["n":"Device Control 3 (oft. XOFF)", "d":19, "h":"0013", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"DC4": ["n":"Device Control 4", "d":20, "h":"0014", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"NAK": ["n":"Negative Acknowledgement", "d":21, "h":"0015", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"SYN": ["n":"Synchronous Idle", "d":22, "h":"0016", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"ETB": ["n":"End of Transmit Block", "d":23, "h":"0017", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"CAN": ["n":"Cancel", "d":24, "h":"0018", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"EM": ["n":"End of Medium", "d":25, "h":"0019", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"SUB": ["n":"Substitute", "d":26, "h":"001A", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"ESC": ["n":"Escape", "d":27, "h":"001B", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"FS": ["n":"File Separator", "d":28, "h":"001C", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"GS": ["n":"Group Separator", "d":29, "h":"001D", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"RS": ["n":"Record Separator", "d":30, "h":"001E", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"US": ["n":"Unit Separator", "d":31, "h":"001F", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"SP": ["n":"Space", "d":32, "h":"0020", "tags":"space,safe"]
,"NEL": ["n":"next line", "d":133, "h":"0085", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"NBSP": ["n":"no-breaking space", "d":160, "h":"00A0", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"OGHAM": ["n":"OGHAM Space Mark", "d":5760, "h":"1680", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"MONGOLIAN": ["n":"Mongolian Vowel Separator", "d":6158, "h":"180E", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"ENQUAD": ["n":"EN Quad", "d":8192, "h":"2000", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"EMQUAD": ["n":"EM Quad", "d":8193, "h":"2001", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"ENSP": ["n":"EN Space", "d":8194, "h":"2002", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"EMSP": ["n":"EM Space", "d":8195, "h":"2003", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"THREE-PER:M SPACE" = ["n":"Thick Space", "d":8196, "h":"2004", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"FOUR-PER:M SPACE" = ["n":"Mid Space", "d":8197, "h":"2005", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"SIX-PER:M SPACE" = ["n":"Six-per-EM Space", "d":8198, "h":"2006", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"FGMSP": ["n":"Figure Space", "d":8199, "h":"2007", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"PUNSP": ["n":"Punctuation Space", "d":8200, "h":"2008", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"THINSPACE": ["n":"Thin Space", "d":8201, "h":"2009", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"HAIRSPACE": ["n":"Hair Space", "d":8202, "h":"200A", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"ZWSP": ["n":"zero-width space", "d":8203, "h":"200B", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"ZWNJ": ["n":"zero-width non-joiner", "d":8204, "h":"200C", "tags":"join,unsafe"]
,"ZWJ": ["n":"zero-width joiner", "d":8205, "h":"200D", "tags":"join,unsafe"]
,"LRM": ["n":"left-to-right mark", "d":8206, "h":"200E", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"RLM": ["n":"right-to-left mark", "d":8207, "h":"200F", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"WJ": ["n":"Word Joiner", "d":8288, "h":"2060", "tags":"join,unsafe"]
,"LINSEP": ["n":"Line Separator", "d":8232, "h":"2028", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"PARSEP": ["n":"Paragraph Separator", "d":8233, "h":"2029", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"NNBSP": ["n":"Narrow No-Break Space", "d":8239, "h":"202F", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"MMASP": ["n":"Medium Mathematical Space", "d":8287, "h":"205F", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"SMSP": ["n":"Symbol for Space", "d":9248, "h":"2420", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"BLANK": ["n":"Blank Symbol", "d":9250, "h":"2422", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"OPENBOX": ["n":"Open Box", "d":9251, "h":"2423", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"BB": ["n":"Braille blank pattern", "d":10240, "h":"2800", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"IDSP": ["n":"Ideographic Space", "d":12288, "h":"3000", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
,"BOM": ["n":"Zero Width No-Break Space (AKA Byte Order Mark)", "d":65279, "h":"FEFF", "tags":"join,unsafe"]
,"FWDZ": ["n":"Full-Width Digit Zero", "d":65296, "h":"FF10", "tags":"space,unsafe"]
// tags = list of filters (all,safe,unsafe,space,join)
public void function dumpRegex(string tags="") output=true hint="performs a CFDump of regex rules" {
writedump(var="#getRegex(arguments.tags)#", label="SpacesRegex");
// tags = list of filters (all,safe,unsafe,space,join)
public struct function getConfig(string tags="") output=false hint="Lists all rules used when a tag is specified" {
return [
"spaceData": variables.spaceData
,"regex": getRegex(arguments.tags)
public boolean function hasWhiteSpace(string inputString="") output=false hint="Checks if string contains any whitespace" {
if (!len(arguments.inputString)){
return javacast("boolean", 0);
return javacast("boolean", refindnocase(getRegex('all'), arguments.inputString, 1, false));
public any function hasUnsafeSpace(string inputString="") output=false hint="Checks if string contains unsafe-ish whitespace" {
if (!len(arguments.inputString)){
return javacast("boolean", 0);
return javacast("boolean", refindnocase(getRegex('unsafe'), arguments.inputString, 1, false));
public struct function identifyUnsafeSpace(string inputString="", string tags="all") output=false hint="Provides a array of shortcodes, names, decimal or hex values of identified whitespace and their regex positions" {
local.outputData = [:];
local.tags = (len(trim(arguments.tags))) ? listtoarray(lcase(trim(arguments.tags))) : ["all"];
local.returnAll = arrayfind(local.tags, "all");
for ( in variables.spaceData ) {
local.thisSpace = variables.spaceData[];
if (!local.returnAll){
local.tagfilter = duplicate(local.tags);
local.spacetags = listtoarray(duplicate(local.thisSpace.tags));
if ( local.returnAll || arraylen(local.tagfilter) ) {
if ( find(chr(local.thisSpace.d), arguments.inputString) ) {
if ( !local.outputData.keyExists("") ) {
local.outputData[""] = [
"d": javacast("int", local.thisSpace.d)
,"h": javacast("string", local.thisSpace.h)
,"name": javacast("string", local.thisSpace.n)
,"positions": []
local.searchData = reFindNoCaseAll(chr(local.thisSpace.d), arguments.inputString);
local.outputData[""].positions = local.searchData.pos;
return local.outputData;
public string function leftTrim(string inputString="") output=false hint="Performs a left trim and strips all whitespace" {
return javacast("string", arguments.inputString).replaceAll("^(#getRegex('all')#)+", "");
public string function rightTrim(string inputString="") output=false hint="Performs a right trim and strips all whitespace" {
return javacast("string", arguments.inputString).replaceAll("(#getRegex('all')#)+$", "");
public string function fullTrim(string inputString="") output=false hint="Performs a left/right trim and strips all whitespace" {
return javacast("string", arguments.inputString).replaceAll("(#getRegex('all')#)+$", "").replaceAll("^(#getRegex('all')#)+", "");
public string function sanitize(string inputString="") output=false hint="Removes all unsafe whitespace" {
return javacast("string", arguments.inputString).replaceAll("(#getRegex('space,unsafe')#)", " ").replaceAll("(#getRegex('join,unsafe')#)", "");
public string function sanitizeTrim(string inputString="") output=false hint="Performs a left/right trim and strips control characters" {
return fullTrim(sanitize(arguments.inputString));
public string function compressText(string inputString="") output=false hint="Santizes, reduces multiple space characters to a single character" {
return sanitizeTrim(arguments.inputString).replaceAll(" +", " ").replaceAll("[\r\n]+", "#chr(13)##chr(10)#");
/// Level = levels 1, 2 (default) or 3
public string function compressHtml(string inputHtml="", string level="2") output=false hint="Replaces a huge amount of unnecessary whitespace from your HTML code" {
local.outputString = javacast("string", arguments.inputHtml);
arguments.level = (listfind("1,2,3", arguments.level)) ? arguments.level : 2;
if ( arguments.level eq 3 ) {
local.outputString = compressText(local.outputString);
local.outputString.replaceAll("> <", "><");
local.outputString.replaceAll("<!--[^>]+>", "");
} else if ( arguments.level eq 2 ) {
local.outputString = compressText(local.outputString);
local.outputString.replaceAll("(#getRegex('unsafe')#)", "");
local.outputString.replaceAll("(" & chr(10) & "|" & chr(13) & ")+[[:space:]]{2,}", chr(13));
return fullTrim(local.outputString);
public string function singleLine(string inputString="") output=false hint="Modifies content to output on a single line (for logging)" {
return fullTrim(replacelist(arguments.inputString, "#chr(9)#,#chr(10)#,#chr(12)#,#chr(13)#,#chr(160)#", " , , , , "));
// tags = list of filters (all,safe|unsafe,space|join; unicode)
public string function getRegex(string tags="") output=false hint="Generates pipe-delimited REGEX list of whitespace/ZWSP characters. Ex. 'chr(32)|chr(160)'" {
local.cachekey = "udf_getRegex_#arguments.toString().hashCode()#";
local.initialFilter = lcase(trim(arguments.tags));
local.workingFilter = local.initialFilter;
local.useUnicode = listfind(local.initialFilter, "unicode");
if (structkeyexists(request, local.cachekey)){
return request[local.cachekey];
local.filters = [:];
if (!local.filters.keyExists("#local.initialFilter#")){
local.regex = [];
if (listfind(local.workingFilter, "unicode")){
local.workingFilter = listdeleteat(local.workingFilter, listfind(local.workingFilter, "unicode"));
local.all = !len(trim(local.workingFilter)) || listfind(lcase(local.workingFilter), "all");
for (local.char in variables.spaceData){
local.thisSpace = variables.spaceData[local.char];
local.includeThis = local.all;
if (!local.includeThis){
for (local.thisTag in listtoarray(lcase(local.workingFilter))){
if (listfind(local.thisSpace.tags, local.thisTag)){
local.includeThis = local.includeThis + 1;
if (local.includeThis neq listlen(local.workingFilter)){
local.includeThis = 0;
if (local.includeThis){
if (local.useUnicode){
arrayappend(local.regex, "\\u#variables.spaceData[local.char].h#");
} else {
arrayappend(local.regex, "#chr(variables.spaceData[local.char].d)#");
arrayappend(local.regex, "&###variables.spaceData[local.char].d#;");
arrayappend(local.regex, "&##xf#lcase(variables.spaceData[local.char].h)#;");
local.filters["#local.initialFilter#"] = arraytolist(local.regex, "|");
request[local.cachekey] = local.filters["#local.initialFilter#"];
return local.filters["#local.initialFilter#"];
/* 4/14/2009
@author Ben Forta (
@version 1, November 17, 2003
@version 2, January 7, 2019 - James @ SunStar Media */
private struct function reFindNoCaseAll(required string regex, required string text) output=false hint="Returns all the matches (case insensitive) of a regular expression within a string. This is simular to reGet(), but more closely matches the result set of reFind." {
local.results = [
"pos": []
,"len": []
local.pos = 1;
local.done = 0;
while (local.done neq 1) {
local.subex = refindnocase(arguments.regex, arguments.text, local.pos, true);
if (local.subex.len[1] eq 0){
local.done = 1;
} else {
arrayappend(local.results.len, local.subex.len[1]);
arrayappend(local.results.pos, local.subex.pos[1]);
local.pos = local.subex.pos[1] + local.subex.len[1];
if (arraylen(local.results.len) eq 0){
arrayappend(local.results.len, 0);
arrayappend(local.results.pos, 0);
return local.results;
view raw whitespace.cfc hosted with ❤ by GitHub

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Top comments (2)

daemach profile image

What is the most efficient way to use this in a coldbox application?

gamesover profile image
James Moberg

I'm not entirely sure. I don't use ColdBox & haven't developed any ColdBox-specific extensions... "yet".

I'm heading to the upcoming ColdFusion Summit and intend on sitting down with some of the Ortus team to figure out update & migrate some of my CFML libraries & projects to their ForgeBox package repository.

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