DEV Community

Gautam Sarawagi
Gautam Sarawagi

Posted on

Help Needed !! Topojsons build error in react: Reached heap limit Allocation failed

I am trying to develop an interactive indian map using React where I can click on the any of the states and it opens a the map of that state particulary.

For this I used the topojsons of Indian map and of all the states particualy.Durign the deployement of this complete code I am gettign the error stating: 'FATAL ERROR:

Reached heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory'.I have added I guess a total of 30 topojson files in my code that is leading me to this error.

Refrence :

I tried to look into the cummulative size of all of the states jsons and found out it to be 5Mb.

which I guess should not be an issue.

I was using an svg before of 15mb for the same task but it was not working well. so shifted to this.

would be great to get the assistance.

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