User tours are an invaluable usability feature for web applications. They allow you to onboard new users effectively, providing step-by-step guides to help them understand the software. Tours can also serve as a quick reference for recurring tasks or advanced features.
The Goal: Cross-Page Tour Solution
We aim to create a solution that allows you to create onboarding experience that span across multiple pages in the react application. Here is how it looks :

Ant Design Tour: A Local Solution
Ant Design provides a Tour component to create interactive guides. However, it has some limitations:
- It works locally within a single component.
- It relies heavily on React refs, making it less flexible for applications spanning multiple pages.
Here’s an example from the official documentation that demonstrates a basic local implementation:
import React, { useRef, useState } from 'react';
import { EllipsisOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';
import { Button, Divider, Space, Tour } from 'antd';
const App = () => {
const ref1 = useRef(null);
const ref2 = useRef(null);
const ref3 = useRef(null);
const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);
const steps = [
{ title: 'Upload File', description: 'Put your files here.', target: () => ref1.current },
{ title: 'Save', description: 'Save your changes.', target: () => ref2.current },
{ title: 'Other Actions', description: 'Click to see other actions.', target: () => ref3.current },
return (
<Button type="primary" onClick={() => setOpen(true)}>Begin Tour</Button>
<Divider />
<Button ref={ref1}>Upload</Button>
<Button ref={ref2} type="primary">Save</Button>
<Button ref={ref3} icon={<EllipsisOutlined />} />
<Tour open={open} onClose={() => setOpen(false)} steps={steps} />
export default App;
While this implementation works well for single pages, it falls short in scenarios where tours span across pages in your React application.
Here’s how we implement this:
Pre steps , app.jsx, routes.jsx, routesNames.js :
import { RouterProvider } from "react-router-dom";
import AppRouter from "./routes";
export default function App() {
return <RouterProvider router={AppRouter} />;
export const ROUTE_NAMES = {
HOME: "/",
ABOUT: "/about",
import AppLayout from "./AppLayout";
import { createBrowserRouter } from "react-router-dom";
import { ROUTE_NAMES } from "./routeNames";
import { Home } from "./components/Home";
import { About } from "./components/About";
import { Result } from "antd";
import {TourProvider} from "./TourContext";
const GetItem = (label, key, icon, to, children = [], type) => {
return !to
? {
: {
const GetRoute = (path, element, params = null) => {
return {
const WithAppLayout = (Component) => <TourProvider><AppLayout>{Component}</AppLayout></TourProvider>;
export const routeItems = [
GetItem("Home", "home", null, ROUTE_NAMES.HOME),
GetItem("About", "about", null, ROUTE_NAMES.ABOUT),
const AppRouter = createBrowserRouter([
GetRoute(ROUTE_NAMES.HOME, WithAppLayout(<Home />)),
GetRoute(ROUTE_NAMES.ABOUT, WithAppLayout(<About />)),
subTitle="Sorry, the page you visited does not exist."
export default AppRouter;
Step 1: Set Up a Global Tour Context
We use React Context to manage the tour's global state, including the active tour steps.
import React, { createContext, useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { useNavigate } from "react-router-dom";
import { APP_TOURS } from "./steps";
const TourContext = createContext();
export const TourProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [isTourActive, setTourActive] = useState(false);
const navigate = useNavigate();
useEffect(() => {
if (isTourActive) {
navigate("/home"); // Redirect to the starting point of the tour
}, [isTourActive, navigate]);
return (
<TourContext.Provider value={{ isTourActive, setTourActive, steps: APP_TOURS }}>
export default TourContext;
Step 2: Define Global Tour Steps
Instead of React refs, we use querySelector
to dynamically fetch elements by a custom data-tour-id
const getTourStepElement = (id) => document.querySelector(`[data-tour-id="${id}"]`);
export const APP_TOURS = {
"/home": [
{ title: "Upload File", description: "Put your files here.", target: () => getTourStepElement("upload") },
{ title: "Save", description: "Save your changes.", target: () => getTourStepElement("save") },
{ type: "navigate", to: "/about", title: "About Us", description: "Learn more about us." },
"/about": [
{ title: "About Us", description: "Here's what we are all about.", target: () => getTourStepElement("about") },
Step 3: Create a Global Tour Component
This component dynamically handles navigation and steps across pages.
import React, { useContext } from "react";
import { Tour } from "antd";
import { useNavigate } from "react-router-dom";
import TourContext from "./TourContext";
export const GlobalTour = () => {
const { isTourActive, steps, setTourActive } = useContext(TourContext);
const navigate = useNavigate();
return (
onClose={() => setTourActive(false)}
onChange={(current) => {
const step = steps[current];
if (step.type === "navigate") {
Step 4: Integrate into App Layout
The tour is seamlessly integrated into the layout, accessible from any page.
import React, { useContext } from "react";
import { Layout, Button } from "antd";
import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
import TourContext from "./TourContext";
import { GlobalTour } from "./GlobalTour";
const { Header, Content, Footer } = Layout;
const AppLayout = ({ children }) => {
const { setTourActive } = useContext(TourContext);
return (
<Link to="/home">Home</Link>
<Link to="/about">About</Link>
<Button onClick={() => setTourActive(true)}>Start Tour</Button>
<Footer>© {new Date().getFullYear()} My App</Footer>
<GlobalTour />
export default AppLayout;
Step 5: Add steps tour IDs
Since our tour span across multiple pages , we will assig data-tour-id for each component we want to highlight in our steps
import { Button, Space } from "antd";
import { EllipsisOutlined } from "@ant-design/icons";
export const Home = () => {
return (
<Button data-tour-id="upload" >Upload</Button>
<Button data-tour-id="save" type="primary">
<Button data-tour-id="actions" icon={<EllipsisOutlined />} />
export const About = () => {
return <div data-tour-id="about">About</div>;
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