Greetings from this side ๐
This is the final article of this series. I will briefly write about how to get started on DevSpace Forum (The app I created during the Hackathon).
I will also talk about future plans and features for the app.
But firstly, the app details.
DevSpace Forum
- App URL -
- App Screenshot
Create Space Page
Navigate through Spaces/Questions
On the onboarding page, you can sign up with your email. You will need to fill in the username and password fields.
Alternatively, you can log in with google by clicking on the google icon below the form.
Once you're signed in, you can create a space, ask a question, or find an existing space to join (live or upcoming)
Find the link to a space by clicking on the space.
At the moment, a space can be held via zoom or google meet.
The whole essence of Devspace is to allow programmers to ask and explain concepts and technologies during live video sessions.
Future features
1. In-App Video Session:
Instead of using Google Meet or Zoom for live sessions, an in-app video session feature will be developed.
This will keep all activities within the app and to better regulate them
2. In-App Chat:
An In-App chat feature should bring everyone closer.
3. Improve User Interface/ User Experience:
This is just version 1.0 ๐
Hopefully, the subsequent versions should look and feel better.
At the moment, users cannot edit their profile via the profile page.
With limited time on my hands at present, I will be working on it as soon as I get the chance to.
Source Code / Repo
DevSpace Forum is an online community where you can get your tech related questions answered via video conferencing. You can also talk about the latest technology you're using in live sessions.
DevSpace Forum ยท
DevSpace Forum is an online community where you can get your tech related questions answered via video conferencing. You can also talk about the latest technology you're using in live sessions.
Questions on DevSpace can be in the form of "how to's", "getting started", "introduction", "onboarding experience", etc.
The DevSpace Forum will be made with the following technologies:
- React & React-Router (FrontEnd)
- TailWind CSS
- AppWrite (API, Authentication & Database)
In the project directory, you can run:
npm start
This will install all the dependencies from the package.json file
DevSpace Forum is open sourced so it can be used by others. See the LICENSE file for terms and conditions
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Wow, I must say I've learned a lot during this time.
I used React Render Props and then I changed to React Context.
I felt React Context was better in this use case.
Tailwind CSS! I'm adding that to my CV/Portfolio Asap!
Operation get a tech job is in motion! ๐๐
Hmmm... How about working on a limited time frame. Phew... For someone who has a 9-5 Mondays - Fridays, I really pushed myself.
This is my first encounter with droplets, containers, nano (Linux terminal editor), Gitpod, Digital Ocean, and Appwrite!
Kudos to the Appwrite team for the easy-to-read documentation, and the growing Appwrite community that supports you when you hit a brick wall (bugs ๐ช).
Speaking about the Appwrite community, I feel like writing blog articles and tutorials that will be of help to newbies in the community like myself.
We'll see how that goes.
Finally, kudos to the DEV Community for this cool platform to write articles on the go with my phone whenever I'm less busy ๐
That's all for now.
See you laterโciao!
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