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Where/how do you save your code snippets?

Top comments (41)

armangungor profile image
Arman Gungor

Check out Quiver for Mac by HappenApps. Lets you mix text, code, Markdown and LaTeX. You can edit your code with ACE with syntax highlighting, etc.

Arman Gungor

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I've been on the fence about Quiver, I should just try the free trial already.

nunez_giovanni profile image
Giovanni Nunez

I never log-in to comment, but felt like it was necessary :p

I love Quiver. Besides the stuff Arman mentioned, I love having a defined view for all my data.
I gave each language it’s own “notebook” and I use the tag feature that’s built in.

dean profile image

I love using Github's Gists. IntelliJ also has a way to upload a code snippet to a gist from within the IDE, which is an extremely useful feature! Great syntax highlighting support as well, and has edit history.

josegonz321 profile image
Jose Gonzalez • Edited

GitHub Gist has worked wonders for me.

This is where I parked all my snippets. :)




adambrandizzi profile image
Adam Brandizzi

To copy and paste? Nowhere, I always go back to the main source code. If I need a snippet many times in a row, my clipboard manager can handle it.

For sharing I use because I like the classics 😁

jwmorse17 profile image
Joshua Morse

I have tried so many. I want three main things: first I want a web app, I am switching between multiple Win/Linux/MacOS machines multiple times a week and I want syncing and I don't want to deal with OS dependencies. second, want syntax highlighting, and last robust search. Quiver is amazing but is only Mac, Evernote doesn't have great highlighting, onenote kinda sucks in general. I have been using InkDrop recently. It does not have a web app, but it does sync across platforms. is supposed to release a web app in July '17, so that is the next thing I am going to try.

Right now I just have a mess of notes in a few different platforms waiting for the right app. At this point I would pay good money for the right solution.

jacobwallenberg profile image
Jacob Wallenberg

Sounds like you've thought quite a bit about this problem Joshua. Are you on MedleyText now? How are you finding it?

t4rzsan profile image
Jakob Christensen has a "Snippets" feature where you can save any code snippet you want. Their web UI has code highlighting and they keep your code in Git. The snippet can be private or public.

Similarly, GitHub has "Gists".

gabrielweidmann profile image
Gabriel Weidmann

Currently I'm using TiddlyWiki (a local Single-File-HTML-Wiki) for storing my snippets. There I can add a description, tags and additional information like example usages or whatever I want. It's accessible from everywhere if you put it on OneDrive or Dropbox.

With the help of additional plugins, e.g. Highlight.js, we also get syntax highlighting.

It's very easy to use and has a lot of great extensions to offer. In my opionion the most important features are tags, to keep the things organized without the need of an hierarchical structure, and the great and very-fast-to-use in-text search, to search for keywords in your snippets.

cobes profile image
Dave Cober really cool.

cheshireswift profile image

I don't, really. Any code that is useful I've either written myself for a project (in which case I check the source for the project), written myself for a one-shot script or similar (in which case I save the script) or found elsewhere (in which case I bookmark the elsewhere).

Anything too small to justify the effort of those, I'll probably just type out each time, not worth the interruption in flow to do otherwise.

peterstoyanov profile image
Petar Stoyanov

I used OneNote but didn't like the lack of proper syntax highlighting and not good search options. I use a google drive folder which I sync across my devices and for looking stuff up I just keep it open wih Visual Studio Code. Nothing revolutinary but works for me.

boudhayandev profile image
Boudhayan Dev


Take a look at this -

This should solve syntax highlighting problem of onenote

peiche profile image

Google Keep if it's something I just need to hang onto for a little while.
OneNote for work stuff.
CodePen for front-end stuff, especially when I'm working out a little block of functionality that needs testing.