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Common Misconceptions About TryHackMe

Only for Experts

Contrary to popular belief, TryHackMe is not just for seasoned cybersecurity professionals. The platform caters to a wide range of skill levels, offering various learning paths and rooms for beginners. This makes it an excellent resource for individuals just starting out in the field.

Limited to Ethical Hacking

While ethical hacking is a significant aspect of TryHackMe, the platform covers a broad spectrum of cybersecurity topics. Users can explore subjects such as network security, web application security, and digital forensics, expanding their knowledge in various areas.

Some Walkthroughs to Get You Started

Solely for Individual Learners

TryHackMe is not just for individuals looking to enhance their cybersecurity skills. The platform offers features for groups, businesses, and educational institutions as well. Users can collaborate in teams or create custom rooms for training purposes, making it a versatile resource for different types of organizations.

Unstructured Challenges

Some may assume that TryHackMe lacks organization and is simply a collection of random challenges. However, the platform provides guided learning paths and thematic rooms that help users develop their skills in a systematic and structured manner.

Unsuitable for Certifications

While TryHackMe does not directly administer certification exams, the content available on the platform can be invaluable for those preparing for certifications like CompTIA Security+, CEH, and OSCP. The platform can be used as a supplementary resource to enhance exam preparation.

Entirely Free Content

It's a misconception that all content on TryHackMe is free of charge. Although there is a significant amount of free content, some rooms and features necessitate a subscription. This subscription helps support the platform's growth and development.

Focused Only on Offensive Security

TryHackMe is not solely dedicated to offensive security. The platform also provides content related to defensive security, such as incident response and security monitoring. This balanced approach enables users to acquire a comprehensive understanding of cybersecurity.

An Illegal Platform

Some might mistakenly view TryHackMe as an illegal platform. In reality, TryHackMe is a legitimate and reputable cybersecurity learning platform that emphasizes ethical hacking. The platform teaches users to utilize their skills responsibly and within the boundaries of the law.

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