Projectsveltos is a Kubernetes add-on controller that simplifies the deployment and management of add-ons and applications across multiple clusters. It runs in the management cluster and can programmatically deploy and manage add-ons and applications on any cluster in the fleet, including the management cluster itself. Sveltos supports a variety of add-on formats, including Helm charts, raw YAML, Kustomize, Carvel ytt, and Jsonnet.
Projectsveltos though goes beyond managing add-ons and applications across a fleet of #Kubernetes Clusters. It can also proactively monitor cluster health and provide real-time notifications.
To detect events in managed cluster and evaluate health, Lua language is used. Create an EventSource instance can be created to define what an event is. HealthCheck instance can be created to define what an health rule is.
Send Slack Notification when Pod is in crashloopbackoff state
We already described here how to instruct Sveltos to detect a Pod in crashloopbackoff state and send a Slack notification when the happens.

Deploy add-ons and applications when event happens
In this article we will describe how to configure Sveltos to detect an event and respond to it by deploying a new set of add-ons and applications.

Projectsveltos has two custom resource definitions to achieve this goal:
EventSource defines what an event is. It accepts a #lua script. Sveltos's monitoring capabilities extend to all Kubernetes resources, including custom resources, ensuring comprehensive oversight of your infrastructure.
EventBasedAddOn defines in which clusters events need to be detected and what add-ons and applications deploy in response.
kind: EventSource
name: crashing-pod
group: ""
version: "v1"
kind: "Pod"
collectResources: true
script: |
function evaluate()
hs = {}
hs.matching = false
hs.message = ""
if obj.status.containerStatuses then
local containerStatuses = obj.status.containerStatuses
for _, containerStatus in ipairs(containerStatuses) do
if containerStatus.state.waiting and containerStatus.state.waiting.reason == "CrashLoopBackOff" then
hs.matching = true
hs.message = obj.metadata.namespace .. "/" .. .. ":" .. containerStatus.state.waiting.message
if containerStatus.lastState.terminated and containerStatus.lastState.terminated.reason then
hs.message = hs.message .. "\nreason:" .. containerStatus.lastState.terminated.reason
return hs
kind: EventBasedAddOn
name: hc
sourceClusterSelector: env=fv
eventSourceName: crashing-pod
oneForEvent: true
stopMatchingBehavior: LeavePolicies
- name: k8s-collector
namespace: default
kind: ConfigMap
The ConfigMap referenced by EventBasedAddOn instance contains all resources that will be deployed in each cluster where a Pod in crashing state is found.
In this case:
- PersistentVolumeClaim will be created
- A Job containing a Kubernetes collector instance. This job will collect logs and Kubernetes resources and save those in the corresponding volume
- A ConfigMap contains the Kubernetes collector configuration (which logs and resources to collect).
All YAMLs used in this example can be found here.
The Kubernetes collector used in this example can be found here.
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