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Giovanni Cortés
Giovanni Cortés

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About my learning of GameDev

For a long time I wanted to create video games; In fact, it was thanks to RPG Maker that I start to learn programming and I liked it, and that’s why I became a software developer

After a while I finally set out to really develop a game and release something, more than anything like a hobby, since I like everything that involves the game dev and also because it is very different from traditional programming.

I have tried some engines and sometimes I don’t feel at all comfortable, since I want to learn how everything works from inside and really learn how to program a video game without the help of engines.

After thinking a little and trying some frameworks, I decided, at least for now, to focus on two topics

  • MonoGame and C#
  • C++ and GBA programing

The first is because I like C # and it is one of my favorite languages, and I also consider MonoGame an excellent and well designed framework that comes from XNA and there is a lot of documentation since then, and something very important, it is cross platform!

Programming for GBA is because it is one of my favorite consoles. For me it would be a challenge, since you have to program at a very low level because we handle the hardware directly, even if C ++ is used you have to know its architecture. It is a great way to learn how computers work!

With this in mind, I will be writing in my blog about what I am learning and also uploading games that I will create.

So if you are interested in these two topics, you can follow my journey through my blog.

The post About my learning of GameDev appeared first on Giovanni Codes.

Top comments (3)

codethug profile image
Nicolas Quijano

Old code bum and game industry vet here, first learned to code back in 1980. I strongly suggest using the GBA gamedev experimentation to learn some real low level coding and debugging by getting a debugger that can dissassemble any code running in the emulator, or even better on a real GBA plugged in to dev tools on your workstation to learn some assembly. Since you don`t want to use an engine as part of your desired experience is learning and understanding how everything works from the bare metal to the highest levels, I'd do that.
I'd look into plugging Lua as a script engine into your mono and GBA projects, look at LLVM to optimize code (byte or native), build yoruself some custom profiling and stat tools, etc.
Have fun !!

gidrek profile image
Giovanni Cortés

Thanks for your tips! Actually I have some ideas about debugging with the emulator but I will check the real device (I have 2 GBA). I will check your advices, thanks.

codethug profile image
Nicolas Quijano

My pleasure, feel free to ping me with questions, as a soundboard, etc.