Learn how to implement secure authentication and authorization in an Express.js API using JWT, TypeScript, and Prisma. This guide walks you through setting up access & refresh tokens, securing endpoints, and structuring a scalable project with controllers, middlewares, and validations. Perfect for building authentication in real-world apps!
Youβll learn how to:
- Securely generate, store, and validate access tokens and refresh tokens
- Implement middleware-based authentication to protect API routes
- Handle user login, registration, and **logout **with proper token revocation
- Structure your Express.js project for scalability using controllers, middlewares, and validations
π οΈ Getting Started: Installation & Setup
Before diving into the code, letβs set up the project and install the necessary dependencies.
Install Node.js & npm (If Not Installed)
First, make sure you have Node.js and npm installed on your system.
πΉ Check if Node.js & npm are installed by running the following command in your terminal:
node -v # Check Node.js version
npm -v # Check npm version
If these commands return a version number (e.g., v18.16.0 for Node.js), youβre good to go! π―
β If not installed, download and install the latest LTS version of Node.js from:
π https://nodejs.org/
1οΈβ£ Initialize a New Express.js Project
Once Node.js and npm are installed, follow these steps:
π Create a new project folder & navigate into it:
mkdir express-auth-prisma # creates express-auth-prisma folder
cd express-auth-prisma # navigate into express-auth-prisma folder
π Initialize the project with npm
npm init -y
π Install Required Dependencies
Install the core dependencies for your project:
npm install cookie-parser cors dotenv express jsonwebtoken bcryptjs zod @prisma/client
What Each Dependency Does:
- cookie-parser: Parses cookies attached to incoming HTTP requests. Why Itβs Needed: Essential for handling authentication tokens stored in cookies (e.g., JWT tokens).
- cors: Enables Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). Why Itβs Needed: Allows your API to handle requests from different domains (e.g., a frontend app running on http://localhost:3000).
- dotenv: Loads environment variables from a .env file into process.env. Why Itβs Needed: Keeps sensitive information (e.g., database URLs, secret keys) out of your codebase.
- express: A minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework. Why Itβs Needed: The backbone of your API, handling routing, middleware, and HTTP requests/responses.
- jsonwebtoken: Generates and verifies JSON Web Tokens (JWT). Why Itβs Needed: Used for creating secure access and refresh tokens for authentication
- bcryptjs: Hashes passwords securely. Why Itβs Needed: Protects user passwords by storing them as hashed values in the database.
- zod: A TypeScript-first schema validation library. Why Itβs Needed: Validates user input (e.g., login/registration data) to ensure it meets required criteria.
- @prisma/client: An auto-generated database client for Prisma. Why Itβs Needed: Provides a type-safe way to interact with your database (e.g., querying, inserting, updating data).
π Install Development Dependencies
Add the necessary dev dependencies for TypeScript and Prisma:
npm install -D @types/cookie-parser @types/cors @types/express @types/node @types/jsonwebtoken nodemon prisma ts-node tsconfig-paths tsc-alias typescript
What Each Dependency Does:
- @types/ Packages (e.g., @types/cookie-parser, @types/cors, etc.): TypeScript type definitions for Node.js and third-party libraries. Why Itβs Needed: Provides TypeScript with type information for JavaScript libraries, enabling better type checking and autocompletion.
- nodemon: Automatically restarts the server when file changes are detected. Why Itβs Needed: Speeds up development by eliminating the need to manually restart the server after code changes.
- prisma: A modern database toolkit for TypeScript and Node.js. Why Itβs Needed: Manages database migrations, generates a type-safe client, and simplifies database interactions.
- ts-node: Enables running TypeScript files directly without pre-compiling to JavaScript. Why Itβs Needed: Simplifies development by allowing you to execute .ts files on the fly.
- tsconfig-paths: Resolves custom path aliases defined in tsconfig.json. Why Itβs Needed: Allows you to use cleaner import paths (e.g., @utils/response instead of ../../utils/response)
- tsc-alias: Replaces path aliases with the correct paths in the built JavaScript files. Why Itβs Needed: Ensures that the path aliases you use during development are correctly resolved in the compiled JavaScript output.
π Initialize Typescript
Generate a tsconfig.json file to configure TypeScript:
npx tsc --init
π Set Up Prisma
Set up Prisma in your project:
npx prisma init
This creates a .env file for environment variables and a prisma folder with a schema.prisma file for database schema definitions.
π Configure package.json Scripts
Update the scripts section in package.json to include Nodemon for automatic server restarts:
"scripts": {
"dev": "nodemon ./src/index.ts",
"build": "tsc && tsc-alias",
"start": "node ./dist/index.js"
π Set Up Path Aliases
Path aliases make your imports cleaner and more readable by allowing you to use custom names instead of long relative paths (../../utils/someFile.ts).
Step 1: Open tsconfig.json
Find the compilerOptions section and add the following:
"outDir": "./dist",
"rootDir": "./src",
"baseUrl": "./src",
"paths": {
"@config/*": ["config/*"],
"@middlewares/*": ["middlewares/*"],
"@controllers/*": ["controllers/*"],
"@routes/*": ["routes/*"],
"@utils/*": ["utils/*"]
This allows you to use cleaner imports like @utils/response instead of long relative paths.
- outDir: Specifies that compiled TypeScript files should be outputted to the dist folder.
- rootDir: Indicates that all TypeScript source files are inside the src directory.
- baseUrl: Sets src as the base directory for module resolution.
- paths: Defines alias shortcuts to avoid long relative imports (../../utils/response.utils.ts β @utils/response.utils.ts).
π Define Your Prisma Schema
In prisma/schema.prisma, define the User model:
// This is your Prisma schema file,
// learn more about it in the docs: https://pris.ly/d/prisma-schema
// Looking for ways to speed up your queries, or scale easily with your serverless or edge functions?
// Try Prisma Accelerate: https://pris.ly/cli/accelerate-init
generator client {
provider = "prisma-client-js"
datasource db {
provider = "mysql" // you can change this to use other databases like PostgreSQL or SQLite
url = env("DATABASE_URL") // Your database connection URL (stored in .env file)
model User {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
username String @unique
email String @unique
password String
refreshToken String?
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
This schema sets up a basic user model with fields for authentication and token management.
!!! In datasource db object you can replace database provider based on your database in my case i will use mysql
2οΈβ£ Folder Structure & Explanation
A well-organized folder structure is key to maintaining a clean and scalable codebase. Hereβs the recommended structure:
π¦ express-auth-prisma
β£ π node_modules/
β£ π prisma
β£ π src
β β£ π config
β β β£ π app.config.ts
β β β£ π auth.config.ts
β β£ π controllers
β β β£ π auth.controller.ts
β β β£ π user.controller.ts
β β£ π middlewares
β β β£ π auth.middleware.ts
β β β£ π validation.middleware.ts
β β£ π routes
β β β£ π auth.routes.ts
β β β£ π router.ts
β β β£ π user.routes.ts
β β£ π utils
β β β£ π response.utils.ts
β β£ π validations
β β β£ π auth.schema.ts
β β£ π app.ts
β β£ π db.ts
β β£ π index.ts
β£ π .env
β£ π package-lock.json
β£ π package.json
β£ π tsconfig.json
Project Structure & File Explanations
π Root Directory
- node_modules/: Contains all installed npm packages and dependencies. prisma/: Stores Prisma-related files, including the schema.prisma file for defining your database schema.
- src/: The main source folder containing all backend logic and application code. .env: Stores environment variables like database URLs, API keys, and secret tokens. package.json & package-lock.json: Manage project dependencies and scripts. tsconfig.json: Configures TypeScript settings for the project.
π src/ (Main Source Folder)
This folder contains all the backend logic and Express app configuration.
1.config/: Stores configuration files for the application.
- app.config.ts: Manages application settings like host and port
- auth.config.ts: Handles JWT secrets and token expiration settings.
2.controllers/: Contains functions that handle route requests and business logic.
- auth.controller.ts: Manages authentication-related operations (login, registration, logout, token refresh).
- user.controller.ts: Handles user-related operations (e.g., fetching user info).asd
3.middlewares/: Holds Express middleware functions for processing requests.
- auth.middleware.ts: Authenticates users using JWT tokens.
- validation.middleware.ts: Validates request data using Zod schemas.
4.routes/: Defines route handlers for modular organization.
- auth.routes.ts: Routes for authentication endpoints (e.g., /login, /register).
- user.routes.ts: Routes for user-related endpoints (e.g., /user/info).
- router.ts: Base router class for defining and registering routes.
5.utils/: Stores utility and helper functions for reusable logic.
- response.utils.ts: Provides utility methods for sending consistent API responses.
6.validations/: Manages Zod schema validation for request body data.
- auth.schema.ts: Defines validation schemas for authentication-related requests (e.g., login, registration).
7.app.ts: Configures the Express application, initializes middlewares, and registers routes.
8.db.ts: Configures the Prisma client for database interactions. Key Features: Ensures a singleton instance of the Prisma client for efficient database connections. Prevents unnecessary re-initialization in development environments.
9.index.ts: The entry point of the application. Bootstraps and starts the server.
3οΈβ£ Code Part: Implementing Authentication and Configuration
Now that weβve set up the project and installed the necessary dependencies, letβs dive into the code! Below, youβll find the implementation details for configuration files, controllers, and other essential components.
β οΈ β οΈ β οΈοΈ Note While you can copy and paste the code provided in this section, some imports may not work immediately. This could be due to:
- Unresolved TypeScript Path Aliases: Imports like import Send from "@utils/response.utils" won't work until we configure TypeScript path aliases in the next section.
- Missing Files: Some code references files (e.g., controllers, utilities, or validations) that haven't been created or copied yet.
Donβt worry β weβll address these issues step by step in the upcoming sections. For now, focus on understanding the logic and flow of the code.
π§ Configuration Files
π src/.env
The .env file stores environment-specific configuration values, such as database credentials and authentication secrets. These values are loaded into the application at runtime, keeping sensitive information secure and out of your codebase.
# Application Settings
# Database Configuration
DATABASE_URL="mysql://db-username:db-password@localhost:3306/db-name" # db connection url
# Authentication Settings
AUTH_SECRET="your_jwt_access_token_secret" # Secret key for signing JWT access tokens
AUTH_SECRET_EXPIRES_IN="15m" # Access token expiration time (15 minutes)
AUTH_REFRESH_SECRET="your_jwt_refresh_token_secret" # Secret key for signing JWT refresh tokens
AUTH_REFRESH_SECRET_EXPIRES_IN="24h" # Refresh token expiration time (24 hours)
π Run Prisma Migrations
After defining your User model in prisma/schema.prisma, you need to run Prisma Migrate to create the necessary tables in your database.
Step1: Run Prisma migrate
This command will:
- Generate a migration file in the prisma/migrations folder.
- Apply the migration to your database, creating the User table.
npx prisma migrate dev --name add-user-schema
Step 2: Verify the Migration
- Check the prisma/migrations folder to ensure the migration file was created.
- Open your database (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL) and verify that the User table was created with the correct columns.
Step 3: Regenerate the Prisma Client
After running the migration, regenerate the Prisma Client to ensure it reflects the latest schema changes:
npx prisma generate
π src/config/app.config.ts
const appConfig = {
host: process.env.APP_HOST as string,
port: parseInt(process.env.APP_PORT as string),
export default appConfig;
π src/config/auth.config.ts
const authConfig = {
// Secret key used for signing JWT access tokens
secret: process.env.AUTH_SECRET as string,
// Expiration time for the JWT access token (e.g., "15m" for 15 minutes)
secret_expires_in: process.env.AUTH_SECRET_EXPIRES_IN as string,
// Secret key used for signing JWT refresh tokens
refresh_secret: process.env.AUTH_REFRESH_SECRET as string,
// Expiration time for the JWT refresh token (e.g., "24h" for 24 hours)
refresh_secret_expires_in: process.env.AUTH_REFRESH_SECRET_EXPIRES_IN as string
export default authConfig;
Why These Configurations Matter?
- Security: Sensitive data like database URLs and JWT secrets are stored securely in .env
- Flexibility: Environment variables make it easy to switch configurations between development, testing, and production environments.
- Scalability: Centralized configuration files like app.config.ts and auth.config.ts simplify updates and maintenance.
π οΈ Controllers: Handling Authentication and User Operations.
Controllers are the backbone of your application, responsible for handling incoming requests, processing business logic, and returning responses. Below, weβll explore the auth.controller and user.controller in detail.
π src/controllers/auth.controller.ts
The AuthController manages all authentication-related operations, including login, registration, logout, and token refresh.
import Send from "@utils/response.utils";
import { prisma } from "db";
import { Request, Response } from "express";
import authSchema from "validations/auth.schema";
import bcrypt from "bcryptjs";
import { z } from "zod";
import jwt from "jsonwebtoken";
import authConfig from "@config/auth.config";
class AuthController {
static login = async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
// Destructure the request body into the expected fields
const { email, password } = req.body as z.infer<typeof authSchema.login>;
try {
// 1. Check if the email already exists in the database
const user = await prisma.user.findUnique({
where: { email }
// If user does not exist, return an error
if (!user) {
return Send.error(res, null, "Invalid credentials");
// 2. Compare the provided password with the hashed password stored in the database
const isPasswordValid = await bcrypt.compare(password, user.password);
if (!isPasswordValid) {
return Send.error(res, null, "Invalid credentials.");
// 3. Generate an access token (JWT) with a short expiration time (e.g., 15 minutes)
const accessToken = jwt.sign(
{ userId: user.id },
authConfig.secret, // Use the secret from the authConfig for signing the access token
{ expiresIn: authConfig.secret_expires_in as any } // Use the expiration time from the config (e.g., "15m")
// 4. Generate a refresh token with a longer expiration time (e.g., 7 days)
const refreshToken = jwt.sign(
{ userId: user.id, },
authConfig.refresh_secret, // Use the separate secret for signing the refresh token
{ expiresIn: authConfig.refresh_secret_expires_in as any } // Use the expiration time for the refresh token (e.g., "24h")
// 5. Store the refresh token in the database (optional)
await prisma.user.update({
where: { email },
data: { refreshToken }
// 6. Set the access token and refresh token in HttpOnly cookies
// This ensures that the tokens are not accessible via JavaScript and are sent automatically with each request
// The access token expires quickly and is used for authenticating API requests
// The refresh token is stored to allow renewing the access token when it expires
res.cookie("accessToken", accessToken, {
httpOnly: true, // Ensure the cookie cannot be accessed via JavaScript (security against XSS attacks)
secure: process.env.NODE_ENV === "production", // Set to true in production for HTTPS-only cookies
maxAge: 15 * 60 * 1000, // 15 minutes in mileseconds
sameSite: "strict" // Ensures the cookie is sent only with requests from the same site
res.cookie("refreshToken", refreshToken, {
httpOnly: true,
secure: process.env.NODE_ENV === "production",
maxAge: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, // 24 hours is mileseconds
sameSite: "strict"
// 7. Return a successful response with the user's basic information (without sending tokens in the response body)
return Send.success(res, {
id: user.id,
username: user.username,
email: user.email
} catch (error) {
// If any error occurs, return a generic error response
console.error("Login Failed:", error); // Log the error for debugging
return Send.error(res, null, "Login failed.");
static register = async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
// Destructure the request body into the expected fields
const { username, email, password, password_confirmation } = req.body as z.infer<typeof authSchema.register>;
try {
// 1. Check if the email already exists in the database
const existingUser = await prisma.user.findUnique({
where: { email }
// If a user with the same email exists, return an error response
if (existingUser) {
return Send.error(res, null, "Email is already in use.");
// 2. Hash the password using bcrypt to ensure security before storing it in the DB
const hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(password, 10);
// 3. Create a new user in the database with hashed password
const newUser = await prisma.user.create({
data: {
password: hashedPassword
// 4. Return a success response with the new user data (excluding password for security)
return Send.success(res, {
id: newUser.id,
username: newUser.username,
email: newUser.email
}, "User successfully registered.");
} catch (error) {
// Handle any unexpected errors (e.g., DB errors, network issues)
console.error("Registration failed:", error); // Log the error for debugging
return Send.error(res, null, "Registration failed.");
static logout = async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
try {
// 1. We will ensure the user is authenticated before running this controller
// The authentication check will be done in the middleware (see auth.routes.ts).
// The middleware will check the presence of a valid access token in the cookies.
// 2. Remove the refresh token from the database (optional, if using refresh tokens)
const userId = (req as any).user?.userId; // Assumed that user data is added by the middleware
if (userId) {
await prisma.user.update({
where: { id: userId },
data: { refreshToken: null } // Clear the refresh token from the database
// 3. Remove the access and refresh token cookies
// We clear both cookies here (accessToken and refreshToken)
// 4. Send success response after logout
return Send.success(res, null, "Logged out successfully.");
} catch (error) {
// 5. If an error occurs, return an error response
console.error("Logout failed:", error); // Log the error for debugging
return Send.error(res, null, "Logout failed.");
static refreshToken = async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
try {
const userId = (req as any).userId; // Get userId from the refreshTokenValidation middleware
const refreshToken = req.cookies.refreshToken; // Get the refresh token from cookies
// Check if the refresh token has been revoked
const user = await prisma.user.findUnique({
where: { id: userId }
if (!user || !user.refreshToken) {
return Send.unauthorized(res, "Refresh token not found");
// Check if the refresh token in the database matches the one from the client
if (user.refreshToken !== refreshToken) {
return Send.unauthorized(res, { message: "Invalid refresh token" });
// Generate a new access token
const newAccessToken = jwt.sign(
{ userId: user.id },
{ expiresIn: authConfig.secret_expires_in as any }
// Send the new access token in the response
res.cookie("accessToken", newAccessToken, {
httpOnly: true,
secure: process.env.NODE_ENV === "production",
maxAge: 15 * 60 * 1000, // 15 minutes
sameSite: "strict"
return Send.success(res, { message: "Access token refreshed successfully" });
} catch (error) {
console.error("Refresh Token failed:", error);
return Send.error(res, null, "Failed to refresh token");
export default AuthController;
π src/controllers/user.controller.ts
The UserController handles user-related operations, such as fetching user information.
import Send from "@utils/response.utils";
import { prisma } from "db";
import { Request, Response } from "express";
import { send } from "process";
class UserController {
* Get the user information based on the authenticated user.
* The userId is passed from the AuthMiddleware.
static getUser = async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
try {
const userId = (req as any).userId; // Extract userId from the authenticated request
// Fetch the user data from the database (Prisma in this case)
const user = await prisma.user.findUnique({
where: { id: userId },
select: {
id: true,
username: true,
email: true,
createdAt: true,
updatedAt: true,
// Add other fields you want to return
// If the user is not found, return a 404 error
if (!user) {
return Send.notFound(res, {}, "User not found");
// Return the user data in the response
return Send.success(res, { user });
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching user info:", error);
return Send.error(res, {}, "Internal server error");
export default UserController;
π οΈ Middleware: Validation and Authentication
Middleware functions sit between the incoming request and the final route handler, allowing you to process requests, validate data, and enforce security checks. Below, weβll explore the validation.middleware and auth.middleware.
π src/middlewares/validation.middleware.ts
This middleware validates incoming request data using Zod schemas. If the data doesnβt match the schema, it returns a formatted error response.
- - validateBody(schema): Validates the request body against a Zod schema.
- - Formats validation errors into a clean, user-friendly structure (e.g., { email: [βInvalid emailβ], password: [βPassword too shortβ] }).
- - Sends a 422 Unprocessable Entity response if validation fails.
import Send from "@utils/response.utils";
import { NextFunction, Request, Response } from "express";
import { ZodError, ZodSchema } from "zod";
class ValidationMiddleware {
static validateBody(schema: ZodSchema) {
return (req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
try {
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof ZodError) {
// Format errors like { email: ['error1', 'error2'], password: ['error1'] }
const formattedErrors: Record<string, string[]> = {};
error.errors.forEach((err) => {
const field = err.path.join("."); // Get the field name
if (!formattedErrors[field]) {
formattedErrors[field] = [];
formattedErrors[field].push(err.message); // Add validation message
return Send.validationErrors(res, formattedErrors);
// If it's another type of error, send a generic error response
return Send.error(res, "Invalid request data");
export default ValidationMiddleware;
π src/controllers/auth.middleware.ts
This middleware handles user authentication and token validation.
Key Methods:
- authenticateUser Purpose: Verifies the access token stored in an HTTP-only cookie. Steps: Extracts the access token from the cookie. Verifies the token using the JWT secret. Attaches the userβs ID to the request object for use in downstream controllers. Returns a 401 Unauthorized error if the token is missing, invalid, or expired.
- refreshTokenValidation Purpose: Validates the refresh token stored in an HTTP-only cookie. Steps: Extracts the refresh token from the cookie. Verifies the token using the refresh token secret. Attaches the userβs ID to the request object. Returns a 401 Unauthorized error if the token is missing, invalid, or expired.
- Why Itβs Useful: Protects routes by ensuring only authenticated users can access them. Handles token validation securely using HTTP-only cookies.
import authConfig from "@config/auth.config";
import Send from "@utils/response.utils";
import { NextFunction, Request, Response } from "express";
import jwt from "jsonwebtoken";
export interface DecodedToken {
userId: number;
class AuthMiddleware {
* Middleware to authenticate the user based on the access token stored in the HttpOnly cookie.
* This middleware will verify the access token and attach the user information to the request object.
static authenticateUser = (req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
// 1. Extract the access token from the HttpOnly cookie
const token = req.cookies.accessToken;
// If there's no access token, return an error
if (!token) {
return Send.unauthorized(res, null); // Sends 401 Unauthorized if token is missing
try {
// 2. Verify the token using the secret from the auth config
const decodedToken = jwt.verify(token, authConfig.secret) as DecodedToken; // Type assertion for better type safety
// If the token is valid, attach user information to the request object
(req as any).userId = decodedToken.userId; // Attach userId to the request object
// Proceed to the next middleware or route handler
} catch (error) {
// If the token verification fails (invalid or expired token), return an error
console.error("Authentication failed:", error); // Log error for debugging
return Send.unauthorized(res, null); // Sends 401 Unauthorized if token is invalid or expired
static refreshTokenValidation = (req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
// 1. Extract the refresh token from the HttpOnly cookie
const refreshToken = req.cookies.refreshToken;
// If there's no refresh token, return an error
if (!refreshToken) {
return Send.unauthorized(res, { message: "No refresh token provided" });
try {
// 2. Verify the refresh token using the secret from the auth config
const decodedToken = jwt.verify(refreshToken, authConfig.refresh_secret) as { userId: number };
// If the token is valid, attach user information to the request object
(req as any).userId = decodedToken.userId;
// Proceed to the next middleware or route handler
} catch (error) {
// Handle token verification errors (invalid or expired token)
console.error("Refresh Token authentication failed:", error);
// Return a 401 Unauthorized with a more specific message
return Send.unauthorized(res, { message: "Invalid or expired refresh token" });
export default AuthMiddleware;
π οΈ Routes: Organizing API Endpoints
Routes define the entry points for your API, mapping HTTP methods (e.g., GET, POST) to specific controller functions. This section explains how to structure and implement routes using a modular and scalable approach.
π src/routes/router.ts
The BaseRouter class is an abstract base class that simplifies route registration. It ensures consistency and reusability across your application.
Key Features:
- RouteMethod Type: Defines the allowed HTTP methods for routes (get, post, put, delete, patch).
- RouteConfig Interface: Describes the structure of a route: method: The HTTP method (e.g., βgetβ, βpostβ). path: The URL path (e.g., β/loginβ). handler: The function that processes the request and sends a response. middlewares: Optional middleware functions to run before the handler.
- registerRoutes Method: Automatically registers all routes defined in the routes method. Applies middlewares (if any) before the route handler.
import { Router, RequestHandler } from "express";
// Define the possible HTTP methods for routes
type RouteMethod = "get" | "post" | "put" | "delete" | "patch";
// Interface to describe the configuration of each route
export interface RouteConfig {
method: RouteMethod; // HTTP method (GET, POST, etc.)
path: string; // Path for the route
handler: RequestHandler; // Request handler for the route (controller method)
middlewares?: RequestHandler[]; // Optional middlewares for this route
// Abstract base class for creating routes
export default abstract class BaseRouter {
public router: Router;
// Constructor that initializes the router
constructor() {
this.router = Router(); // Create a new Express Router instance
this.registerRoutes(); // Register routes when the instance is created
// Abstract method that must be implemented by subclasses to define the routes
protected abstract routes(): RouteConfig[];
// Private method that registers all the routes defined in the `routes` method
private registerRoutes(): void {
this.routes().forEach(({ method, path, handler, middlewares = [] }) => {
// Use the appropriate HTTP method to register the route, applying any middlewares before the handler
this.router[method](path, ...middlewares, handler);
How to Use BaseRouter?
Extend the BaseRouter class to define routes for specific parts of your application (e.g., authentication, user management).
π src/routes/auth.routes.ts
import AuthController from "@controllers/auth.controller";
import BaseRouter, { RouteConfig } from "./router";
import ValidationMiddleware from "@middlewares/validation.middleware";
import authSchema from "validations/auth.schema";
import AuthMiddleware from "@middlewares/auth.middleware";
class AuthRouter extends BaseRouter {
protected routes(): RouteConfig[] {
return [
// login
method: "post",
path: "/login",
middlewares: [
handler: AuthController.login
// register
method: "post",
path: "/register",
middlewares: [
handler: AuthController.register
// logout
method: "post",
path: "/logout",
middlewares: [
// check if user is logged in
handler: AuthController.logout
// refresh token
method: "post",
path: "/refresh-token",
middlewares: [
// checks if refresh token is valid
handler: AuthController.refreshToken
export default new AuthRouter().router;
π src/routes/user.routes.ts
import BaseRouter, { RouteConfig } from "./router";
import AuthMiddleware from "@middlewares/auth.middleware";
import UserController from "@controllers/user.controller";
class UserRoutes extends BaseRouter {
protected routes(): RouteConfig[] {
return [
// get user info
method: "get",
path: "/info", // api/user/info
middlewares: [
handler: UserController.getUser
export default new UserRoutes().router;
Why This Structure Matters?
- Modularity: Separates routes into logical groups (e.g., authentication, user management).
- Reusability: Middleware and route logic can be reused across multiple routes.
- Scalability: Adding new routes is straightforward and consistent.
π οΈ Utility: Consistent API Responses with Send
The Send class is a utility that simplifies sending consistent and well-structured API responses. It ensures that all responses follow the same format, making your API easier to use and debug.
π src/utils/response.utils.ts
import { Response } from "express";
class Send {
static success(res: Response, data: any, message = "success") {
ok: true,
static error(res: Response, data: any, message = "error") {
// A generic 500 Internal Server Error is returned for unforeseen issues
ok: false,
static notFound(res: Response, data: any, message = "not found") {
// 404 is for resources that don't exist
ok: false,
static unauthorized(res: Response, data: any, message = "unauthorized") {
// 401 for unauthorized access (e.g., invalid token)
ok: false,
static validationErrors(res: Response, errors: Record<string, string[]>) {
// 422 for unprocessable entity (validation issues)
ok: false,
message: "Validation error",
static forbidden(res: Response, data: any, message = "forbidden") {
// 403 for forbidden access (when the user does not have the rights to access)
ok: false,
static badRequest(res: Response, data: any, message = "bad request") {
// 400 for general bad request errors
ok: false,
export default Send;
Send class Example:
Send.success(res, { id: 1, name: "John" }, "User found");
Send class Result
"ok": true,
"message": "User found",
"data": { "id": 1, "name": "John" }
π οΈ Validations: Ensuring Data Integrity with Zod
Validations are crucial for ensuring that incoming data meets your applicationβs requirements. Using Zod, a TypeScript-first schema validation library, we can define and enforce rules for request data.
π src/validations/auth.schema.ts
This file contains validation schemas for authentication-related requests, such as login and registration.
import { z } from "zod";
const passwordSchema = z.string()
.min(8, "Password must be at least 8 characters long")
.regex(/[A-Z]/, "Password must include at least one uppercase letter")
.regex(/[a-z]/, "Password must include at least one lowercase letter")
.regex(/[0-9]/, "Password must include at least one number")
.regex(/[@$!%*?&]/, "Password must include at least one special character");
const usernameSchema = z.string()
.min(6, "Username must be at least 6 characters long")
.max(20, "Username must not exceed 20 characters")
.regex(/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/, "Username can only contain letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores")
.refine((value) => !/^\d+$/.test(value), {
message: "Username cannot be only numbers",
.refine((value) => !/[@$!%*?&]/.test(value), {
message: "Username cannot contain special characters like @$!%*?&",
const login = z.object({
email: z.string().trim().min(1, "Email is required").email("Invalid email format"),
password: z.string().min(1, "Password is required")
const register = z.object({
username: usernameSchema,
email: z.string().email("Invalid email format"),
password: passwordSchema,
password_confirmation: z.string().min(1, "Password confirmation is required")
}).refine((data) => data.password === data.password_confirmation, {
path: ["password_confirmation"],
message: "Passwords do not match"
const authSchema = {
export default authSchema;
Why Use Zod for Validations?
- Type Safety: Zod integrates seamlessly with TypeScript, ensuring type-safe validation.
- Readable Schemas: Validation rules are easy to define and understand.
- Custom Error Messages: Provides clear and user-friendly error messages for invalid data.
- Extensibility: Supports complex validation logic with .refine() and custom rules.
π App Configuration: Setting Up the Express Server
This section covers the core setup of your Express application, including middleware configuration, route registration, and server initialization.
π src/app.ts
The App class is the heart of our Express application. It configures middlewares, registers routes, and starts the server.
Key Features:
1.Constructor: Initializes the Express app. Calls initMiddlewares and initRoutes to set up middlewares and routes.
2.initMiddlewares Method: Configures essential middlewares
- express.json(): Parses incoming JSON payloads.
- cookieParser(): Parses cookies attached to requests
- cors(): Enables Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for specified frontend URLs (e.g., http://localhost:3000).
3.initRoutes Method: Registers routes for authentication (/api/auth) and user management (/api/user).
4.start Method: Starts the server on the specified host and port (from appConfig). Logs a message when the server is running.
import express, { Express } from "express";
import cookieParser from "cookie-parser";
import cors from "cors";
import authRoutes from "@routes/auth.routes";
import appConfig from "@config/app.config";
import userRoutes from "@routes/user.routes";
class App {
private app: Express;
constructor() {
this.app = express()
private initMiddlewares() {
origin: [
'http://localhost:3000', // your frontend url
'https://mywebsite.com' // your production url optional
methods: ["GET", "POST", "DELETE"],
credentials: true
private initRoutes() {
// /api/auth/*
this.app.use("/api/auth", authRoutes);
// /api/user/*
this.app.use("/api/user", userRoutes);
public start() {
const { port, host } = appConfig;
this.app.listen(port, host, () => {
console.log(`server is running on http://${host}:${port}`);
export default App;
π src/db.ts
This file configures the Prisma client for database interactions.
Key Features:
- Singleton Pattern: Ensures only one instance of the Prisma client is created, improving performance.
- Environment-Specific Behavior: Prevents re-initialization of the Prisma client in development environments.
import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client";
const globalForPrisma = global as unknown as { prisma: PrismaClient };
export const prisma =
globalForPrisma.prisma || new PrismaClient();
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") globalForPrisma.prisma = prisma;
π src/index.ts
This is the entry point of your application. It initializes the App class and starts the server.
import "tsconfig-paths/register";
import "dotenv/config"
import App from "app";
const app = new App;
π§ͺ How to Test the Application**
Once youβve set up the project and implemented the code, you can test the authentication and authorization flow to ensure everything works as expected. Hereβs a step-by-step guide to testing the application:
1. Start the Development Server
Run the following command to start the development server:
npm run dev
This command starts your Express.js server using Nodemon, a tool that automatically restarts the server whenever you make changes to the code inside the src/ folder.
2. Test the API Endpoints
You can use tools like Postman, Insomnia, or cURL to test the API endpoints. Below are the key endpoints and how to test them:
a. User Registration
Endpoint: POST /api/auth/register
Request Body:
"username": "john28",
"email": "john@example.com",
"password": "Password@123",
"password_confirmation": "Password@123"
b. User Login
Endpoint: POST /api/auth/login
Request Body:
"email": "john@example.com",
"password": "Password@123"
- 1. accessToken: A short-lived JWT token (e.g., 15 minutes).
- 2. refreshToken: A long-lived JWT token (e.g., 24 hours).
c. Fetch User Information
Endpoint: GET /api/user/info
Headers: Ensure the accessToken cookie is sent with the request.
"ok": true,
"message": "success",
"data": {
"user": {
"id": 1,
"username": "john_doe",
"email": "john@example.com",
"createdAt": "2023-10-01T12:00:00.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-10-01T12:00:00.000Z"
d. Refresh Access Token
Endpoint: POST /api/auth/refresh-token
Headers: Ensure the refreshToken cookie is sent with the request.
"ok": true,
"message": "Access token refreshed successfully"
Cookies: A new accessToken cookie will be set.
e. User Logout
Endpoint: POST /api/auth/logout
Headers: Ensure the accessToken and refreshToken cookies are sent with the request.
"ok": true,
"message": "Logged out successfully."
3. Verify Token Revocation
After logging out, try accessing the GET /api/user/info endpoint again. You should receive a 401 Unauthorized error, indicating that the access token is no longer valid.
4. Test Database Integration
Check the database (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL) to ensure that:
- User records are created during registration.
- Refresh tokens are stored and cleared correctly during login and logout.
Happy coding! π
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