Security is a work of fingers to the brain for most Cloud developers who love to experience the Cloud. Kubernetes Cloud-Native Security is no different from this. Securing the containers by foreseeing the potential risks of the cluster would be the main focus area.
But what is the basis of Kubernetes Cloud-Native security?π€
The 4C's below are the four areas of security to be worried about for the protection of Kubernetes Cloud-Native applications:
Code: Code is the "Point - to - Conquer" for the hackers. The encryption techniques and the concept of handshake protocol must hold the code tight enough from the hawk eyes during the production phase.
Container: The Container is secured by avoiding irrelevant permission access for the users. The uninterrupted vulnerability checks of the container silver lines the container security.
Cluster: The security of the applications and the Kubernetes API Components requires configuration. Cloud-Native applications may serve a loophole to shake the wall of security since it runs on microservices and APIs.
Cloud: The key computation happens in the Cloud, which is dependable and becomes vulnerable at the same time if not configured correctly. Hence the cloud provider makes sure of providing the security recommendations to run the workloads.
Best practices for the Kubernetes Security
Ensure that your etcd is secured with Firewall, TLS and Encryption.
Run your Kubernetes nodes on a separate network.
Update your Kubernetes to the latest version regularly.
Authorise your Audit log to ensure that the "forbidden" status message takes a call during the unauthorised attacks.
To prevent a vulnerable attack on the nodes that contain the code, secure or lock your kubelets.
Make sure you identify your process running unexpectedly with the help of Process whitelisting.
Cluster Networks must be observed in the Containerised applications to set the seal on Network Traffic, in turn securing Communications.
Integrate your Kubernetes with a Third Party Authentication Provider for an added security.
So are you interested to learn more about Kubernetes Security? Tune in to our series where we shall be discussing the layers of security in detail during the forthcoming weeks.
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