DEV Community

Jay Gohil
Jay Gohil

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Completed HacktoberFest 2020!

A Pristine Experience indeed!

Hi there, I am Jay Gohil, 2nd year B.Tech student pursuing Information and Communication Technology. Hacktoverfest 2020 was mentioned in one of a conversation I had with my senior, and thankfully, I remembered about it and did quite a bit of research later on.


I did have experience to programming in Web Development and Python, and had worked on few university websites as well as completed standard data structures in python.

Although, open source was completely new for me, and it's excellent ideology made it a go-to thing for me in the future, and Hactoberfest was the best start I could possibly have had.


I saw several YouTube videos explaining the concepts of git, Github and working of Hacktoberfest. I would say that they really helped me get a clear understanding of the process.

Thereafter, I searched for open-source projects that excited me and talked to several of my seniors to recommend some as well. Finally, I found a python repository for projects as well as a recommended JS repository by my senior.


In total, I made 6 contributions to the python repository with my projects (including Task Management application, Stone-Paper-Scissor game, List Manipulation application, etc) and 4 contributions to the JS repository (comprising of Music Player, Breakout game, etc).


Looking back on the whole experience, I think it was one of my most passionate work or contribution to the developer community, while gaining valuable experience, viz, Git and Github; while polishing my skills in python and Web Dev. In a nutshell, the complete experience was sublime, educative and wonderful.

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