DEV Community

Gourav Sharma
Gourav Sharma

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You're leading a dispersed team. How can you ensure your vision and goals are effectively communicated?

1. Set Expectations

Expectations - the only thing that makes a man challenge his own thoughts.

As a leader your goals and vision should and must be clear to others around you, this not only shows your credibility as a leader but also set expectations to others and makes them to mold their thoughts accordingly. This can be achieved through constant open discussions which would also help to understand their dispersed thoughts.

2. Utilize Technology

  • In a world where your team is spread across different time zones and locations, technology becomes your greatest ally in communication. Harness a variety of tools to convey your vision and goals, from project management software to instant messaging platforms.
  • Choose tools that best fit your team's needs and ensure everyone is trained to use them efficiently. Video conferencing can particularly help in creating a more personal connection, allowing for nuances of communication that text alone cannot convey. By integrating technology effectively, you can maintain a steady flow of information and foster a sense of community among team members.

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