DEV Community

Gourav Sharma
Gourav Sharma

Posted on

You're facing a team with low cohesion and trust. How can you turn things around and build a stronger bond?

1. Assess Issues

Issues are like rats the longer you ignore them the bigger they get.

  • A healthy team is always "United" but a team with issues losses this unity and falls to pieces.
  • Resolve any issues, rumors by understanding each member and having a healthy conversation with them.
  • Host team dinners and outdoor activities which can help to boost the unity and trust between team members.
  • Be open, become someone your team can come and talk to, about anything, this will allow them to be more open to you and feel more comfortable after talking to you.

2. Encourage Openness

You open to only those who you trust

  • Creating a environment where everyone can trust each other is not easy but can be achieved.
  • Organize team games and meeting to make your team members open to each other.
  • Opening to each other will boost the unity of the team and will eventually boost the trust between them.

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