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Adversarial Attacks Against Gradientless Models

One of my colleagues recently asked me about adversarial examples (AEs) for gradientless models such as decision trees. It’s a good question: after all, many AE-generation techniques rely on gradient-based optimizations of the model’s inputs. Without gradients, attacking these models becomes an algorithmic optimization challenge rather than a numerical one. This may be easier for programmers without an advanced mathematics background to grok.

Note: This article was originally published on my website.

Section 0: Setup

We’ll choose decision trees as they’re interpretable and easy to implement using sklearn. Let’s start by fitting some toy data with 4 features f0, f1, f2, f3 to three classes c0, c1, c2 and visualize how it makes inferences. Our objective is to perturb a sample just enough to get it misclassified.

import numpy as np
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier


# Create toy data
num_samples = 20
num_classes = 3
X = np.random.rand(num_samples, 4)
y = np.random.randint(0, num_classes, size=(num_samples,))

clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=1234)
model =, y)
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Section 1: Analysis

Recall that decision trees can be thought of as binary trees whose nodes split according to the value of an instance’s feature. To predict a class label for a given instance, we begin at the root node and follow branches determined by feature values until reaching a leaf node representing the prediction. For example, consider the following input: [.9, .2, .5, .3]. From from the root node in Figure 1, the following splits are traversed until we reach the purple leaf node at the bottom corresponding to the class c2: f2 > .45, f1 > 182, f0 <= .97, f2 <= .882, f2 <= .586, f3 <= .342.

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from sklearn import tree

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 20))
    feature_names=[f"f{i}" for i in range(X.shape[1])],
    class_names=[f"c{i}" for i in set(y)],

print(clf.predict([[0.9, 0.2, 0.5, 0.3]]))
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Figure 1: The splits of a decision tree

It’s a good idea to inspect the model and verify this. Fortunately, sklearn’s documentation provides excellent resources to unpack a decision tree into a binary tree Node and trace the path taken in the forward pass.

class Node:
    def __init__(self, id): = id
        self.left = None
        self.right = None
        self.parent = None
        self.cls = None

def unpack_tree(clf):
    root = Node(0)

    children_left = clf.tree_.children_left
    children_right = clf.tree_.children_right
    feature = clf.tree_.feature
    threshold = clf.tree_.threshold

    stack = [root]

    while len(stack) > 0:
        nxt = stack.pop()
        node_id =

        # If the left and right child of a node is not the same we have a
        # split node
        is_split_node = children_left[node_id] != children_right[node_id]
        # If a split node, append left and right children and depth to `stack`
        # so we can loop through them
        if is_split_node:
            left_node = Node(children_left[node_id])
            right_node = Node(children_right[node_id])

            left_node.parent = right_node.parent = nxt
            nxt.left = left_node
            nxt.right = right_node

            nxt.cls = clf.tree_.value[].argmax()

    return root, feature, threshold
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Our task is to make a slight perturbation to this input’s features to get it “misclassified” (or, at least, put in a different class). Getting it to be in class c0 is actually straightforward. Simply changing f3 to be slightly greater than .342 would change the last split to take the path towards c0 instead of c2. Thus, [.9, .2, .5, .342 + 1e-3] is our adversarial example.

print(clf.predict([[0.9, 0.2, 0.5, 0.342 + 1e-3]])) # 0
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Section 2: The Shortest Path to an AE

It’s not always this easy, though. What if our target class was c1? Again, we need to change only one feature, in this case, f2, so that its greater than .882 to change the predicted class to c1. How did we know that it was f2 that needed to be changed? Because f2 lies on the shortest path between our original class (c2) leaf node and target class leaf node (c0). This path is [f3 <= .342, f2 <= .586, f2 <= .882]. Note that we do not need to change the nodes leading up to the highest node in our shortest path. The highest node in our path is f2 <= .882, and the nodes leading up to it are f3 <= .342 and f2 <= .586. This is because the tree makes inferences starting from the root node f2 <= .45, and the path leading to the leaf node c1 won’t ever need to pass through f3 <= .342 and f2 <= .586 anyways.

In short, to change the label of an instance, we should find the shortest path between the original class’s leaf node and the target class’s lead node, prune the nodes in this path leading up to the highest node, and change the remaining features. We can find the shortest path using a Breadth-First Search, using the attributes left and right to denote directions to take when traversing. We’ll also need to track the highest node, so we’ll mark it using the attribute parent during our BFS. Finally, once we have our pruned path, we change each feature by adding or subtracting a small value (1e-3 here) depending on whether the direction is left or right.

def bfs(start, target_cls=2):
    queue = [(start, [])]
    visited = []

    while len(queue) > 0:
        node, path = queue[0]
        queue = queue[1:]

        if node.cls == target_cls:
            return path

        neighbours = []
        if node.parent and not in visited:
            neighbours.append((node.parent, path + ["parent"]))
        if node.left and not in visited:
            neighbours.append((node.left, path + ["left"]))
        if node.right and not in visited:
            neighbours.append((node.right, path + ["right"]))

        for neighbour in neighbours:

# Starting from the root node, travel to the leaf node
# that predicts a sample
def traverse_to_node(node, sample, feature, threshold):
    path = []
    while True:
        if sample[feature[]] <= threshold[]:
            if node.left is None:
                node = node.left
            if node.right is None:
                node = node.right
    return node, np.array(path)

def create_adv_example(clf, sample, target_cls=0):
    root, feature, threshold = unpack_tree(clf)

    adv_sample = sample.copy()

    # Get the leaf node
    node, _ = traverse_to_node(root, sample, feature, threshold)

    # Get the shortest path from the leaf node to the target class's leaf node
    path = bfs(node, target_cls=target_cls)
    # Index of the top-most parent
    ix = path[::-1].index("parent")

    # Travel up to the top-most parent
    for dir in path[:-ix]:
        node = node.parent

    # Change each feature in the remaining path
    for dir in path[-ix:]:
        thresh = threshold[]
        feat = feature[]

        if dir == "left":
            if adv_sample[feat] > thresh:
                adv_sample[feat] = thresh - 1e-3
            node = node.left
            if adv_sample[feat] <= thresh:
                adv_sample[feat] = thresh + 1e-3
            node = node.right

    return adv_sample

sample = X[1]

def create_adv_examples(clf, sample, num_classes=num_classes):
    actual_label = clf.predict([sample])[0]
    adv_samples = []

    for target_cls in range(num_classes):
        if target_cls == actual_label:
        adv_samples.append(create_adv_example(clf, sample, target_cls=target_cls))

    target_cls = 0
    for adv_sample in adv_samples:
        if target_cls == actual_label:
            target_cls += 1
        assert clf.predict([adv_sample])[0] == target_cls
        target_cls += 1

    return adv_samples

adv_samples = create_adv_examples(clf, sample)
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Section 3: Are these really AEs?
Not necessarily. These are the slightest perturbations needed to change the label of a sample, but if they’re not imperceptible to humans, they aren’t AEs. To see how the results look on meaningful data, let’s fit the tree on the MNIST dataset and create some AEs for the digit 0.

import torch
from torchvision import transforms
import torchvision.datasets as dsets

train_data = dsets.MNIST(
    root="./data", train=True, transform=transforms.ToTensor(), download=True
test_data = dsets.MNIST(
    root="./data", train=False, transform=transforms.ToTensor(), download=True

X, y = [], []
X_test, y_test = [], []

for row in train_data:

for row in test_data:

X = torch.vstack(X)
X = X.reshape(X.shape[0], -1).numpy()
y = np.array(y)
X_test = torch.vstack(X_test)
X_test = X_test.reshape(X_test.shape[0], -1).numpy()
y_test = np.array(y_test)

clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=1234)
print("Starting training")
model =, y)

y_pred = clf.predict(X_test)
accuracy = (y_pred == y_test).sum() / y_test.shape[0]
print(f"Accuracy: {accuracy}")

sample = X[1]

adv_samples = create_adv_examples(clf, sample, num_classes=10)

print("Number of pixels changed:")
for adv_sample in adv_samples:
    print((adv_sample != X[1]).sum())

f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 9)

for i in range(9):
    ax[i].imshow(adv_samples[i].reshape(28, 28))
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Figure 2: Nine adversarial examples for 0

They still look like a zeros to me, so they’re definitely AEs. Howerver, we only needed to change about 2 pixels on average to flip the label. This shows how brittle/overfit the decision tree is despite having a test accuracy of 88%.

We can see why only 2 out of 768 pixels needed to be modified by visualizing the shortest path traversed for an instance. In Figure 3, a portion of the decision tree’s nodes, note that in the path between the original class’s leaf node 3354 and the target class’s leaf node 3439, only three features actually needed to be changed because there’s a very short path of three nodes from the highest node 3213 to the leaf node 3439. In other words, our tree has a high balance factor, making AE generation easy. It appears that minimizing the balance factor of the tree while fitting it may improve its generalization and is worth researching.

import networkx as nx
import pylab as plt

G = nx.Graph()

root, feature, threshold = unpack_tree(clf)
_, decision_path_original = traverse_to_node(root, X[1], feature, threshold)
_, decision_path_adv = traverse_to_node(root, adv_samples[0], feature, threshold)

first_branch = True
ln = len(decision_path_original)
offset = 0.5
val_map = {}

for i in range(ln):
    dir = np.random.choice([-0.1, 0.1])
    offset += dir
    G.add_node(decision_path_original[i], pos=(offset, ln - i))
    if (
        i < decision_path_adv.shape[0]
        and decision_path_adv[i] != decision_path_original[i]
        if first_branch:
            offset_branch = offset - 2 * dir
            G.add_node(decision_path_adv[i], pos=(offset_branch, ln - i))
            G.add_edge(decision_path_original[i - 1], decision_path_adv[i])
            val_map[decision_path_original[i - 1]] = "red"

            first_branch = False
            offset_branch -= dir
            G.add_node(decision_path_adv[i], pos=(offset_branch, ln - i))
            G.add_edge(decision_path_adv[i - 1], decision_path_adv[i])

        val_map[decision_path_adv[i]] = "red"

    if i > 0:
        G.add_edge(decision_path_original[i - 1], decision_path_original[i])

values = [val_map.get(node, "blue") for node in G.nodes()]

pos = nx.get_node_attributes(G, "pos")

plt.figure(figsize=(5, 30))
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Figure 3: The effective shortest path to an adversarial example

Section 3: What about ensembles?

For an ensemble of trees, the results can get quite hairy. Recall that ensembles make predictions by taking the majority vote of each of its trees' predictions. For each tree, we have a small proportion of features to change, and as the number of trees increase, the total number of features to change add up (depending on the diversity of the trees or, equivalently, the intersection of features to change for each tree).

Here's a test fitting 100 trees to the MNIST dataset. For each tree, we can formulate the features to change and the values they need to be changed to as a constraint. We can then collect the 100 constraints, one for each tree, and solve for the constraints using a solver like Z3.

def predict(clfs, x):
    preds = []
    for clf in clfs:
    return max(set(preds), key=preds.count)

def fit_ensemble(X, y, n_clfs=5):
    clfs = []
    for i in range(n_clfs):
        print(f"Training clf: {i}")
        ix = np.random.choice(range(X.shape[0]), X.shape[0] // 5)
        X_ = X[ix]
        y_ = y[ix]

        clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=i), y_)

    return clfs

def get_constraints(clf, sample, target_cls=0):
    root, feature, threshold = unpack_tree(clf)

    # Get the leaf node
    node, _ = traverse_to_node(root, sample, feature, threshold)

    # Get the shortest path from the leaf node to the target class's leaf node
    path = bfs(node, target_cls=target_cls)
    # Index of the top-most parent
    ix = path[::-1].index("parent")

    # Travel up to the top-most parent
    for dir in path[:-ix]:
        node = node.parent

    constraints = []
    # Don't change each feature in the remaining path,
    # add it to constraints
    for dir in path[-ix:]:
        thresh = threshold[]
        feat = feature[]

        if dir == "left":
            constraints.append((f"f{feat}", "<=", thresh))
            node = node.left
            constraints.append((f"f{feat}", ">", thresh))
            node = node.right

    return constraints

clfs = fit_ensemble(X, y, n_clfs=100)

sample = X[1]
constraints = []
target_cls = 1

for clf in clfs:
    root, feature, threshold = unpack_tree(clf)
    actual_label = clf.predict([sample])[0]

    if actual_label == target_cls:
    constraints_ = get_constraints(clf, sample, target_cls=target_cls)


for i, constraint in enumerate(constraints[:5]):
    print(f"Classifier {i}: {constraint}")

from z3 import Real, Solver, sat

vars = {}
s = Solver()

# Greedy
for constraint_ in constraints:
    prev_constraints = s.assertions()
    for constraint in constraint_:
        feat, sign, thresh = constraint
        if feat not in vars:
            vars[feat] = Real(feat)
        if sign == ">":
            s.add(vars[feat] > thresh)
            s.add(vars[feat] <= thresh)
        # If we reach an unsolvable constraint, skip it,
        # and recreate the solver with the previous constriaints
        if s.check() != sat:
            s = Solver()
            for prev_constraint in prev_constraints:

model = s.model()
adv_sample = sample.copy()
n_pixels_changed = 0

for feat in vars:
    val = model[vars[feat]]
    if val is None:
    n_pixels_changed += 1
    val = val.as_fraction()
    val = float(val.numerator) / float(val.denominator)
    adv_sample[int(feat[1:])] = val

print(f"Number of pixels changed: {n_pixels_changed}")
print(f"Predicted class: {clf.predict([adv_sample])[0]}")
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2)
ax[0].imshow(sample.reshape(28, 28))
ax[1].imshow(adv_sample.reshape(28, 28))
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Figure 4: An adversarial 0 for an ensemble of trees

Note that this is a greedy approach — we selected the features based on the shortest path for each tree and calculated the intersection of features for all trees — so the results are impressive. There's probably a smaller subset of features to change, but this would entail looking at each possible path (and not just the shortest path) for each tree. Perhaps finding intersections over the top-k shortest paths for each tree might be computationally feasible?

Section 4: Are these Counterfactual Explanations?

It's clear that the AEs generated for decision trees are much sparser than those for gradient-based models. For trees, only a minor proportion of features/pixels had to be changed, while for gradient-based models, all the pixels had to be changed. Consequently, for trees, each of the few pixels had to be changed by sizeable value, while for gradient-based models, all the pixels had to be changed by a marginal value.

The AEs generated for trees seem like counterfactual explanations (CEs). In CEs, we attempt to modify the best possible features to get a sample misclassified. By “best features” here, we mean the features that make the most sense to a human (as opposed to the human-imperceptible changes required for an AE). For example, a CE for the digit 1 might add a C-shaped curve to the top of the 1 so that it gets classified as a 9 and — importantly — also looks like a 9 to a human.

Observe that the pixels changes for CEs are sparse just like AEs for trees and unlike AEs for gradient-based models. Unfortunately, for deep trees involving high-dimensional data like images, the perturbations are too sparse, rendering it imperceptible to humans. However, for lower-dimensional tabular data, perhaps an AE is a CE? Here’s a quick test on a loan default dataset where we ask: “what feature, if changed for an applicant whose loan was denied, would have got his loan approved?”. Does the AE make sense? Try it out, look at the results, and decide for yourself.

num_classes = 2
X = pd.read_csv(
print(X.iloc[:5, -7:])

y = X["status"]
X_ = X.drop("status", axis=1)

cols = X.columns

X = np.array(X_)
y = np.array(y)

clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=0, max_depth=4)
model =, y)

sample = X[0]
actual_label = clf.predict([sample])[0]

root, feature, threshold = unpack_tree(clf)
target_cls = 0

adv_sample = create_adv_example(clf, sample, target_cls=target_cls)

assert clf.predict([adv_sample])[0] == target_cls

mask = sample != adv_sample

for feature, v1, v2 in zip(cols[mask], sample[mask], adv_sample[mask]):
    print(f"Modified feature: {feature}, Old: {v1}, New: {v2}")
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