The other day, I decided to make a setup script for If you don't know what is, check it out at!
To start, I wanted to write to .env. The script I wrote for that simply wrote to .env using fs.
const fs = require("fs");
fs.writeFile(".env", `DB_URL=`, "utf8", function () {
console.log("Got it!");
Then, I wanted to have the user be able to put in inputs. For that, I used the prompts package from NPM. My code now looked like this:
const prompts = require("prompts");
const fs = require("fs");
(async () => {
const response = await prompts([
type: "text",
name: "url",
"What is your MongoDB URL? (If you are using MongoDB Atlas, you can keep the <> values)",
type: "text",
name: "port",
message: "What port should the site run on?",
initial: 8080,
function () {
console.log("Your settings have been written to .env!");
console.log("Run npm run serve to start the server or npm run dev to start it with nodemon.");
At this point, the code was working, but it still didn't satisfy me. I wanted the user to be able to input a password and have that switched out with the value from MongoDB Atlas.
I decided that it should also ask the user if they are using local, or Atlas. My final version looked like this.
const prompts = require("prompts");
const fs = require("fs");
const port = process.env.LISTEN_PORT || 8080;
const url = process.env.DB_URL || "localhost/social";
(async () => {
const response = await prompts([
type: "text",
name: "url",
message: "What is your MongoDB URL? (If you are using MongoDB Atlas, you can keep the <> values)",
initial: url,
type: "select",
name: "value",
message: "Pick a hosting type",
choices: [
title: "MongoDB Atlas",
description: "MongoDB Atlas cloud hosting",
value: "atlas",
title: "Local MongoDB",
value: "local",
description: "A local MongoDB instance",
type: (prev) => (prev == "atlas" ? "password" : null),
name: "password",
message: "What is your MongoDB Password?",
type: "text",
name: "port",
message: "What port should the site run on?",
initial: port,
`DB_URL=${response.url.replace("<password>", response.password).replace("<dbname>", "social")}\nLISTEN_PORT=${
function () {
console.log("Your settings have been written to .env!");
console.log("Run npm run serve to start the server or npm run dev to start it with nodemon.");
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