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Grëg Häris
Grëg Häris

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The Ultimate Productivity Toolkit: My Secrets Revealed

Despite my determination and effort, I constantly struggled to remain consistent with improvement. Determined to overcome this inconsistency, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery. Through Barbara Oakley's 'Learning How to Learn' course, I gained valuable tools to boost my productivity.

  • Setting up my study environment: I start my day by cleaning up and organizing my study space, ensuring everything I need is within reach. This helps me avoid disruptions and maintain focus - I don't break my flow mode looking for a pen, for water, a drink or any other item.

  • Planning my week and then days ahead: To stay on track, I begin by asking myself, "What do I want to achieve this week?" I then break down this goal into actionable steps and daily tasks.

  • Process not Product: Instead of focusing on the end goal, I concentrate on the process. By breaking down my goals into smaller actions, I can focus on the effort rather than the outcome. For example, instead of aiming to write a complete blog post each day, I focus on writing for 30 minutes. Same goes for my Javascript study projects. I break them down into small chunks and then concentrate on just working on a chunk of the project. I often find myself exceeding my initial goals. This helps me build the mindset that I am a person who gets things done.

  • EAT Your Frog First Thing Each Day: To overcome procrastination, I prioritize the most challenging tasks first thing in the morning. This habit stacking approach helps me start my day with a sense of accomplishment.

  • Regular self-assessments: Throughout the day, I conduct brief self-assessments to stay on track. I ask myself questions like, "What have I accomplished so far?", "Am I on track?", "Are there any tasks I'm procrastinating on?", "What next?" These regular reviews help me stay focused and accountable.

  • Visual tracking: I actually have a board where I write down my important tasks for the day. Regularly glancing on my tasks and progress and then checking off completed tasks gives me a sense of accomplishment and keeps me on track.

  • Reward system: I've transformed distractions like watching videos, football matches, or scrolling through social media into rewards. By setting goals and achieving them, I can enjoy these activities guilt-free.

  • Daily and weekly planning: At the end of each day, I evaluate my progress and plan for the next day. On Sundays, I review the week and plan for the upcoming week.

By implementing these strategies, I've reduced frustration, increased productivity, and expended less energy on willpower struggles.

How about you? What systems have you put in place to ensure your productivity? Share your experiences in the comments below.

Photo credit: Cover photo by Carl Heyerdah on Unsplash

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