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Grenish rai
Grenish rai

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40 Frontend Developer Interview Questions

1. Question: Can you explain the difference between var, let, and const in JavaScript?


  • var: Function-scoped and can be redeclared and updated. It is hoisted, meaning its declaration is moved to the top of its scope at compile time.
  • let: Block-scoped and can be updated but not redeclared within the same scope. It is not hoisted in the same way as var.
  • const: Block-scoped and cannot be updated or redeclared. The value must be assigned at declaration. It provides a way to define constants.
  • Using let and const helps prevent common bugs due to scope issues and accidental reassignment.

2. Question: How do you manage state in a React application?


State management in React can be handled through:

  • Local Component State: Using useState or class component state for simple scenarios.
  • Context API: For prop drilling issues, to pass data through the component tree without passing props down manually at every level.
  • State Management Libraries: Such as Redux, MobX, or Zustand for complex applications requiring a global state.
  • Hooks: Custom hooks to encapsulate and reuse stateful logic.
  • React Query or SWR: For server state management.
  • The choice depends on the complexity and requirements of the application.

3. Question: What is the Virtual DOM, and how does React use it?


  • The Virtual DOM is an in-memory representation of the real DOM elements generated by React components.
  • When the state of a component changes, React updates the Virtual DOM tree.
  • It then efficiently computes the minimal set of changes (diffing) needed to update the real DOM.
  • This process improves performance by reducing direct manipulation of the DOM, which is an expensive operation.

4. Question: Explain event delegation in JavaScript.


  • Event Delegation leverages event bubbling to handle events at a higher level in the DOM rather than on individual nodes.
  • Instead of adding event listeners to each child element, you attach a single event listener to a parent element.
  • When an event is triggered on a child element, it bubbles up to the parent, where it can be captured and processed.
  • This approach improves performance and simplifies code management, especially when dealing with dynamically added elements.

5. Question: What are Web Components, and how do they relate to custom elements?


  • Web Components are a set of standardized APIs that enable the creation of reusable, encapsulated HTML tags.
  • They consist of:
    • Custom Elements: Define new types of HTML elements.
    • Shadow DOM: Provides encapsulation for styles and markup.
    • HTML Templates: Allow you to define reusable templates.
  • Custom Elements are a key part of Web Components, allowing developers to create their own HTML tags with custom behavior and styling.

6. Question: How does CSS specificity work?


CSS specificity determines which style rules apply to an element when multiple rules could apply:

  • Inline Styles (style attribute) have the highest specificity.
  • IDs (#id) have higher specificity than classes.
  • Classes, Attributes, and Pseudo-classes (.class, [type="text"], :hover) have medium specificity.
  • Elements and Pseudo-elements (div, ::before) have the lowest specificity.
  • Specificity is calculated based on the combination of selectors. When specificity is equal, the last rule defined takes precedence.

7. Question: What are Promises in JavaScript, and how do they differ from callbacks?


  • Promises are objects representing the eventual completion or failure of an asynchronous operation.
  • They provide methods like .then(), .catch(), and .finally() for handling asynchronous results.
  • Promises vs. Callbacks:
    • Promises allow for cleaner, more maintainable asynchronous code and better error handling.
    • Callbacks can lead to "callback hell," where nested callbacks make code difficult to read and maintain.
  • Promises improve code readability and manageability compared to traditional callbacks.

8. Question: Can you explain how closures work in JavaScript?


  • A closure is a function that remembers its outer variables and can access them.
  • This means a function can access variables from its own scope, the outer function's scope, and the global scope.
  • Closures are created every time a function is created, at function creation time.
  • They are useful for data privacy and emulating private methods.

9. Question: How do you optimize the performance of a web application?


  • Minimize HTTP Requests: Combine files, use sprites.
  • Asynchronous Loading: Use async and defer for scripts.
  • Caching: Implement browser caching and use a Content Delivery Network (CDN).
  • Optimize Images: Compress images and use next-gen formats like WebP.
  • Code Splitting: Use tools like Webpack to split code for lazy loading.
  • Reduce Render-Blocking Resources: Optimize CSS and JavaScript delivery.
  • Performance Monitoring: Use tools like Lighthouse and Chrome DevTools for auditing.

10. Question: What is the purpose of a Service Worker in a Progressive Web App (PWA)?


  • Service Workers act as a proxy between the web application and the network.
  • They enable features like offline support by caching assets and intercepting network requests.
  • Support background synchronization and push notifications.
  • Improve performance by controlling resource caching and retrieval.

11. Question: Explain the Box Model in CSS.


  • The CSS Box Model is a box that wraps around every HTML element.
  • It consists of:
    • Content: The actual content like text or images.
    • Padding: Space around the content inside the border.
    • Border: A border that goes around the padding and content.
    • Margin: Space outside the border between this and other elements.
  • Understanding the box model is essential for layout and design.

12. Question: What are Higher-Order Components (HOCs) in React?


  • An HOC is a function that takes a component and returns a new component.
  • They are used to share common functionality between components.
  • HOCs can inject props, manage state, or handle side effects.
  • Example usage: const EnhancedComponent = withFeature(WrappedComponent);

13. Question: How do you ensure accessibility in web applications?


  • Use Semantic HTML: Proper use of HTML elements.
  • ARIA Attributes: Provide additional context where necessary.
  • Keyboard Navigation: Ensure all interactive elements are accessible via keyboard.
  • Contrast and Readability: Use appropriate color contrasts and text sizes.
  • Alt Text for Images: Provide descriptive alt attributes.
  • Testing: Use accessibility testing tools and assistive technologies.

14. Question: What is Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), and how does it work?


  • CORS is a security feature that allows or restricts resources requested from another domain.
  • It works by adding HTTP headers that specify which origins are permitted to read responses.
  • Browsers enforce CORS policies, and servers must include appropriate headers like Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
  • Preflight requests (OPTIONS method) are used for complex requests to check permissions.

15. Question: Describe how you would implement lazy loading in a web application.


  • For Images and Media:
    • Use the loading="lazy" attribute in <img> tags.
    • Implement Intersection Observer API to load media when they enter the viewport.
  • For Code:
    • Use dynamic imports with Webpack or other bundlers.
    • In React, use React.lazy() and Suspense for component-level code splitting.
  • Benefits:
    • Improves initial load time and performance.
    • Reduces unnecessary data usage.

16. Question: What is the difference between == and === in JavaScript?


  • == (Abstract Equality): Compares values after performing type coercion if types differ.
  • === (Strict Equality): Compares both value and type without type coercion.
  • Example:
    • 0 == '0' is true.
    • 0 === '0' is false.
  • It's generally recommended to use === to avoid unexpected results due to type coercion.

17. Question: How do you handle errors in asynchronous code?


  • Promises: Use .catch() to handle rejections.
  • Async/Await: Wrap await calls in try...catch blocks.
  • Global Error Handlers: For unhandled promise rejections.
  • Error Boundaries (React): Catch errors in component trees.
  • Proper error handling ensures a better user experience and easier debugging.

18. Question: Explain the concept of responsive design and how you implement it.


  • Responsive Design ensures that a website adapts to various screen sizes and devices.
  • Implementation:
    • Use flexible grid layouts with CSS Flexbox or Grid.
    • Implement media queries to adjust styles based on viewport size.
    • Use relative units like percentages and em or rem.
    • Optimize images for different screen resolutions.
  • Testing: Use browser developer tools and physical devices to test responsiveness.

19. Question: What is a CSS preprocessor, and why would you use one?


  • CSS Preprocessors extend the capabilities of CSS by adding features like variables, nesting, mixins, and functions.
  • Examples include Sass, Less, and Stylus.
  • Benefits:
    • Code reusability and maintainability.
    • Easier to manage large CSS codebases.
    • Can compile down to standard CSS for browser compatibility.

20. Question: Can you explain the concept of immutability and its importance in React?


  • Immutability means that data cannot be changed after it's created.
  • In React, immutability is important because it:
    • Allows for predictable state changes.
    • Helps in performance optimizations, as React can make shallow comparisons.
    • Avoids unintended side effects.
  • Implementation:
    • Use methods that return new copies of data structures, like Object.assign or the spread operator.
    • Utilize libraries like Immutable.js for complex data structures.

21. Question: What is Webpack, and why is it used?


  • Webpack is a module bundler for JavaScript applications.
  • Uses:
    • Bundles JavaScript files for usage in a browser.
    • Processes and bundles assets like CSS, images, and fonts through loaders.
    • Enables code splitting and lazy loading.
    • Supports plugins for extended functionality.
  • Benefits:
    • Manages dependencies efficiently.
    • Optimizes assets for production.

22. Question: How do you prevent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks?


  • Input Sanitization: Clean and validate all user inputs on the server side.
  • Output Encoding: Escape user inputs before rendering them in the browser.
  • Content Security Policy (CSP): Define trusted sources of content to prevent malicious scripts.
  • Avoid Inline Scripts: Keep JavaScript code in external files.
  • Use HTTPOnly Cookies: To prevent access to cookies via JavaScript.
  • Regular Security Audits: Stay updated with security best practices.

23. Question: What are the benefits and drawbacks of using Single Page Applications (SPAs)?


  • Benefits:
    • Smooth user experience with no full page reloads.
    • Better performance after initial load.
    • Easier to create mobile-like experiences.
  • Drawbacks:
    • SEO challenges, although this can be mitigated with server-side rendering.
    • Initial load time might be longer.
    • Browser history management can be complex.
  • Choosing between SPA and traditional multi-page applications depends on the project requirements.

24. Question: How does the this keyword work in JavaScript?


  • this refers to the object that is executing the current function.
  • Contexts:
    • Global Context: this refers to the global object (window in browsers).
    • Object Method: this refers to the object owning the method.
    • Event Handlers: this refers to the DOM element that triggered the event.
    • Arrow Functions: Do not have their own this; they inherit it from the enclosing scope.
  • Understanding this is crucial for object-oriented programming in JavaScript.

25. Question: Explain the difference between RESTful APIs and GraphQL.


  • RESTful APIs:
    • Use HTTP methods and endpoints to access resources.
    • Data is organized around resources.
    • Can lead to over-fetching or under-fetching data.
  • GraphQL:
    • Uses a single endpoint.
    • Clients specify exactly what data they need.
    • Reduces the number of network requests.
    • Requires a schema and resolvers.
  • Choice Factors:
    • Project requirements, data complexity, and team expertise.

26. Question: How do you manage styles in a large-scale React application?


  • CSS Modules: Locally scoped CSS classes to components.
  • Styled Components: CSS-in-JS library that allows writing CSS within JavaScript.
  • Sass/Less: Use preprocessors for advanced CSS features.
  • BEM Methodology: For naming conventions and organization.
  • Theming: Use context or libraries to provide consistent styling.
  • The approach depends on team preferences and project needs.

27. Question: What are React Hooks, and why were they introduced?


  • React Hooks are functions that let you use state and other React features without writing a class.
  • Common Hooks:
    • useState for state management.
    • useEffect for side effects.
    • useContext for context API.
  • Reasons for Introduction:
    • Simplify stateful logic in functional components.
    • Avoid the complexity of classes.
    • Enable better code reuse through custom hooks.

28. Question: Describe how you would implement authentication in a single-page application.


  • Token-Based Authentication:
    • Use JWTs stored securely (preferably in HTTP-only cookies).
    • Implement login flows to receive and store tokens.
  • Route Protection:
    • Use higher-order components or route guards to protect authenticated routes.
  • Backend Integration:
    • Set up API endpoints for authentication.
    • Validate tokens on the server side.
  • Security Considerations:
    • Protect against XSS and CSRF attacks.
    • Use HTTPS to encrypt data transmission.

29. Question: What is functional programming, and how does it apply to JavaScript?


  • Functional Programming is a paradigm that treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions.
  • Core Concepts:
    • Pure Functions: No side effects and return the same output for the same input.
    • Immutability: Data is not changed after creation.
    • First-Class Functions: Functions are treated as values.
    • Higher-Order Functions: Functions that take or return other functions.
  • In JavaScript:
    • Supports functional programming with features like map, reduce, filter, and function expressions.

30. Question: How do you handle browser compatibility and polyfills?


  • Feature Detection: Use Modernizr or similar tools to detect unsupported features.
  • Polyfills: Include scripts that replicate modern functionality in older browsers (e.g., Babel polyfill).
  • Transpilation: Use tools like Babel to convert ES6+ code to ES5.
  • Progressive Enhancement: Build functionality that works on all browsers, enhancing where possible.
  • Testing: Regularly test across different browsers and devices.
  • Use Can I Use: Check feature support before implementation.

31. Question: What is User Centered Design?


User-Centered Design is all about designing with the user in mind at every step. By focusing on real user needs and involving them throughout the development process, products are more likely to be successful, user-friendly, and meet the actual demands of the target audience.

32. Question: What is callback hell?


Callback Hell refers to the anti-pattern of having multiple nested callbacks, which leads to code that's hard to read and maintain. By using Promises, Async/Await, and proper code structuring, you can write cleaner asynchronous code and avoid falling into Callback Hell.

33. Question: What does SOLID stand for?


The SOLID principles serve as guidelines for developers to build software that is easy to manage, extend, and scale. By following these principles, you can create robust systems that stand the test of time and adapt gracefully to new requirements.

34. Question: What is Clickjacking?


Clickjacking, also known as a "UI redress attack," is a malicious technique where an attacker tricks a user into clicking on something different from what the user perceives, potentially leading to unauthorized actions or revealing confidential information.


  • A user visits a malicious website that loads a banking website's login button underneath a fake "Play Video" button. When the user clicks to play the video, they are actually clicking the login button on the banking site, potentially initiating an unintended action.

35. Question: What is Coercion in JavaScript?


Coercion in JavaScript refers to the process of converting a value from one data type to another. JavaScript performs coercion in two ways: implicit (automatic) and explicit (manual).

36. Question: What is IIFE in JavaScript?


An IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) is a JavaScript function that runs as soon as it is defined. It's a design pattern that provides a private scope for your code.

37. Question: What is a Grid System in CSS?


A Grid System in CSS is a layout framework that allows developers to create complex, responsive web designs with ease. It provides a structured way to arrange content in rows and columns, facilitating the creation of responsive and flexible layouts.

38. Question: What are Namespaces in JavaScript?


In JavaScript, a namespace is a container that allows developers to group related code under a unique name to avoid naming collisions and keep the global scope clean. Since JavaScript doesn't have built-in namespace support like some other languages, developers create namespaces using objects, modules, or immediately invoked function expressions (IIFEs).

39. Question: What is the use of use strict directive in JavaScript?


The use strict directive is used to write the clean JavaScript code which is less prone to errors. It catches common coding errors like assigning a variable without declaring it or passing different parameters with same names to a function etc.

40. Question: What is the purpose of passing defer or async attributes to the script tag?


Passing the defer or async attributes to a <script> tag controls how the browser loads and executes external JavaScript files, improving page load performance by optimizing script handling.

defer Attribute

  • Purpose: Instructs the browser to download the script in parallel with HTML parsing but delay execution until after the entire document has been parsed.
  • Behavior:
    • Non-Blocking: Does not halt HTML parsing.
    • Execution Timing: Executes after the DOM is fully constructed but before the DOMContentLoaded event.
    • Order Preservation: If multiple scripts have defer, they execute in the order they appear in the document.
  • Use Case: Ideal for scripts that depend on the DOM or need to maintain execution order.


  <script src="script.js" defer\>\</script\>  
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

async Attribute

  • Purpose: Tells the browser to download the script in parallel and execute it as soon as it's ready, without waiting for HTML parsing to complete.
  • Behavior:
    • Non-Blocking: Does not pause HTML parsing during download.
    • Execution Timing: Executes immediately after downloading, which might occur before or after the DOM is ready.
    • Order Not Guaranteed: Execution order is unpredictable if multiple async scripts are used.
  • Use Case: Suitable for independent scripts like analytics or ads that do not rely on other scripts or the DOM.


  <script src="analytics.js" async\>\</script\>  
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


  • Main Purpose: Both attributes enhance page performance by allowing HTML parsing and script downloading to occur simultaneously, reducing render-blocking scripts.
  • Choosing Between defer and async:
    • Use defer when scripts depend on the DOM or need to execute in order.
    • Use async for scripts that can run independently and where execution order doesn't matter.

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Top comments (10)

jagdish_jena profile image
Jagdish Jena

Thank you so much

tomasdevs profile image
Tomas Stveracek

Good job, great overview! 👍

grenishrai profile image
Grenish rai

Thank you for your kind reply!

mukasa_innocent_5629d69d7 profile image
Mukasa Innocent

_Good job bro . This seemslike a tuitolior and rervision for front end developer 🙌👍👏 _

joodi profile image

It was great, thank you. I shared your post on LinkedIn 👋

grenishrai profile image
Grenish rai

Thank you so much!

viktorija_na_468e3d99f9f profile image
Viktorija Nađ

Thank you!

frankfullstack profile image

Great content Grenish, one question what is the 40 question title? Thanks in advance.

grenishrai profile image
Grenish rai

Thank you for reminding it Frank. I've updated the question. Thank you once again.

frankfullstack profile image

More than welcome Grenish! Have a great day! And continue publishing this quality articles!