
gaganjot singh
gaganjot singh

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10+ CSS Digital Clock Animation

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50+ CSS Digital Clock Animation

1.Working CSS3 analog clock, using CSS animations and shapes, without any images or JavaScript.

2.recreating the function of this watch

3.clock 4.I need to be a dribbble player?!

-Can someone give me a ticket?

5.clock represented by glowing words. Based on this: 6.A circular calendar and clock display, with and added weather and daily activity widget mock-ups.

7.Based on a wallpaper


9.Click the CLOCK to change the style.

10.inspired from Black [ DD ] theme

11.CSS Clock rebound of this shot

12.At the top left are the customization panel. Click on each item to change the appearance. Appearance is changed by adding/removing classes.

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50+ CSS Digital Clock Animation

Top comments (2)

epranka profile image
Edvinas Pranka


ziizium profile image
Habdul Hazeez

Amazing collection.