Each day we handpick the best web content across different websites eg: Hackernews, Github, Reddit... to help you stay updated with the hottest trends!
Level up your π skills with these Github repositories:
π docs
π€ github | β +7,434 stars The open-source repo for docs.github.com
π developer-roadmap
π€ kamranahmedse | β +178,996 stars Roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2021
π javascript-algorithms
π€ trekhleb | β +127,969 stars π Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
π π₯ Hottest Devto posts :
π Mint an NFT for FREE and sell it on Opensea [Complete guide]
π€ kapeel kokane | π +32 reactions For the past few months, we have been hearing a lot about the word web3. Experts are hinting that...
π The Basics of Local Storage in React JS!
π€ Saleh Mubashar | π +29 reactions Hi guys! Saving user progress and any temporary information is very essential in a web application....
π Security and Authentication in MongoDB
π€ The Nerdy Dev | π +26 reactions Hey guys ππ», In this article, let us understand about Security and Authentication in MongoDB. We will...
π Keep an eye on these cool products too:
π§ Alfread
πΊ +206 | π¬ +48 Actually read articles saved for later
π§ Zero to MVP with No-code
πΊ +158 | π¬ +60 The ultimate guide to build apps without coding
π§ SQL playground
πΊ +42 | π¬ +3 Free private sample PostgreSQL databases

π Wrap Up! That was all for this week.
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