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What are the Feature Driven Development Process?

Feature Driven Development Process is consist of five-phase, those are:
1. Develop an Overall Model.
2. Build a Features List.
3. Plan By Feature.
4. Design By Feature.
5. Build By Feature.
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Process 1: Develop an Overall Model:
Make a modeling group. Build a high-level object model by walking around the domain. Keep a log of your thoughts.
The goal is for team members to establish a strong understanding of the problem domain and lay a solid foundation.

Process 2: Build a Features List:
All features are grouped into three levels: Domain Subject Area, Business Activity, Features.

Process 3: Plan By Feature:
Make an initial schedule: Developed at the level of individual characteristics based on prioritizing based on business value.
Consider the following factors: dependencies, difficulty, and risks.
Assign duties to members of the team: Identify the Class Owners, Chief programmers should be assigned feature sets.

Process 4: Design By Feature:
Create Featured Teams. Members of the teamwork together on the entire low-level analysis and design.
Certain features may necessitate the involvement of domain experts. To support their changes, teams must update the model artifact.

Process 5: Build By Feature:
Implement the feature that you've planned. Unit-level and feature-level testing.
Inspections of the building code are required. Integrate with the standard build process.

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