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Kyle Hanson
Kyle Hanson

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SortedSetKV - An ultrafast Elixir key value DB with optional integer index

Have you ever found yourself needing a Key Value database with a secondary index? Redis' sorted sets almost fit the bill, but do not allow you to store associated values with them. Therefore you are left to manage the secondary index yourself.

I wrote a lightweight wrapper around Rusts' sled library. You insert keys into a database that is persisted on disk. It was originally written to help expire keys based on a TTL, but it can also be used as a time-series database or anything where you need a secondary u64 index.

You can check it out on Github.

SortedSetKV is stored on disk and can grow beyond your RAM limit. There is no GenServer abstraction and calls are made directly to Rust. Its super fast and easy to use.

This is alpha software, so be safe!

Basic usage

{:ok, db} ="mypath")
# Add a key to a set, with a value and a score.
# The last parameter tells to only add if the old score is less than new score.
:ok = SortedSetKV.zadd(db, "mycollection", "hello", "world", 42, true)
:ok = SortedSetKV.zadd(db, "mycollection", "foo", "bar", 420, true)
:ok = SortedSetKV.zadd(db, "mycollection", "noscore", "", nil, true)
:ok = SortedSetKV.zadd(db, "mycollection", "novalue", nil, 100, true)
# Returns whether it exists and its score
{true, 42} = SortedSetKV.zscore(db, "mycollection", "hello")
{true, 420} = SortedSetKV.zscore(db, "mycollection", "foo")
{true, nil} = SortedSetKV.zscore(db, "mycollection", "noscore")
{true, 100} = SortedSetKV.zscore(db, "mycollection", "novalue")

# A key must have a score or a value to exist:
:ok = SortedSetKV.zadd(db, "mycollection", "noexists", nil, nil, true)
{false, nil} = SortedSetKV.zscore(db, "mycollection", "noexists")
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Retrieving Values

# Get a key with a minimum score
{value, score} = SortedSetKV.zgetbykey(db, "mycollection", "hello", 0)
# A key with a score lower than the minscore will return nil
nil = SortedSetKV.zgetbykey(db, "mycollection", "foo", 500)
# see if any keys exist with the score
true = SortedSetKV.zexists(db, "mycollection", 0, 500)
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Conditional Add

With zadd and zupdate, you can optionally only update the score if the new score is greater than the old score or if the old score is not set. This is important for monotonic TTL updates.

:ok = SortedSetKV.zadd(db, "mycollection", "hello", "world", 42, true)
{"world", 42} = SortedSetKV.zgetbykey(db, "mycollection", "hello", 0)
:ok = SortedSetKV.zadd(db, "mycollection", "hello", "value2", 0, true)
# only adds if the score is greather than
{"world", 42} = SortedSetKV.zgetbykey(db, "mycollection", "hello", 0)

:ok = SortedSetKV.zscoreupdate(db, "mycollection", "hello", 0, true)
{"world", 42} = SortedSetKV.zgetbykey(db, "mycollection", "hello", 0)

# Setting the value to false overrides this
:ok = SortedSetKV.zadd(db, "mycollection", "hello", "value2", 10, false)
{"value2", 10} = SortedSetKV.zgetbykey(db, "mycollection", "hello", 0)

:ok = SortedSetKV.zscoreupdate(db, "mycollection", "hello", 0, false)
{"value2", 0} = SortedSetKV.zgetbykey(db, "mycollection", "hello", 0)
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Iterating keys with scores

Iterate over keys based on their score.

offset = 0
limit = 100
["hello"] = SortedSetKV.zrangebyscore(db, "mycollection", 0, 50, offset, limit)
# Filter by prefix and score
["foo"] = SortedSetKV.zrangebyprefixscore(db, "mycollection", "fo", 0, 500, offset, limit)
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Removing Values

# Remove key
:ok = SortedSetKV.zrem(db, "mycollection", "hello")
# Remove all keys by score and returns how many it deleted
_ = SortedSetKV.zrembyrangebyscore(db, "mycollection", 0, 500, limit)
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SortedSetKV comes with basic queue functionality. You can push or pop elements on either end of the queue.

:ok = SortedSetKV.rpush(db, "mylist", "value")
:ok = SortedSetKV.rpush(db, "mylist", "value2")
"value" = SortedSetKV.lpop(db, "mylist")
"value2" = SortedSetKV.lpop(db, "mylist")
nil = SortedSetKV.lpop(db, "mylist")
:ok = SortedSetKV.rpush(db, "mylist", "1")
:ok = SortedSetKV.rpush(db, "mylist", "2")
:ok = SortedSetKV.lpush(db, "mylist", "0")
"0" = SortedSetKV.lpop(db, "mylist")
"2" = SortedSetKV.rpop(db, "mylist")
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If you use millisecond timestamps as the score, it behaves like a TTL.

{:ok, db} ="mypath")
# Add a key to a set, with a value and a score
:ok = SortedSetKV.zadd(db, "mycollection", "hello", "world", :os.system_time(:millisecond) + 5000)
# Get key only if it is in TTL
SortedSetKV.zgetbykey(db, "mycollection", "foo", :os.system_time(:millisecond))

# Clean up exipired Keys
SortedSetKV.zrembyrangebyscore(db, "mycollection", 0, :os.system_time(:millisecond))
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You can use a GenServer like this to customize your TTL cleanup. Because Elixir executes all Rust Nifs on one thread, you will not want to block for very long. It is wise to only delete a few keys at a time.

defmodule TTLCleanup do
    use GenServer
    require Logger

    @review_time 5_000

    def start_link(conn) do
      GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, conn, [])

    def init(conn) do
      Process.send_after(self(), :review_storage, @review_time)
      {:ok, conn}

    def handle_info(:review_storage, conn) do
      Logger.debug("TTL cleanup")

      :ok = scan(conn, "collection1")
      :ok = scan(conn, "collection2")
      :ok = scan(conn, "collection3")

      Process.send_after(self(), :review_storage, @review_time)

      {:noreply, conn}

    def scan(conn, collection) do
      new_agg =
        SortedSetKV.zrembyrangebyscore(conn, collection, 0, :os.system_time(:millisecond), 100)

      case new_agg do
        v when is_number(v) and v <= 99 ->

        v when is_number(v) ->
          scan(conn, collection)
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SortedSetKV is a different way to think about KeyValue storage. Whether you are storing time-series data or need to make a TTL expiration cache, SortedSetKV might be a good option.

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