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Meet GoCondor a new Golang web framework based on Gin


GoCondor is a Golang web framework for building apis, it aims to simplify the development experience for go developers with a development experience similar to Laravel, the framework has almost all the features of modern web frameworks, here is a list of the supported features:

  • Routing
  • Middlewares
  • Data Validation
  • Databases ORM (GORM integrated)
  • Events
  • Emails
  • JWT tokens
  • Cache (Redis)


GoCondor adopts an architecture similar to MVC, all routes are defined in a single file routes.go and the handling functions for these routes are defined in the directory handlers.


Handlers in GoCondor are simply functions that gets executed when a request is received at the crosponding route


GoCondor can be installed via GoCondor's CLI tool named Gaffer, to install Gaffer you can simply run the following command

go install
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To create a new project you can simply use Gaffer by run the follwoing command

gaffer new [project-name] [project-remote-repository]
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project-name is the name of your project. remote-repository is the remote repository that will host the project, usually is used.
Here is an example:

gaffer new myapp
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Running the project in the development mode

You can run the project in the live reloading mode for development using Gaffer by simply navigating to the project directory and running the following command

gaffer run:dev
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Getting started

To get started with GoCondor you can check the get started docs

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