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Harsh Mangalam
Harsh Mangalam

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Journey to the real world by cloning backend server(part 2)

In the last series we have talked about the tools and library we will use to create backend.

In this series we will setup our server using Express js , Prisma and apollo server.

I am using ubuntu linux based os and vscode as IDE.

Open your terminal using ctrl + alt + t and navigate to the choice of your directory where you will create your project .

harsh@dev:~ cd Harsh/nodejs/devblog_server
harsh@dev:~/Harsh/nodejs/devblog_server$ pnpm init -y
harsh@dev:~/Harsh/nodejs/devblog_server$  pnpm add apollo-server-express graphql express @prisma/client

harsh@dev:~/Harsh/nodejs/devblog_server$  pnpm add -D nodemon prisma
harsh@dev:~/Harsh/nodejs/devblog_server$  code .
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

here i am using pnpm a new way to manage nodejs dependency. pnpm is Fast, disk space efficient package manager and upto 2x faster than alternatives.

I have initialize brand new project devblog_server and then install dependencies and devDependencies related to express , prisma and apollo server.

apollo-server-express is a express integration of graphql server. You can opt any framework no matter like Connect, Hapi, Koa and Restify

graphql is a javascript implementation of GraphQL

@prisma/client is an auto-generated query builder that enables type-safe database access and reduces boilerplate

nodemon auto restart our development server when we make change in our file.

prisma provide cli based interface to generate prisma project and apply migration

In this series we have setup our development tools and installing our dependencies . From next series we will setup apollo server , express and prisma with postgresql database

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